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India's democracy is that they have caste system: devide people into different class
by their name and career. such as Brahmin,Kshatriya,Vaishya,Sūdra
They can't marry each other in different caste.
I think it is just like in the slave system era.

Does it mean democracy ?
India's democracy is that they have caste system: devide people into different class
by their name and career. such as Brahmin,Kshatriya,Vaishya,Sūdra
They can't marry each other in different caste.
I think it is just like in the slave system era.

Does it mean democracy ?

that is defintely not a part of our constitution....written nowhere...illegal everywhere.
since the aztecs and the mayans used to sacrifice a large part of their population...would you blame the mexicans and the brazillians of being pagan today?

we got a democratic system in place to rid ourselves of these evils.
Chinese official media do cover up, but seldom lie. India democratic free media lie to public, as they are free to lie.

Agreed that it is interesting.
yes,that is what I want to say too.

to China media,we try to uncover something,to democratic free media,we try to find out which is lie or exaggerate.

because if China media don't cover up something,they will meet trouble from govt.if democratic free media don't lie or exaggerate,they will lost market.
that is defintely not a part of our constitution....written nowhere...illegal everywhere.
since the aztecs and the mayans used to sacrifice a large part of their population...would you blame the mexicans and the brazillians of being pagan today?

we got a democratic system in place to rid ourselves of these evils.
sometimes,I really doubt if the democratic system is the right tool to deal with this issue.60 years had past.it seemed India keep using a small knife named "democratic system" cut a huge tree named "caste system" for 60 years,and merely cut off a small part of the tree.
sometimes,I really doubt if the democratic system is the right tool to deal with this issue.60 years had past.it seemed India keep using a small knife named "democratic system" cut a huge tree named "caste system" for 60 years,and merely cut off a small part of the tree.

your observation is quite right my friend....ours is gonna be a long and painfully slow way....we can make a zillion laws.....write editorials but it's in the minds of the common people....that the future of a country truly shapes up...democracy is a small rock hammer but the good thing is that it's in the hands of the right person.
your observation is quite right my friend....ours is gonna be a long and painfully slow way....we can make a zillion laws.....write editorials but it's in the minds of the common people....that the future of a country truly shapes up...democracy is a small rock hammer but the good thing is that it's in the hands of the right person.

But our system allows us to change the govt if we are not satisfiesd with the way solution....result of 2004 elections comes to mind...Atleast you need not watch your back all the time fearing the govt eyes keeping watch on you....

sometimes,I really doubt if the democratic system is the right tool to deal with this issue.60 years had past.it seemed India keep using a small knife named "democratic system" cut a huge tree named "caste system" for 60 years,and merely cut off a small part of the tree.

How will you differentiate between Hidding truth and telling lies...
Also democracy allows us to listen who ever we like to hear and make judgement our self...You are not allowed even to hear the counter view and thats the real difference...

But our system allows us to change the govt if we are not satisfiesd with the way solution....result of 2004 elections comes to mind...Atleast you need not watch your back all the time fearing the govt eyes keeping watch on you....


whatever the chinese have done it works.
we should appreciate their development...rather than finding loop-holes...every country has problems.they have done their bit to solve them..they view deomcracy as an ineffective way to govern a billion people...we think that a single party socialist system of the chinese is not good....different people different opinion...they think that watching **** is bad...and the state censorship is important...china is coming out good...nothing else matters.
although eventually the chinese might take the democratic route...once they exhaust the current 'after-burn' mode of a pseudo-dictatorship...and we might accelerate once we have a larger intelligentia base..
the chinses and indian models are so different yet so fascinating...the world will be watching how 1/2 of humanity seeks to rise and change the existing world order.
whatever the chinese have done it works.
we should appreciate their development...rather than finding loop-holes...every country has problems.they have done their bit to solve them..they view deomcracy as an ineffective way to govern a billion people...we think that a single party socialist system of the chinese is not good....different people different opinion...they think that watching **** is bad...and the state censorship is important...china is coming out good...nothing else matters.
although eventually the chinese might take the democratic route...once they exhaust the current 'after-burn' mode of a pseudo-dictatorship...and we might accelerate once we have a larger intelligentia base..
the chinses and indian models are so different yet so fascinating...the world will be watching how 1/2 of humanity seeks to rise and change the existing world order.

So tell me are you ready to live under the totalitarian system....Will you be happy if people behind incidence Thianman Sq will not be held accountable in India...Modi in Guj is on the same line...WHat you want should he be tried for his faults or in name of progress we don't question him....Its choice you have to make...we move slow but we are allowed to raise your voice....you know all the short coming of India because of Fre Media.....China is all honky Dory because of restriction on Media....even people are not allowed to move freely from Village to City ....do you want to live in that env....I don't and I harldy think that even you will like to live in that env (ANd I can be wrong in that)

in China today, lots of chinese relize that development is first important thing
in this stage. the survival rights is the most important.

and it is glad to see that we are improve our democracy
in fact, we did not envy your democracy system.
You can come to china's forum,
if there is any subject about India, we first laugh at your democracy.
because we think that this system is beyond your economic development stage and population quality
So tell me are you ready to live under the totalitarian system....Will you be happy if people behind incidence Thianman Sq will not be held accountable in India...Modi in Guj is on the same line...WHat you want should he be tried for his faults or in name of progress we don't question him....Its choice you have to make...we move slow but we are allowed to raise your voice....you know all the short coming of India because of Fre Media.....China is all honky Dory because of restriction on Media....even people are not allowed to move freely from Village to City ....do you want to live in that env....I don't and I harldy think that even you will like to live in that env (ANd I can be wrong in that)


i never said that we dont have our privileges...tell me how many times have you cursed the system when the likes of raj thackeray or modi or sri ram sene...or vhp or simi are allowed to spread hate...?
whether you like it or not...india is still a nation of village dwellers and they can be moved easily...to form the righteous opinion you have to be educated...and democracy works on the opinion of the largest homogeneous group...so that way..we all would be burning hay in the middle of the chowk to rid the area of mosquitos...or something like that.
dude...democracy is obviously the best and most modern system...but nothing works the way it is intended to...to comfort you...i agree with your observations...but i have a point.
in China today, lots of chinese relize that development is first important thing
in this stage. the survival rights is the most important.

and it is glad to see that we are improve our democracy
in fact, we did not envy your democracy system.
You can come to china's forum,
if there is any subject about India, we first laugh at your democracy.
because we think that this system is beyond your economic development stage and population quality

what you do in your forums is not what we discuss here...it wasnt a part of the indian constitution to make you and your friends laugh...but we dont mind if it did.
you can think that you play all your stages in 'god-mode'...but a democracy is improved/updated through amendments.i've had enough narcissism coming from your side mate...it's practical to accept criticism.
in China today, lots of chinese relize that development is first important thing
in this stage. the survival rights is the most important.

and it is glad to see that we are improve our democracy
in fact, we did not envy your democracy system.
You can come to china's forum,
if there is any subject about India, we first laugh at your democracy.
because we think that this system is beyond your economic development stage and population quality

Well any sort of restriction on free thinking is a hinderence to the longterm survivial of a country. As i have mentioned in some other posts. I heard a documentry of a hongkong media mogul who once said that,what china lacks is a strong moral ground, their entire life is build and revolves around economy and if that fails.. they dont have nothing to go back too..!!!! It think i mentioned it in this thread itself..!!! Could any of my chinese friends give their opinion on the above statement..!!!!
what you do in your forums is not what we discuss here...it wasnt a part of the indian constitution to make you and your friends laugh...but we dont mind if it did.
you can think that you play all your stages in 'god-mode'...but a democracy is improved/updated through amendments.i've had enough narcissism coming from your side mate...it's practical to accept criticism.

Democracy is a perfect system in theory. I don't deny it
But if put into practise,
we must consider a lots of factors.
such as population quantity and quality, educational level,
economic level and culture etc.

Chinese goverment in very cautious ,
because we have mad lots mistakes in history
Goverment any sort of restriction on free thinking is a hinderence to the longterm survivial of a country. As i have mentioned in some other posts. I heard a documentry of a hongkong media mogul who once said that,what china lacks is a strong moral ground, their entire life is build and revolves around economy and if that fails.. they dont have nothing to go back too..!!!! It think i mentioned it in this thread itself..!!! Could any of my chinese friends give their opinion on the above statement..!!!!

Government don't put any restriction on our mind, you must be get too many wrong
information and calumniation from the western media. in china you can talk any
thing( except against nation and CPC).

We admit these 30 years we just focus on development economic and ignore molding our core values. But i think that if citizen break away from the shadle of poority, they will began to pay attention on this.

in fact, recently lots of elits of china have appeal for it, and we believe that we will become better and better
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