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Chinese Exporters Putting Propaganda Messages on Products Such As “Diaoyu Island are Chinese!"

2015年07月18日 00:31:33 来源: 新华网















7月16日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理张高丽在河内会见越南政府总理阮晋勇。新华社记者 兰红光


7月17日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理张高丽在河内会见越南国家主席张晋创。 新华社记者兰红光摄


7月16日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理张高丽在河内与越共中央政治局委员、越南政府副总理阮春福举行会谈。新华社记者 王晔摄

Chinese Vice Premier attends friendship meeting in Hanoi

Chinese Politburo Standing Committee member and Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli attended a friendship meeting in Hanoi on July 18, as part of his ongoing visit to Vietnam.

Attending the event were President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Vu Xuan Hong, representatives from the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations and the Vietnam-China Friendship Association, researchers in Chinese study and former students in China .

Head of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Li Xiaolin also joined the meeting.

Speaking at the event, VUFO President Vu Xuan Hong highlighted the role of people’s diplomacy in strengthening bilateral cooperation and the friendship between the two countries.

Many participants who used to work and study in China shared their memories of their schools and teachers in China, and recalled the support they received from Chinese schools and people during their stay.

They expressed wish that the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership will flourish in a stable and sustainable way.

On his part, Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli said one of the objectives of his Vietnam visit is expanding people-to-people contacts between the two nations.

He stated that the friendship between Vietnam and China, initiated and nurtured by President Mao Zedong and President Ho Chi Minh, should be further reinforced and promoted, contributing to serving the national construction and development in each country.

Following the meeting, the Vice Premier and the Chinese delegation visited a photo exhibition featuring President Ho Chi Minh with the Vietnam-China ties at the Ho Chi Minh Museum.-VNA
In recent years when the SCS disputes rise, many Vietnamese have negative feelings about China. I remembered that before 2005, most of Vietnamese like China, in Vietnam television there were full of Chinese movies and many history experts complained that Vietnamese student knew Chinese history even better than Vietnam history. But now, when you are in vietnam, better not talking anything relating to China.
In recent years when the SCS disputes rise, many Vietnamese have negative feelings about China. I remembered that before 2005, most of Vietnamese like China, in Vietnam television there were full of Chinese movies and many history experts complained that Vietnamese student knew Chinese history even better than Vietnam history. But now, when you are in vietnam, better not talking anything relating to China.

Cant help the haters
But there are still a vast number of people in your country who treasure ties with China as reflected by this:

China remains largest trade partner of Vietnam in 6 months - World - Chinadaily.com.cn

Well, almost every country has China as the biggest trading partner so not a surprise. China make some nice dough off Vietnam

But the p#ssies are from the pro-west ultra nationalists in the forum and elsewhere

With the growing amount of hatred between the 2 peoples on forums which is not reflecting the true scenariao as indicated in trade, top level diplomacy and other cultural stuffs, It only benefits opportunists like jpn and ind trolls plus pinoys and usa as well which would like China and Viets to go into a war

We should not play into the hands of the bunch of losers

But the p#ssies are from the pro-west ultra nationalists in the forum and elsewhere

With the growing amount of hatred between the 2 peoples on forums which is not reflecting the true scenariao as indicated in trade, top level diplomacy and other cultural stuffs, It only benefits opportunists like jpn and ind trolls plus pinoys and usa as well which would like China and Viets to go into a war

We should not play into the hands of the bunch of losers


Vietnam would be stupid to go to war with China unless they want to become part of China. I don't take anything about country x vs. China in any war scenario seriously.
Just laugh it off and move on.
In fact it advantageous for Chinese to allow ignorant and retarded people remain just that. If you make them too smart, China's trade surplus with them will shrink. @TaiShang @Keel
Vietnam would be stupid to go to war with China unless they want to become part of China. I don't take anything about country x vs. China in any war scenario seriously.
Just laugh it off and move on.
In fact it advantageous for Chinese to allow ignorant and retarded people remain just that. If you make them too smart, China's trade surplus with them will shrink. @TaiShang @Keel

Well, China has 30 million single men, and this is what the countries like Vietnam and Japan can really do us a favor.

Sometimes China really wanna see one of those countries to be stupid enough to declare a war against us.

Unfortunately, their leaders are way smarter than those keyboard warriors, and during the critical moment before a real standoff, they just back down as usual.
Well, China has 30 million single men, and this is what the countries like Vietnam and Japan can really do us a favor.

Sometimes China really wanna see one of those countries to be stupid enough to declare a war against us.

Unfortunately, their leaders are way smarter than those keyboard warriors, and during the critical moment before a real standoff, they just back down as usual.


With the progress of our development into the next level of hi-tech exports as evidenced by nuclear plants, HSRs, , ships, heavy machineries ...and a bit later in commercial jets only a terrible war is what the haters would hope for to stop our growth

Well, China has 30 million single men, and this is what the countries like Vietnam and Japan can really do us a favor.

Sometimes China really wanna see one of those countries to be stupid enough to declare a war against us.

Unfortunately, their leaders are way smarter than those keyboard warriors, and during the critical moment before a real standoff, they just back down as usual.

Who would dare to attack China ?
China is a peaceful nation,as long as you don't bully them. :china:
Lol,if the keyboard warriors in PDF were president or in high command of countries,there would be a nuclear war on every continent. :lol:

With the progress of our development into the next level of hi-tech exports as evidenced by nuclear plants, HSRs, , ships, heavy machineries ...and a bit later in commercial jets only a terrible war is what the haters would hope for to stop our growth


One day haters will have their head exploding, while China will still thrive.

Who would dare to attack China ?
China is a peaceful nation,as long as you don't bully them. :china:
Lol,if the keyboard warriors in PDF were president or in high command of countries,there would be a nuclear war on every continent. :lol:

President Hollande will have a state visit to China in the next month, and I wish this state visit will pave the new era of cooperation between China and France (Europe).
One day haters will have their head exploding, while China will still thrive.

President Hollande will have a state visit to China in the next month, and I wish this state visit will pave the new era of cooperation between China and France (Europe).

Relations between France and China are at their peak

Six months after his visit to China, the Prime Minister was delighted to receive his Chinese counterpart, Li Keqiang, on his first official visit to France, which lasted three days. Manuel Valls and Li Keqiang were able to discuss the progress made since January 2015, notably with regards to economic cross investments and the issuing of long-term visas. Manuel Valls also welcomed China's commitment after it announced, from Paris, its national contribution to the Paris climate conference, to be held in December 2015.

Relations between France and China are at their peak | Gouvernement.fr
One day haters will have their head exploding, while China will still thrive.

We should still be keeping our heads cool and not forgetting to advance ourselves into every domain - be they in advanced weaponry, infrastructures, science and technology, space, educations, arts and culture, health and welfare

If we should fail, we examine the problems on ourselves first

President Hollande will have a state visit to China in the next month, and I wish this state visit will pave the new era of cooperation between China and France (Europe).

Merkel is coming along too on a different schedule!
Respect is earned from performance that can be delivered

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The currency swap should be the main focus for the coming visit from the head of state from Holland/Germany/France.
The currency swap should be the focus for the coming visit from the head of state from Holland/Germany/France.

Hmm the Euro is the second largest trading currency in world with which we usually trade directly with each other ie without the need to go through the exchange for a third party currency like the dollar,

We have just established the CIPS (more info in the link below) to effect the expediancy of our bilateral trade on top of the various RMB offshore trading centers in Europe or if they want more of those centers, welcome

China International Payments System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Renminbi hubs outside China

Internationalization of the renminbi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, we would encourage the endorsements from the 2 great visiting leaders for our SDR status

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Vietnamese people never forget our heroes whos were killed by Chinese aggresor In Paracel and in Spratly in 1974 and 1988.:smokin:


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