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Chinese diplomat and Rauf Klasra in bitter tweeting match over CPEC

It's good to see Pakistani journalists exercising independent judgement. We must question everything. A free and independent press is a symbol of a first world progressive and liberal society.

LOL a Pakistani journalist with british passport who promotes indian/US point of view on his twitter account. Rauf Klasra is a pathetic fraud.
Foreign funded agent/journo Rauf Klasra is a fraud. His alleged involvement with British mission as well as State dept. funding his trips to London and Washington have been discussed in many reports. This sick Klasra was one of the 282 from 2013 report who took Pak govt. money to pay for all-expenses paid trips as well as food he ate.

Pakistan is in a race against time, Indus Water Treaty is in shamble and water issues with india are going to get more problematic in future with india now building dams on its sourced rivers.

The only institutions that aid and finance projects like World Bank and ADB have already withdrawn their support on hydropower projects funding. The western nations from Canada to Germany as well as Japan are not interested in anything to with Pakistan as well as pressure from their indian lobbies.

The only country in the world that is helping Pakistan, is China. China is not only funding hydropower projects in Kashmir, KPK, GB. China recently put strateically important Diamer Bhasha Dam in their CPEC funding mechanism. They are also building plants to reduce Pakistan's reliance on furnace oil [expensive source of fuel], which is solar,wind, coal, lignite [Thar Coal], RLNG

With Bol channel and Aamir Liaquats program, people need to realize that the worst segmentthat is taking money from overseas and destroying us is'n the politicians only but these gutter filth Pakistani journalists, electronic media talk show hosts.These monsters are a cancer to Pakistan's progress they are more dangertous than any other group as they are being used to target Pakistan's interests without firing a single shot.

Haraamkhor brigade, from Rauf Klasra [92], Beenish Saleem [capital tv], Owais Tohid [capital tv], Talat Hussain [geo], Shahzeb Khanzada [geo], Wusat Khan [Zara hatt kay, dawn], MArvi Sirmed etc...are the most agenda-fied pieces of sh*t that are considered credible and are being used to screw Pakistani minds.
LOL a Pakistani journalist with british passport who promotes indian/US point of view on his twitter account. Rauf Klasra is a pathetic fraud.

Well I guess he does have the right to promote Indian + American interests. Even if they end up hurting his own country.
Well I guess he does have the right to promote Indian + American interests. Even if they end up hurting his own country.

Hehehe absolutely Rauf klasra is justified to be a citizen of another country or take US state dept. money, problem is he did'nt uttered this from his bloody mouth. ITs all been reported by others which this scum Pakistani journos [same as paid traitor journalist brit national najam sethi] neither confirm nor deny but keep mum and continue their BS. They use local issues as a way to build their credibility amongst viewers who watch these sick agents, which is why he is more dangerous and a treacherous for the country than any highly corrupt lawmaker.
Well I guess he does have the right to promote Indian + American interests. Even if they end up hurting his own country.
There are many type of Pakistanis like this Fraud reporter in PDF. You think they really care how Pakistan will progress? They are wolf cover in Pakistanis sheet. They love how they serve their western master. You think they will shelve a tear when US drone killing large number of Innocent Pakistanis? I bet behind they are drinking ,womanizing and doing all kind of haram while claim they are true muslim.

They will promote superiority of western and always badmouth how bad and inferior Chinese quality is and question Chinese investment is nothing but a scam and totally no benefit to Pakistan.
There are many type of Pakistanis like this Fraud reporter in PDF. You think they really care how Pakistan will progress? They are wolf cover in Pakistanis sheet. They love how they serve their western master. You think they will shelve a tear when US drone killing large number of Innocent Pakistanis? I bet behind they are drinking ,womanizing and doing all kind of haram while claim they are true muslim.

They will promote superiority of western and always badmouth how bad and inferior Chinese quality is and question Chinese investment is nothing but a scam and totally no benefit to Pakistan.

Every country has its share of these type of people. Nothing to do except to counter it or ignore it I guess.

It seems the vast majority of the decision makers in Pakistan (whether the current government or the opposition) are strongly pro-CPEC. And that means the project will go ahead for sure.
Every country has its share of these type of people. Nothing to do except to counter it or ignore it I guess.

It seems the vast majority of the decision makers in Pakistan (whether the current government or the opposition) are strongly pro-CPEC. And that means the project will go ahead for sure.
Beware of members like Basel and LeGenD, they are the people I describe above. They are selling their soul to American and on pretext of loyalty to Pakistan. Their aim is to promote American interest.

And these 2 are just tip of the iceberg, they are also many, beware!
Beware of members like Basel and LeGenD, they are the people I describe above. They are selling their soul to American and on pretext of loyalty to Pakistan. Their aim is to promote American interest.

And these 2 are just tip of the iceberg, they are also many, beware!

I always thought Legend was an American anyway.

I use the mobile version of this site, so I never see anyone's flags to begin with. The loyalty of specific members is shown by which interests they serve.
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