To you may be. But I am not going to make a statement like that. I am not a bigot, I can agree or disagree with people, I don't have to go low like them. I can respectfully disagree with their beliefs, comments or statements. But since, there is comprehension issues, I will try to break it down and make it more simpler.
Yes, thats how governments are supposed to interact with other nations. Wouldn't have any problem, if China or any other country did the same for Pakistan. And no it, doesn't go against Islamic teachings because when that package is received in the receiving country it is probably sorted in a proper manner and then distributed by their local people. And even if the flags are plastered on each every thing inside those packages, the people aren't ridiculed to bring utensils from their homes just to get minuscule amount of it.
Will re-iterate my comment: If a Pakistani did the same thing in Ethiopia or any-other country in the same manner, I would even oppose that. Its about being human, its about empathy, its about respect.
Now coming to my first comment, to which you replied. My comment was: Extremely disrespectful and disgraceful. If any one wants to learn how to properly distribute aid learn from the following video.
Hopefully this time you will take a bit more time to read properly.