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Chinese coast guard vs Vietnamese coast guard: Clash

I think China being a bigger more powerful country should give some leeway to her smaller neighbors. The Chinese map of their EEZ is just ridiculous and disregard the interest of all of her neighbors. At the same time, I think smaller countries surround China should not antagonize China.

Vietnam have been through a lot and just beginning to reap economic benefit. The Vietnamese people need to calm down and focus on the economy. The last war killed 3 million Vietnamese and set the country back decades. Vietnam doesn't need a war with China. The result would not be good for Vietnam. China is a stone throw away from Vietnam and Vietnamese should develope closer ties with China and everyone else.

Vietnam cannot rely on the US. Vietnamese need to remember that US will betray anyone. The US supported the French against an Vietnamese independence. We need to remember that. The US doesn't care about Vietnam or any of the Southeast Asian countries. The US will withdraw when it suit their interest just like during the Vietnam War. To American, SEA countries are mere cheap places for prostitutes.

People need to calm down with all the rhetoric. Vietnam and the Philippines should be understand that the US is using them to further their own interest and should not take side.

The only one who benefits in a war for SC Sea is the US, with more weapon sales and a firmer hold in the area. The people who suffers are the regular Vietnamese, Chinese, and Filippino with death and destructions that will take decades to recover.

Vietnam should remember that 10% of the population died during the last war. They should remember My Lai Massacre and all the dehumanization rapes Vietnamese dedured by American and the French during the war. Philippines should remember they fought a war with America to gain independence.

Fact is America doesn't care about any Asian countries or its people. So people should think clearly before getting into bed with someone who will betray them at any moment.
The Vietnamese ship couldn't even successfully push the Chinese ship away from its patrol. The Chinese ship kept going, not caring, and the Vietnamese ship almost broke by the collision (and the cameraman fell on his buttocks). Then the Vietnamese ship couldn't catch up and gave up. :lol:
The Vietnamese ship couldn't even successfully push the Chinese ship away from its patrol. The Chinese ship kept going, not caring, and the Vietnamese ship almost broke by the collision (and the cameraman fell on his buttocks). Then the Vietnamese ship couldn't catch up and gave up. :lol:

We going to push your ships in 200 miles from coastline in EZZ of Vietnam based on UNCLOS, which chinese gov signed.
I think China being a bigger more powerful country should give some leeway to her smaller neighbors. The Chinese map of their EEZ is just ridiculous and disregard the interest of all of her neighbors. At the same time, I think smaller countries surround China should not antagonize China.

Vietnam have been through a lot and just beginning to reap economic benefit. The Vietnamese people need to calm down and focus on the economy. The last war killed 3 million Vietnamese and set the country back decades. Vietnam doesn't need a war with China. The result would not be good for Vietnam. China is a stone throw away from Vietnam and Vietnamese should develope closer ties with China and everyone else.

Vietnam cannot rely on the US. Vietnamese need to remember that US will betray anyone. The US supported the French against an Vietnamese independence. We need to remember that. The US doesn't care about Vietnam or any of the Southeast Asian countries. The US will withdraw when it suit their interest just like during the Vietnam War. To American, SEA countries are mere cheap places for prostitutes.

People need to calm down with all the rhetoric. Vietnam and the Philippines should be understand that the US is using them to further their own interest and should not take side.

The only one who benefits in a war for SC Sea is the US, with more weapon sales and a firmer hold in the area. The people who suffers are the regular Vietnamese, Chinese, and Filippino with death and destructions that will take decades to recover.

Vietnam should remember that 10% of the population died during the last war. They should remember My Lai Massacre and all the dehumanization rapes Vietnamese dedured by American and the French during the war. Philippines should remember they fought a war with America to gain independence.

Fact is America doesn't care about any Asian countries or its people. So people should think clearly before getting into bed with someone who will betray them at any moment.
Thanks for your concern to VN, bro, but what will you do if some aggressive country try to violate US sea teritory ??you will kill them , right ??so do we , and if we can not kill them bcz they're 30 times bigger than us, we will ram their ship :)

We bought enough weapon from Russia , we don't need US's help much , btw: thanks for lifting your weapon embargo to VN :)
The Vietnamese ship couldn't even successfully push the Chinese ship away from its patrol. The Chinese ship kept going, not caring, and the Vietnamese ship almost broke by the collision (and the cameraman fell on his buttocks). Then the Vietnamese ship couldn't catch up and gave up. :lol:

Do you realy want to know why China Maritime keep running and without fight? Let me tell you now, at that time China Marintime already trespassing in to Vietnam EZZ signed by China, and if China Marintime at that time try to get into international water before SU and Vietnam Navy get its.[ Vietnam Navy on the way from Cam Ranh to support Vietnam Marine Police]

That's a reason why their tried to run fast before VN navy get its.That's fact

Thanks Chinese to show me some pictures and also prove to the World know that's a way you bullied us, and what we said to the World is not fabricate but China does. [Picture says thousand words]
I think China being a bigger more powerful country should give some leeway to her smaller neighbors. The Chinese map of their EEZ is just ridiculous and disregard the interest of all of her neighbors. At the same time, I think smaller countries surround China should not antagonize China.

Vietnam have been through a lot and just beginning to reap economic benefit. The Vietnamese people need to calm down and focus on the economy. The last war killed 3 million Vietnamese and set the country back decades. Vietnam doesn't need a war with China. The result would not be good for Vietnam. China is a stone throw away from Vietnam and Vietnamese should develope closer ties with China and everyone else.

Vietnam cannot rely on the US. Vietnamese need to remember that US will betray anyone. The US supported the French against an Vietnamese independence. We need to remember that. The US doesn't care about Vietnam or any of the Southeast Asian countries. The US will withdraw when it suit their interest just like during the Vietnam War. To American, SEA countries are mere cheap places for prostitutes.

People need to calm down with all the rhetoric. Vietnam and the Philippines should be understand that the US is using them to further their own interest and should not take side.

The only one who benefits in a war for SC Sea is the US, with more weapon sales and a firmer hold in the area. The people who suffers are the regular Vietnamese, Chinese, and Filippino with death and destructions that will take decades to recover.

Vietnam should remember that 10% of the population died during the last war. They should remember My Lai Massacre and all the dehumanization rapes Vietnamese dedured by American and the French during the war. Philippines should remember they fought a war with America to gain independence.

Fact is America doesn't care about any Asian countries or its people. So people should think clearly before getting into bed with someone who will betray them at any moment.

I've always enjoyed reading your opinion.

China knows what the Americans are getting at and I believe Vietnam is smart enough to know why the Americans are getting involved. Fact is both America and Vietnam cannot achieve their goals single handedly and are mutually using eachother to ones advantage meanwhile China is busy playing a balancing game.

So long China and Vietnam doesn't enter into a shooting contest then I am happy. It is always easier to create hatred and to hate someone but not so easy when it comes down to forgetting and mending heartbreaks.
Vietnam should be very careful in confronting China; they shouldn't act aggressively having particular support against China in background because this support may betray them anytime.

Thanks for you concern and I realy do. I must say thanks for Chinese members that broght pictures in this PDF, that's means I have more evidence to show all my friends in all forums in the cyber World.

The BIG difference is Vietnam Marine Police duet to China Maritime Surveilance and Vietnam Commercial Ship to 2 China Maritime Surveilance.

I will admit tit for tat if China Maritme Sureilance to Vietnam Marine Police if its on those pictures, apparently those pitures above just make me think:

Does China equal due to terrorist? Seem to me that China DOES the same acted like terrorist. Just like China show off to the World that China missile shot down to a commercial plan instead of Jet fighter.

Oh well, what more can I say to thuse pictures? China hit on Vietnam belly then claim for win?
To Chinese extremist conservative:

Thanks for you helped Vietnam to admiting your China is GUILTY and prove to the WORLD its was BULLIED. I will send these pictures to ICC. Sure ICC did not wanna mess with China but whatever we will say about China is more concrete.
man vietnam is lucky im not in charge of china.

im a hardliner in the purest form.

i would not tolerate these kind of intmidation from a mickey mouse dump like vietnam.
i really wish the chinese leaders would take a more hardline approach to these scumbags.

military force is the only option.
china should use a ruthless disproportionate strike on vietnam to topple the vietnam regime.
regime change is the only choice in my opinion.

south china sea is chinese territory and it should be defended just like taiwan.

chinese naval power needs to increase, china needs more destroyers, frigates and attck subs in the south china sea.
if china allows vietnam, then vietnam will think china wont respond due to fear of US interference and then vietnam will use that to expand its control over the spratlys.

giving an inch and they will take it a mile.

china should make an official statement from the chinese president, that any attack on ANY chinese ship, or ANY chinese sailor will get a ruthless and uncompromising military strike(coventional and non-conventional) against the aggressors regime.

enough of this nice guy attitude, china was nice all these 300 years and what did china get for that.
nice guys finish last.

time to eliminate the no first use nuclear policy, why does china have one rule and everyone else has another. china should be able to use its nuclear arsenal if conventional weapons is not enough to guarantee victory.

enough is enough.

Well, what can I say? China has not guts to deal with Vietnam in war, and YES it was. China only able to bullied unarmed ship and not even dare with Vietnam Marine Police. Look at those pictures and POSTED by Chinese member.

Do I fabricate the evidence? No I don't. Does China fabricate evidence? Yes it does.No hard feeling China now is equal with Terrorist, only bullied and killed innocents in someway.

Yes, enough is enough.
Well, what can I say? China has not guts to deal with Vietnam in war, and YES it was. China only able to bullied unarmed ship and not even dare with Vietnam Marine Police. Look at those pictures and POSTED by Chinese member.

If it is not because of CCP's low profile policy, you'd see Hanoi be covered by thousands of CJ-10 missiles already.

Vietnamese monkeys should understand that they are dealing with a army permanently stationed 150km away from its capital city.
At least the Vietnamese coast guard does the right thing by ramming into another coast guard; unlike some pathetic monkeys who could only go after our fisherman boats.
If it is not because of CCP's low profile policy, you'd see Hanoi be covered by thousands of CJ-10 missiles already.

Vietnamese monkeys should understand that they are dealing with a army permanently stationed 150km away from its capital city.

You called us Vietnamese monkeys? Oh please! To be fair play, base on the sence on this topic I must say that would be shameless doesn't it? Who are mokey and who aren't? You judge it! [I don't call you Chinese are monkeys cause I respected animal they are inocent]
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