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Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

This is not confirmed and in fact it does not look that way ... they got indeed an MLU, but there not up to J-16 standard.

They are still using twist cassegrain radars. A documentary on PLANAF claims that J-10A has the advantage in BVR combat.

Via 解放军报

His wife is actually an aircraft engineer from the SAC. I guess their marriage story went something like this:

Golden helmet pilot -- during the combat exercise I found this and this and this issue with the aircraft radar and control response time.

J-16 engineer -- no frickin way. This has been thoroughly covered during test flight.

Golden helmet pilot -- oh yeah? Wanna bet?

J-16 enginer -- how about this. I'll MARRY you if the problems you stated are actually real!
Based on an image just released by Kanwa Defense Review 漢和防務評論 it seems as if the PLAN Naval base at Huangdicun has what appears to be five J-16 multirole fighters.

Given their light grey colour scheme I don't think these are PLAN Su-30MK2 but indeed J-16 ....
... however so far the PLAN does not operate thsi type.

(Image via Kanwa Defense Review 漢和防務評論 / Facebook)

Huangdicun - carrier base + J-16.JPG

PS .. these are just ordinary J-15s

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