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Chinese City seeks to banish Muslim Veil!!

As a Hui Muslim I see this very good, might I remind in the Qur'an it's says that noting about the veil. Here Chinese Muslim Women have some of the best Women Rights, we also have female Imams.
Yea, I remember I knew a Chinese guy who told me about the Chinese Muslims and Uyghurs, but later when I studied them on the internet it said that they were more Turkic than Persian. I guess they are like Uzbeks and other central Asian nations that have Persian roots and were considered Persian before Mongol or Turkic related tribes invasions.
Send some more photos of them please.

We hui's are descendants of Arab and Persian merchants that mixed with Han were more conservative and religious then Uighur's however more loyal to China, Uighur's Are Turkic.

what if china really bans hijab- veil- burqa- w/e-
what jack we gona do about it-
last time they killed lot of muslims- and yeah we did a jack-

Kudos to all weather friendship- where muslim killing is ignored for the sake of having an ally--

the uighurs are illegal immigrants to our land. they arrived in Xinjiang only in the 9th century AD, while Han Chinese arrived there in 200 BC. they are free to immigrate to Kazakhstan if they truly feel they are oppressed.
the uighurs are illegal immigrants to our land. they arrived in Xinjiang only in the 9th century AD, while Han Chinese arrived there in 200 BC. they are free to immigrate to Kazakhstan if they truly feel they are oppressed.

No Uighur's came from Mongolia they are not the same Uighur's in the 9 century, Terrorists deserve death however not all Uighur should be blamed for the actions of a few ,East Turkmenistan Terror group is dead.

---------- Post added at 08:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 AM ----------


what if china really bans hijab- veil- burqa- w/e-
what jack we gona do about it-
last time they killed lot of muslims- and yeah we did a jack-

Kudos to all weather friendship- where muslim killing is ignored for the sake of having an ally--

Hijab and Burqa are two different Things, China will not ban Hijab it simply it would alienate the 30 million Loyal Hui Muslims.
China has not killed Muslims we killed Terrorists that kill our people with Suicide Bombings I say this as a Chinese Muslim, Suicide is forbidden but why do they do it ? No look at Iraq and Afghanistan by the West.
As I have always said we support the cause of Humanity and democracy...

I did not comment on palestine vs isreal, Kashmir , tamil tigers or terrorism because it would divert topic in another direction

Dude its good to hear that you care about humanity but you should not speak on behalf of everyone. when we talk about condition of muslims in india we are always told by indians that its none of our business and when indians talk about french ban against burqa they tell us its their country and they can do whatever they like and if muslims dont like their laws then they should leave France etc etc

now why this approach is different when dealing with Chinese Muslims?

This topic was started to create a conflict between china and muslims. It was not started to defend the right of chinese muslims women that's why he is not getting desired response :)
Let me make it clear to the Indians here: we care about the situation in Kashmir because we consider Kashmir our rightful territory, we consider the Kashmiri people to be Pakistani, & the issue of Kashmir an international human rights issue. Pakistan is not the bastion of Islam or for the Muslims around the world (& it doesn't claim to be), Pakistan represents the citizens of Pakistan regardless of religion.
Jihad is both spiritual and Physical, Might I add when the Japanese Invaders came and killed our people while Japanese were collaborating with other minorities we stayed Loyal to China. Hui Imams and Hui people Declared Jihad against Japan, we gave our blood for China. might I remind in the Qur'an it's says that noting about the veil.
I did not comment on palestine vs isreal, Kashmir , tamil tigers or terrorism because it would divert topic in another direction

Dude its good to hear that you care about humanity but you should not speak on behalf of everyone. when we talk about condition of muslims in india we are always told by indians that its none of our business and when indians talk about french ban against burqa they tell us its their country and they can do whatever they like and if muslims dont like their laws then they should leave France etc etc

now why this approach is different when dealing with Chinese Muslims?

This topic was started to create a conflict between china and muslims. It was not started to defend the right of chinese muslims women that's why he is not getting desired response :)

I mentioned that here earlier that I don't care about the Burqa BS... it s better that all counties ban it along with that the 4 wives law, rape law, divorce law etc.. also must be banned and replaced with more sensible rules in accordance with what the situation currently demands... this burqa law would work in some war torn country like Afghanistan but not for a women in a metropolitan city.

See you still didn't get my point I gave an example of Dog bite in a post earlier how some official ordered all dogs to be killed once he got bitten.... the real issue here is about the injustice bing done to the whole Muslim community in separatist areas of China... all are being made to pay for a few.... its the ban against Friday nawaz in the mosques... its about banning of fasting during Ramadan.... its about not allowing relatives to gather and bury their dead...

You asked why this approach to Chinese Muslim... ask yourself where in the whole planet are such bans enforced on Muslims or any religion for that matter whatsoever.

The real problem here is the conflict... and cleansing of Muslim values... its not the deed to be looked upon... its the intent with what such deed is being performed should be looked upon.
Some random beauty pageant from the local province.

The Hui Muslims on average have about 10-15% of Iranic ancestry, and the Chinese Tajiks are basically an eastern Iranic people.

we both have Arab and Persian Ancestry we mixed with Hans however Were Chinese, we should not worry about who our past forefather Arabs and Persians married :D.
Jihad is both spiritual and Physical, Might I add when the Japanese Invaders came and killed our people while Japanese were collaborating with other minorities we stayed Loyal to China. Hui Imams and Hui people Declared Jihad against Japan, we gave our blood for China. might I remind in the Qur'an it's says that noting about the veil.

Exactly right. :tup:

In Chinese history, the Muslim minorities have always been the most patriotic. They are always willing to fight and defend their motherland (China) from outside forces.
Let me make it clear to the Indians here: we care about the situation in Kashmir because we consider Kashmir our rightful territory, we consider the Kashmiri people to be Pakistani, & the issue of Kashmir an international human rights issue. Pakistan is not the bastion of Islam or for the Muslims around the world (& it doesn't claim to be), Pakistan represents the citizens of Pakistan regardless of religion.

We never expect a Nation who can't save its own people from others to save people in some other country... neither are you supposed to expect with all that troop killings and bombings.

As for Kashmir they never said they were a part of Pakistan neither does your government says as such... as far as I remember its Azad Kashmir with an azad legislature and azad PM... and not to mention an azad flag too... :lol:
Let me make it clear to the Indians here: we care about the situation in Kashmir because we consider Kashmir our rightful territory, we consider the Kashmiri people to be Pakistani, & the issue of Kashmir an international human rights issue. Pakistan is not the bastion of Islam or for the Muslims around the world (& it doesn't claim to be), Pakistan represents the citizens of Pakistan regardless of religion.

As they say "if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride" but nonethe less by what logic do you consider Kashmir as part pf pakistani or Kashmirs as part of Pakistanis?

Do you have any "Instrument of Accession" signed by rulers of Kashmir or for that matter any document or treaty..claiming Kashmir is a part of Pakistan?
by what logic do you consider Kashmir as part pf pakistani or Kashmirs as part of Pakistan?

Do you have any "Instrument of Accession" signed by rulers of Kashmir or for that matter any document or treaty..claiming Kashmir is a part of Pakistan?

That's a different topic that I can talk on great lengths on, on a different thread. But Pakistan treats Kashmir as a territorial (& human rights issue) dispute, & not a religious one.
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