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Chinese Execution Buses


May 19, 2006
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Its quite moving.
Wonder Why Nobody is replying to this post,
Its barbaric, if China is officially doing this, it needs to be condemned.
It is still considered third world due to such reasons, despite the economic boom.

Of course I've heard about vast amounts of improvements to the Chinese governance system. It's a period of transition and sooner or later it will work out the kinks, itself. They are Chinese people, so the Chinese need to fix it themselves.
China has a lot of social problems that can be found related to national system, while execution itself is not the highlight. although calls for tighten up the legal system are issued day to day by the congress and the govt. hav been making efforts for that, process of democracy and legal system still lag behind the booming economy. which is most criticised by Chinese media especially Southern Metropolis, the radical newspaper in Guangzhou.

Execution,the most debated punishment in China, is now strictly limited only applicable for grave crime which causes aggravated results like violent kill.but still a long way to go before its abolishment.

btw,86 countries in our world have abolished execution by year of 2004, others like USA,Russia,Japan,India,China are not in the list. and what's more, every country has its own stain, such as the caste-based racism in India. and you must be aware of the introductory remark read on the homepage of
Derechos (http://www.derechos.org/saran/india/) which goes as below:

The "largest democracy in the world" does not have a clean human rights records. Every year, thousands of people are imprisoned for political reasons, often without charges of trials. Torture and ill-treatment are common, and hundreds have died in custody. Hundreds more are victims of extra-judicial executions or forced "disappearances". Armed groups commit grave human rights violations, including killings, tortures and rapes, with impunity.

Indian human rights is not my business but I do respect the Derechos remark.
:army: china is so large and also hae alot of social problems ,but in fact every

conutry has it''s stain ,but we never hidden it we try our best to make it over

and avoid it happen again just like this ,I think not china but the who world

no best only exist better ,for example the war of Iraq ,in fact we kown that

a lot of innocent pepople lost their lives ,maybe by their dying their do not

kown why their were killed ,are't they shoule be killed by American

government ,who should protect their human rights??? no one can answer!
:army: china is so large and also hae alot of social problems ,but in fact every

conutry has it''s stain ,but we never hidden it we try our best to make it over

and avoid it happen again just like this ,I think not china but the who world

no best only exist better ,for example the war of Iraq ,in fact we kown that

a lot of innocent pepople lost their lives ,maybe by their dying their do not

kown why their were killed ,are't they shoule be killed by American

government ,who should protect their human rights??? no one can answer!

Executions should only be reserved for grave crimes, or crimes of treason (due to it's adverse effect on entire country). China has already reformed this and # of sentenced has dropped dramatically in last few years (read some reports). The USA which has for much of the last year has the most executions is also the one pointing the finger the most --- classic hypocracy.

Also those sentence to death in China have 2 years reprieve, in which if they don't commit crimes during that time get sentence reduced to imprisonment.

A recent move was made from firing squad to lethal injection. The US still uses electricution as well as lethal injection.

My personal opinion is that it is better to sentence criminals to life of hard labour than execution, with option for early release for good behaviour. Only reserve execution for grave crimes and treason.
Executions should only be reserved for grave crimes, or crimes of treason (due to it's adverse effect on entire country). China has already reformed this and # of sentenced has dropped dramatically in last few years (read some reports). The USA which has for much of the last year has the most executions is also the one pointing the finger the most --- classic hypocracy.
If China's capital punishment is so justifiable, then why the secrecy? At least the US is not hiding the fac that we have capital punishment. For a dictatorship, even looking askance at 'the leader' can earn a person the death sentence. And we do not execute those who have political dissents. At the 4:55 timestamp, the Chinese attorney said that %99.99 of the acused face the death penalty. The US have nowhere that high rate of conviction for capital cases.
If China's capital punishment is so justifiable, then why the secrecy? At least the US is not hiding the fac that we have capital punishment. For a dictatorship, even looking askance at 'the leader' can earn a person the death sentence. And we do not execute those who have political dissents. At the 4:55 timestamp, the Chinese attorney said that %99.99 of the acused face the death penalty. The US have nowhere that high rate of conviction for capital cases.

"%99.99" :woot: Wow you believe that face value? That's a figure of speech. Who said China is more secretive than US, it is published. Also the US does not include the SECRET EXECUTIONS of "terrorists" in Gitmo, Abu Graib and other "secret" foreign places. In fact they route the planes full of "terrorists" (really just innocent people) all over UK and Europe, and blame nations like Afghan for it.

Guess you also believe the whole "19 Arab Hijackers" MYTH. :cheesy: Damn those Arab muslims from Saudi, they are so stealthy that they managed to bypass check-in and port security to hide in the airplane's cargo, only to magically over-power a plane packed full of Americans with mere "box-cutters".

Beejeezus, if I could only go to S.A. and hire meself some of these super-ninja-arab-jihadis I can take over the world. MUWHAAAA!!!!!! MUAHHHAAAAA!!!!!! :victory::chilli::taz::flame:

/sinister grin!
3-5K executions a year...that's one way of keeping a tab on population growth

You never know ..you might even get death penalty for parking your car in a no parking area!
Some one might need your kidney more badly than you.!
3-5K executions a year...that's one way of keeping a tab on population growth

You never know ..you might even get death penalty for parking your car in a no parking area!
Some one might need your kidney more badly than you.!

Where did you get this 3-5K executions a year, any RELIABLE SOURCE or did you just pull that out of your arse? India is the human rights violation and EXTRA-JUDICIAL EXECUTION capital of the world. So much is secretive and happening in tribal/rural areas, and the fact that NGOs are hampered/restricted we really don't know the tally.

"%99.99" :woot: Wow you believe that face value? That's a figure of speech. Who said China is more secretive than US, it is published. Also the US does not include the SECRET EXECUTIONS of "terrorists" in Gitmo, Abu Graib and other "secret" foreign places. In fact they route the planes full of "terrorists" (really just innocent people) all over UK and Europe, and blame nations like Afghan for it.

Guess you also believe the whole "19 Arab Hijackers" MYTH. :cheesy: Damn those Arab muslims from Saudi, they are so stealthy that they managed to bypass check-in and port security to hide in the airplane's cargo, only to magically over-power a plane packed full of Americans with mere "box-cutters".

Beejeezus, if I could only go to S.A. and hire meself some of these super-ninja-arab-jihadis I can take over the world. MUWHAAAA!!!!!! MUAHHHAAAAA!!!!!! :victory::chilli::taz::flame:

/sinister grin!

If you are going to make crappy accusations either back them up with reliable sources or pack it up.
You are getting boring.

The only other reason I can see for most of your posts is to get a big post count to bump yourself up in the post count "seniority" status.
If you are going to make crappy accusations either back them up with reliable sources or pack it up.
You are getting boring.

The only other reason I can see for most of your posts is to get a big post count to bump yourself up in the post count "seniority" status.

19 Arab-hijackers aren't my crappy accusations, they are Zionist Media's. They are still peddling the whole Arab/Muslims did 9/11 lie. Larry Silverstein right after the attack (unknowingly) confessed to ordering to have it "pulled", you can search for the video online. Watch the entire video, there's no mistake what "pull it" refered to in demolition industry. :argh:
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