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Chinese city the size of New York predicts 27 per cent birth rate drop

Almost everybody in the PRC above the age of 50 is a moron.

In a sense, yes. But not necessarily true. Traditional cultures in Asia (like in Indonesia) still do it. Plus, your parents can also act as your children's educator and babysitters. Unless they're bedridden or invalid. But, as long as you're not the only child, the responsibility can be shared between children.

This way will encourage people to have more than one kids.

Not baby sitter, but more on baby sitter supervisor, watching baby sitter take care her/his grandchild if both parent work and leave their small kids at home. It also only happen for their own daughter baby, not for their boy baby since it will be the responsible of the wife parents.
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One big reason of low fertility is women remain single. 30% of Singapore woman will remain single in their whole life.

The main reason is Singapore crazy discrimination against man. Subsequently woman achieve more financial stability and look down on their man. You get a bunch of stupid and vile bitches who think highly of themselves and their used "Vginal". They spread their legs to the alpha males and get ditch next morning. The "wiser one" eventually settle down with a beta male and despise their husband for the rest of their life. 30% never married.
Using Singapore is a bad example, from what I heard. It look like their wages for their middle class hasn’t been increase for years while the cost of living increased. This is why their ruling party popularity votes went down to their lowest since independence despite them giving free money and they lost seats to the left wing workers party.

sooner or later the ruling party will lose control. China should not follow their example which stinks of corruption of the KMT kind during the civil war.
Using Singapore is a bad example, from what I heard. It look like their wages for their middle class hasn’t been increase for years while the cost of living increased.

So why is Ningbo's birth rate barely half of Singapore's if Singapore is already a bad example?

Anyway, do you have any statistics to back up your claim? Or do you 'hearsay' from your friend again?





Cumulative real income growth of median household income was 31.7% from 2007-2017, and 36.1% if you account for the shrinking of household size.

Annualized change is 2.9% in recent 5 years, and 4.2% if you account for changes in household size.

This number is impressive compared to other advanced economies.



Only Lithuania and Poland are comparable among the OECD countries, but even so they are starting from a much lower base than in Singapore.


This is why their ruling party popularity votes went down to their lowest since independence

You're wrong. There are lower popularity votes in 1991 and 2011.

This is why their ruling party popularity votes went down to their lowest since independence despite them giving free money and they lost seats to the left wing workers party.

sooner or later the ruling party will lose control. China should not follow their example which stinks of corruption of the KMT kind during the civil war.

You speak like there's a revolution in Singapore LOL. In reality, the PAP lost only an additional 4 seats and won 83 out of 93 seats overall.


Which means they won almost 90% of the seats and they have absolute power even if they want to change the constitution which requires only 2/3 of the seats.
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Singapore Minister of manpower Lim Boon Heng broke down because salary too low and stagnating. He is proxy to all raw data.

@Mista guy always used "massaged" painting rosy picture.

There were better people within Singapore elites, but unfortunately they were no match for the wickedness of Lee Kuan Yew and son.

So why is Ningbo's birth rate barely half of Singapore's if Singapore is already a bad example?

Anyway, do you have any statistics to back up your claim? Or do you 'hearsay' from your friend again?

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Cumulative real income growth of median household income was 31.7% from 2007-2017, and 36.1% if you account for the shrinking of household size.

Annualized change is 2.9% in recent 5 years, and 4.2% if you account for changes in household size.

This number is impressive compared to other advanced economies.

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Only Lithuania and Poland are comparable among the OECD countries, but even so they are starting from a much lower base than in Singapore.

View attachment 669144

You're wrong. There are lower popularity votes in 1991 and 2011.

You speak like there's a revolution in Singapore LOL. In reality, the PAP lost only an additional 4 seats and won 83 out of 93 seats overall.

View attachment 669143

Which means they won almost 90% of the seats and they have absolute power even if they want to change the constitution which requires only 2/3 of the seats.
Family Planning Commission & experts should be executed live on stadiums and the rest of the gang put into reeducation camps for destroying Chinese demography and fooling central government for years.
Family Planning Commission & experts should be executed live on stadiums and the rest of the gang put into reeducation camps for destroying Chinese demography and fooling central government for years.

To be fair, it takes two hands to clap.

If a group of 'experts' tell you that China's TFR would suddenly jump to 4.4, which is twice of India's TFR, if China simply transitions from a one-child policy to a two-child policy, would you believe them? Would you make policies based on their glaringly flawed projections?

You can Google Translate post #27 and look at their outrageous claims just a few years ago lol.
To be fair, it takes two hands to clap.

If a group of 'experts' tell you that China's TFR would suddenly jump to 4.4, which is twice of India's TFR, if China simply transitions from a one-child policy to a two-child policy, would you believe them? Would you make policies based on their glaringly flawed projections?

You can Google Translate post #27 and look at their outrageous claims just a few years ago lol.
The thing is that it's also difficult to self criticize the official version of state institutions in such a system. So such rediculous remarks can go on unchallenged. This their rediculous policy would have been rejected long ago by most countries. There's a reason why they are the only country in the world with such a rediculous policy.
daycare is too expensive in china. actually anything childcare/early education related is too expensive in china.
You don't need all that. You just need a law that explicitly state that all children must take care their parents. If they neglect it, they have to face the law.

building multigenerational housing in cities that young families can afford could be one way to help raise the birth rate. Many people that have kids send their kids to live with their parents back in the village. If the government can help keep families together in affordable homes, it will make keep the bonds of family stronger. Children will see their parents care for their grandparents.

Affordable housing on even a workers salary is the key. Social clubs for elderly in these neighborhoods with adjacent daycares will help the elderly care for kids with a little/part time help from professional daycare workers. The rest of the childcare can be divided amongst grandparents, parents, and school.
building multigenerational housing in cities that young families can afford could be one way to help raise the birth rate. Many people that have kids send their kids to live with their parents back in the village. If the government can help keep families together in affordable homes, it will make keep the bonds of family stronger. Children will see their parents care for their grandparents.

Affordable housing on even a workers salary is the key. Social clubs for elderly in these neighborhoods with adjacent daycares will help the elderly care for kids with a little/part time help from professional daycare workers. The rest of the childcare can be divided amongst grandparents, parents, and school.

That's the problem. Because bigger cities won't allow you to get that kind of Affordable house. But bigger cities give you more money.
building multigenerational housing in cities that young families can afford could be one way to help raise the birth rate. Many people that have kids send their kids to live with their parents back in the village. If the government can help keep families together in affordable homes, it will make keep the bonds of family stronger. Children will see their parents care for their grandparents.

Affordable housing on even a workers salary is the key. Social clubs for elderly in these neighborhoods with adjacent daycares will help the elderly care for kids with a little/part time help from professional daycare workers. The rest of the childcare can be divided amongst grandparents, parents, and school.
That's the problem. Because bigger cities won't allow you to get that kind of Affordable house. But bigger cities give you more money.

We tried such a scheme few years ago in Singapore, known as the 3Gen flat.


I think it's affordable for the average Singaporean.
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