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Chinese firms offer to build three dams

Great news indeed. Love to see Pak-China relationship strengthening by each passing day. I wish them good luck.

Thanks for motorway M-4 link. But I think there can be number of reasons for being behind schedule not necessarily due to company's fault.

I dont know about the details of it cause I was there for just 6 weeks, but one thing was pretty much certain that both the consultant ( Swiss Firm) & the client NHA were not happy with them , they were of the view that even a Pakistani consortium would have been better as was the case in M-1.One more thing was there too that they had their complete technical team from China , from draft men to material enginneer , very few Pakistani were there especially in the technical staff, even the consultants which were required by the ADB to have certain number of foreigner had lots of Pakistani and were paying them well. This was not the case in M-1 ,M-2 Projects.
And again these are not my views , i just got them from different people , so if any body has some information regarding this issue then correct me.
A timely news but what would be greater would be if China Pakistan and turkey annouce something grand scale in commerce its need of time ...
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