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Chinese firecracker market share doubles to 40% in India

The Indian love lie, talk big, talk grandiose projects, it is well known, today I want to say some facts,

The ordinary people love boast is known, Indian man like rhetoric cheat girl;Indian politicians like to talk, to deceive "voters"will only with the mouth express ambition;Indian businessmen like penny cheap, buy 4 etc. Products sold as 2-class; Indian media like exaggerated to attract eyeball..... India's religion, with functions of brainwashing, let dalit etc don't question their "fate", even if live in slums, wandering in the street, will also be happy begging, but they still know Gandhi,and don't know Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar,,

After 24 hours, next, , the big mouth Indian media will soon have a new data, the data will rise to 80%, 100%... Believe it or not, O (==) O ha ha ~

In addition,, the indians greed this is everyone knows, Chinese goods are divided into 1-2-3class, , The higher the price, the better the quality 。Indians came to China, always like to bargain, this is known in China, They don't even willing to pay third price of the product. they let the Chinese businessmen made a 4-class products for them, and returned to India as 2-class products to sale. Even their inida production, producing defective goods more expensive, lol,, they India should be complaining about being greedy, rather than the poor quality of Chinese products.

Seems that some Indian politicians and businessmen are looking for an imaginary enemy to achieve their purpose, but for a long time, for India, China didn't regard him as the enemy, only themselves noisy , make up some lie deluding themselves (for example, up to now the Indian government also dare not lifted 1962 files , who waged war) hhaa.. 1962, in China, who knows.. LOL.

A country has just started to grow, not to develop the economy, the themselves supa pawa cried chased noisy with other courtry, and is wise, or an idiot..

If he really is supa pawa, or have the ability, would have the Indian threat in the world,, LOL,,,,

Raja Narendra bhaarat : why India is nod a supapawa,

Shiva:You have do word hard, wioo have resut

Raja Narendra bhaarat : Whad is that, My Beople onliy god at soid. .

Shiva: oh § ░ does... ▃ ☚ ♯ ㏇ ۞ ☝ % WCNMLGB, shut ub! Listen do the opinions of the dlclong. Undersdond yoursevf! bye the wee,u vinglish is so bad ,eeven vinglish people gannot undersdond, tanks to myself, , im god ,bhagavaan!
solly,Indians are nod going do listen do you.
**supa pawa Mahabhaarat, ,,,
Jai Hind ,,,,,Hindustan Zindabad,,
Tank u !O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

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