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Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK


Via http://www.81.cn/kj/2022-06/08/content_10161329.htm
I was comparing the J-16 against J-11B color marking. Also J-10C vs J-10A color marking.

No, you clearly said "Good that they got rid off the ugly black radome, light grey matches the tone better", which is simply WRONG! You were not comparing, you were assuming they replaced the original black ones on the J-11B with new grey ones since you again did not care or do not know better. And now - similar like you try to portray or false claims from months ago concerning "end of J-15 production, no J-15s for Shandong and no in the SCS" as correct instead of simply admitting you were wrong!
I love what the Chinese have done with the Flanker family, they've developed it way beyond its original capability. And it's sad that the Russians were not capable of doing this. In fact, I love how the Chinese have taken Russian/Soviet designs and developed them to their full potential.

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