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Chinese FM talks with DPRK, ROK, U.S. diplomats on Korean Peninsular situation


May 31, 2010
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Chinese FM talks with DPRK, ROK, U.S. diplomats on Korean Peninsular situation - People's Daily OnlineNovember 27, 2010

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with Chi Jae Ryong, Ambassador of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to China, and held phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ROK Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan on Friday.

They exchanged views on issues including the situation of the Korean Peninsula, according to a statement released Friday night by the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Yang said China gives utmost attention to the exchange of fire between the DPRK and the ROK which happened days ago, and is very concerned about the development of the situation.

The DPRK and the ROK should exercise calm and restraint, engage in contacts as soon as possible, and solve problems through negotiations and dialogue, Yang said.

"The pressing task now is to put the situation under control and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents," he said.

Parties related should actively work for peace and facilitate talks, jointly safeguard peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula while adopting responsible attitudes, Yang said.

Parties involved should work together for an early restart of the six-party talks, and push forward denuclearization process of the Korean Peninsula, Yang said.

The DPRK, the ROK and the U.S. sides elaborated on their views on the current situation, and expressed the importance they attached to China's stance and their willingness to maintain contacts with the Chinese side.

The ROK and the DPRK exchanged artillery fire Tuesday in waters off the west coast of the Korean Peninsula, leaving four people dead.

China on Friday also voiced its opposition to any military acts in its exclusive economic zone without permission, days before a joint military exercise between United States and ROK on the Yellow Sea.

"We hold a consistent and clear-cut stance on the issue. We oppose any party to take any military acts in our exclusive economic zone without permission," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement Friday.

Source: Xinhua
Maybe every time the US attacks another "hostile power", we should do a naval exercise with Russia along the coast of California. :rolleyes:
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