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Chinese City seeks to banish Muslim Veil!!

US has a General John Abizaid who is Arab descent.

However he is a Christian, not a Muslim.

John Abizaid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Agree however Arabs in the USA and Huis in China are different we are respected and Seen as more religious Han :D the Arabs in USA are discriminated against I heard Americans killing Dark Skinned People thinking they were Arabs when they killed South Asians.
Thanks to a cheap attempt from some cheap minded hypocrites, i learned a lot about Islam in China ... Thank you to Chinese brothers for contributing ...

Hong Kong is also a part of China and in Hong Kong, we have countless Mosques and Madrassas even schools. The school i studied was international but even there, Muslim students were given extra hour leave for Friday prayers. Living here for 12 years and never once been discriminated because of race or religion. A lot of women from South India and North Pakistan completely cover themselves by Burqa and there has never ever been any objection to that. A bit of discrimination is everywhere as there are a$$holes everywhere but overall Hong Kong is the most tolerant and multi-cultural place on earth. Pakistanis here enjoy more freedom in their religious practices than they do even in Pakistan.
This is a very strange thread. Especially, the pakistanis in here. You should be able to understand by now as to why people immediately couple the term "duplicitious" with "pakistanis".

Do you know how uighurs live in China ? People are not allowed access to mosques. Fasting on Ramadan is strictly prohibited. The two measures adopted by the Chinese govt i mentioned are just the icing.......on a very smelly piece of turd.

Every successive policy adopted by the cpc aims to ultimately eradicate the Muslim faith from China. They are very deliberate and methodical about it.

I condemn such acts , simply because they violate every human being's right to religion. So should you. Enough with the silly charade.

---------- Post added at 09:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------

Agree however Arabs in the USA and Huis in China are different we are respected and Seen as more religious Han :D the Arabs in USA are discriminated against I heard Americans killing Dark Skinned People thinking they were Arabs when they killed South Asians.

That's interesting. However, i doubt you're even Muslim.
This is a very strange thread. Especially, the pakistanis in here. You should be able to understand by now as to why people immediately couple the term "duplicitious" with "pakistanis".

Do you know how uighurs live in China ? People are not allowed access to mosques. Fasting on Ramadan is strictly prohibited. The two measures adopted by the Chinese govt i mentioned are just the icing.......on a very smelly piece of turd.

Every successive policy adopted by the cpc aims to ultimately eradicate the Muslim faith from China. They are very deliberate and methodical about it.

I condemn such acts , simply because they violate every human being's right to religion. So should you. Enough with the silly charade.

---------- Post added at 09:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------

That's interesting. However, i doubt you're even Muslim.

Well Indians doubting things don't really have much credibility, if you think I'm no Muslim hey Fine by all means. :blah:
Fasting on Ramadan is strictly prohibited.

What a lie. :rofl:

With Indians, they can just say whatever they want and hope that everyone falls for it.

Even according to the Western media, that was a notice that was given to CPC government officials in one small region. It certainly never applied to the general population, only to Government officials.
What a lie. :rofl:

With Indians, they can just say whatever they want and hope that everyone falls for it.

Even according to the Western media, that was a notice that was given to CPC government officials in one small region. It certainly never applied to the general population, only to Government officials.

Well That's Indians for you think they know china better then Chinese themselves.
Will Indians even believe their own media? :lol:

The Hindu : News / International : A quiet Ramadan in China 2011

Across China’s west, more than 20 million Muslims this week marked the holy month of Ramadan. More than half of them are here in Xinjiang, a vast land of deserts and old Silk Road towns that stretches up to China's western borders.

There are largely no religious restrictions in today’s Xinjiang for ordinary Uighurs, contrasting with the 1960s and 1970s, when mosques here were targeted during the Communist Party’s Cultural Revolution.

This was Ramadan in 2011 in China.
you ban it,who care i am hindu we don't wear veils...i am talking about double talk of pakistan when it was ban by west and now when it is ban in china.

france ban full face veil

Australia bans Muslim women veil

Already addressed in this post:

That's because you guys fundamentally misunderstand the debate. The criticism of the West is because their laws are selectively targeted at Muslims. The French law bans headscarfs, not small crosses. The Swiss law bans minarets, not church spires. Since secularism is a much touted facet of Western society, these violations of secularism need to be highlighted.

That is not the case here.
While I agree that there is nothing wrong in alleged decision to ban hijab(its just a tribal tradition and not islamic),the response by pakistani members is so amazing-there were similar threads about the same hijab ban in other nations and the reaction of pakistanis were very different..Some chinese posts are funny as well-they are trying to impose hui=muslims for showing hui generals as a sign of secularism.A muslim is one who believes in islamic relegion(not an ethnicity),and the truth is a practising muslim can never attain any position I'm cpc let alone being pres/pm.It is mandatory for being a cpc member to denounce his religion whether he is hui or uighur.It should also be noted that a muslim under 18 is banned by law from attending mosques during jumaa,taraveeh etc(eid is only exception),unauthorized islamic teaching is banned,muslim govt officials are not permitted to wear scarfs/grow beards etc etc..Yes its their country their law but the only thing funny here is the monkey jumping in responses of some people when same things happen in different countries,depending on their allegiences.
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