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Chinese carrier: Vietnam and other neighbors response

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Small neighbors of China can provide one of their ports to USA after that China cant even dare to look they with wrong intention

It's funny that came from an Indian's mouth, dare to bring your three aircrafts battles group, we will certainly welcome, it's pathetic to alway invoke U.S. this US that in any chinese military discussion, only weak and having an inferior complex nations can come up with such idiot idea.

For your information, it's been ~20 years since the collapse of U.S.S.R that U.S is trying to contain China, with base in south Korea, Japan...we don't give a *****, do we're scare if U.S set base in Vietnam...most likely Vietnam will have to pay the bill for all U.S navy expense at the end of fiscal year...without saying that vietnam will also have to offer a free women to yankees as what southern vietnam gorverment did before the liberation of Saigon to satisfy those G.I.
We won't block it if you don't wage a war first.It's the last plan(commit suicide, both die) for VN only,

1. USA try to destroyed Ha Noi also, but they lost.

2. You lost in 1979 war, you could not break our defence line with the main forces was Militia and border guard.

It's not easy to take Ha Noi,Russia seems don't like this idea bro :)

What a lunatic jokes:

1- U.S destroyed Hanoi and bombed north vietnam into stone ages, only China provide sanctuary for Vietcons to cowardly fleed to China for cover while Soviet Union supplied weapons and munition. otherwise you vietnameses don't even have bones to chew.

2-When PLA capture Lang Son, Vietname is theorically over...whitout consider international reaction, China could have annex your entire nation like ancient time...what a joke.

If China has to fight another war with Vietnam we won't be so generiou as communist idiology time, we will storm you until submission as ancient imperial time. for now China has bigger fish to catch...your little annoying country is...just unimportant
What a lunatic jokes:

When PLA capture Lang Son, Vietname is theorically over...whitout consider internanal reaction, China could have annex your entire nation like ancient time...what a joke.

If China has to fight another war with Vietnam we won't be so generiou as communist idiology time, we will storm you until submission as ancient imperial time. for now China has bigger fish to catch...your little annoying country is...just unimportant
So , this is what your History book worte ???So pathetic, you have internet now, you can find out WHy could not your PLA Capture Lang Son for longer time ??why must PLA withdraw after few week ??

In Gerald Segal's 1985 book Defending China, it was concluded that China's 1979 war against Vietnam was a complete failure: "China failed to force a Vietnamese withdrawal from [Cambodia], failed to end border clashes, failed to cast doubt on the strength of the Soviet power, failed to dispel the image of China as a paper tiger, and failed to draw the United States into an anti-Soviet coalition."

Still, as Wikipedia relates, Bruce Elleman argued that "one of the primary diplomatic goals behind China's attack was to expose Soviet assurances of military support to Vietnam as a fraud. Seen in this light, Beijing's policy was actually a diplomatic success, since Moscow did not actively intervene, thus showing the practical limitations of the Soviet-Vietnamese military pact... China achieved a strategic victory by minimizing the future possibility of a two-front war against the USSR and Vietnam."

Vietnam's Bloody Defeat of China - Salem-News.Com

You failed bcz your tactic was too bad also. At that time, we did not use any Tank and Mig 21 against CHina, but CHina use lots of Tank and of course could not use air forces bcz of our AAA system was so strong.
So , this is what your History book worte ???So pathetic, you have internet now, you can find out WHy could not your PLA Capture Lang Son for longer time ??why must PLA withdraw after few week ??

The military objective was punifive slap on vietnamese face..not annexation or control. here listnen to What Kissenger said in 7:30 to 8:00 passage in youtube about sino-indian and sino-vietnam war...if the U.S secretary of defense's word is not convincing enough than ask Indian minister of defense...lol

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If we Chineses are so cowards, we won't build an aircraft carrier, if the carrier got hit and sunk...so be it, that's war. ask yourself if Vietnam boats will get close enough to Chinese future aircraft battle group?...we will certainly sink all vietnam boats before its leave seaport.

Every kind of any enemy's ships with provocation action against Vietnam in our sea territory will be punished.
The military objective was punifive slap on vietnamese face..not annexation or control. here listnen to What Kissenger said in 7:30 to 8:00 passage in youtube about sino-indian and sino-vietnam war...if the U.S secretary of defense's word is not convincing enough than ask Indian minister of defense...lol

Hehe, so you slaped on my face and we slaped you back, we defeated your ally Khmer Rougue, prove that China was just paper tiger, could not protect friends, that why North Korea don't wanna be your ally any more, bcz you can not protect your allies well :P
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Hehe, so you slaped on my face and we slaped you back, we defeated your ally Khmer Rougue, prove that China was just paper tiger, could not protect friends, that why North Korea don't wanna be your ally any more, bcz you can not protect your allies well.

If China is paper tiger, we wouldn't dare to go as far as Lang Son, If we're paper tiger we wouldn't defy the UN force in korea war.
Ask yourself who is crying on U.S shoulder, who is try to suck up with India...when he's nation is paper tiger against China.

North Korea is just a double heads snake like you Vietname try to draw the most benefics from China and Soviet Unions at that time, Chinese gorvernment realised that...that's why we go to capitalism and dont give a sh1t while Soviet Unions went banckrupt dues to the fact that bunch nations such as your and north korea demande so much credits and Aids.
If China is paper tiger, we wouldn't dare to go as far as Lang Son, If we're paper tiger we wouldn't defy the UN force in korea war.
Ask yourself who is crying on U.S shoulder, who is try to suck up with India...when he's nation is paper tiger against China.

North Korea is just a double heads snake like you Vietname try to draw the most benefics from China and Soviet Unions at that time, Chinese gorvernment realised that...that's why we go to capitalism and dont give a sh1t while Soviet Unions went banckrupt dues to the fact that bunch nations such as your and north korea demande so much credits and Aids.
Lang Son is very near the border, and is was the Dead zone for PLA with so many casualties when PLA just had to fight with VN militia and Border guards forces only.

After 24 days, when our regular forces came back from Cambodia , you quickly retreated to avoid a Total loss, and left your ally Khmer Rougue died alone.

North Korea supported you to fought with us, but now, they seem trying to get away from you, may be bcz you're just paper tiger only, you can not protect your allies against some"enemies" like VN :P
Vietnam boosts naval power with new frigate

Vietnam on Monday received the second of two Russian-made guided missile frigates, local media reported, boosting its naval firepower amid maritime tensions with China.

The Gepard class frigate -- which an analyst called Vietnam's most modern warship -- arrived at Cam Ranh port on the country's south-central coast, reports said.

The first frigate reached Vietnam in March, state-controlled Tuoi Tre newspaper said.

"It alters the naval game," said Carl Thayer, a veteran Australia-based analyst of Vietnam. "A boat of that kind provides muscle for Vietnam."

The frigates were ordered several years ago as part of a naval upgrade by Hanoi, which is also buying six Russian submarines and foreign-built maritime patrol aircraft.

Beijing and Hanoi have a long-standing territorial dispute over the Paracel and Spratly archipelagos, which are potentially rich in oil and gas deposits and straddle vital commercial shipping lanes.

Relations reached their lowest point in years when Vietnam in May accused Chinese marine surveillance vessels of cutting the exploration cables of an oil survey ship inside the country's exclusive economic zone.

Vietnamese fishermen working in disputed waters have reported numerous seizures of their catch and equipment in recent years.

Thayer said the new helicopter-capable frigates will back up the fishermen with a more powerful vessel than the lightly-armed civilian-run Chinese surveillance ships.

Other nations in the region have also accused China in recent months of becoming more aggressive in enforcing its claims to essentially all of the South China Sea.

The Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan have also staked claims to the Spratlys
Thi Lang to be sunk first.

News page Hong Kong's Asia Times Online on 17 / 8 deducted the article of naval strategist of Australia, Mr. Phil Radford. He said that the carrier owns no help China maintain the advantage in the dispute over the South China Sea. Here are the main contents of analysis of Phil Radford:

This carrier is not a tool to resolve the current dispute, the issue of East Sea of Vietnam is the most headache problem for China. Carrier itself is diplomatic tool rather than a military machine.

China has conducted the first test for carriers Thi Lang after a long renovation. Once the aircraft is completed, it will be able to carry 40 fighter J-15 on the ship, about 20 helicopters, including anti-submarine helicopter of the Russian Ka-28 helicopter or a Chinese domestic producers.

The carrier owns and form groups of combat aircraft can strongly alter the balance of power on the East Coast. Thi Lang carrier will address the specific strategic issues, enabling China beyond the strategic direction of the sea, to protect "core interests" in the South China Sea. However, this advantage is not clear with the challenges that carriers may face with.

The presence of the carrier Thi Lang led to the emergence of mass anti-ship missiles in Southeast Asian region, there is antiship missile system K-300P ultrasonic Bastion.

According to Phil Radford, the Chinese owned carrier has accidentally created a silent concurrence to purchasing of all arms in the ASEAN region. Since China carried out reform carrier Varyag, countries in the region is beginning to move ahead to prepare countermeasures.

In addition to the fleet of six submarines of Vietnam, Thi Lang carriers will have to deal with the submarine fleet by no less complicated. Thi Lang carriers will have to confront with the Scorpene class submarines of the Royal Malaysia Navy, submarines of the Navy Singapone Archer, possibly a submarine is on the payroll of the Indonesian Navy.

But more dangerous for carriers Thi Lang from the system advanced anti-ship missiles and will use in Southeast Asia in the near future. Vietnam along with Indonesia are the two first countries outside Russia owned anti-ship missile systems, P-800 supersonic Yakhont. Supersonic anti-ship missile BrahMos is a threat too large for carriers Thi Lang.

News page in Dutch: De Volkskrant said, Vietnam is very close to owning missile BrahMos supersonic anti-ship. The purchase of anti-ship missiles which require the consent of both Russia and India. But this is not so big problem, the present relations between Vietnam and India and Russia are strategic partners in range. India has shown efforts to relieve east China's pressure in the Indian Ocean.

The sale of anti-ship missile systems, advanced to Vietnam is quite likely to happen. India has also committed to helping Vietnam to modernize the navy, to share experience to build and operate the submarine fleet. BrahMos anti-ship missile is the fastest in the world today, with the Mach-3 and a range of 300km, BrahMos is actually a deadly threat to any warship does.

Mr. Phil Radford identified even when fully formed carrier combat groups, the force is too thin to create a great advantage if a conflict occurs. Thi Lang carriers unable to operate aircraft deployed commanders and airborne early warning. This means that the aircraft carrier combat groups with limited experience in detecting threats from the skyline. It will be a big challenge for Chinese radar system to guide the production of rocket ships for HHQ-9 not intercept supersonic anti-ship missiles. This is a difficult problem for the system to intercept U.S. Aegis superior. Underwater protection systems for aircraft carriers is also not really safe, anti-submarine warfare capability of China is very limited. Communications system to coordinate between the submarine warfare and surface ships are not really good.

Even if this capacity is improved, still can not guarantee the safety of aircraft operating Thi Lang on the East Coast. A raid by missiles from the air would be a disaster for the carrier Thi Lang.

China's hard to use carrier Thi Lang on the East Coast as a tool to put pressure on the dispute on the East Coast. End of the article Phil Radford concludes "East Sea will be the most dangerous for the carriers Thi Lang."

Before you sink it, learn to spell it, please! Our navy is built to splatter monkeys and turn them into fish food!
Vietnam cant even fire at a chinese solider and these kids are talking about sinking a carrier.now China got a fortress in the middle of south china sea and we are really happy for our chinese brothers for thier achievement.

What? Vietnamc ant fire at chinese? where did you get this fact? You're so naive.
Before you sink it, learn to spell it, please! Our navy is built to splatter monkeys and turn them into fish food!

This guy named HongWu is mad.

Embargo of U.S. arms sales to Vietnam can be lifted.
RFA reported 24.08.2011
Department of Defense is currently reviewing whether to lift restrictions on the sale of military technology to Vietnam or not. Senator Jim Webb announced this at a press conference in Hanoi yesterday.
The U.S. senators is visiting Vietnam and with Ministry of Defense also related agencies Vietnam have discussed "cautious but positive" about it. The U.S. has banned the sale to Vietnam weapons for damage, under a ban since 1984.
The sale of these weapons will strengthen military ties between the United States and Vietnam, amid tensions with China escalates issues islandes and territorial resources in the South China Sea (in Vietnam call as East Sea).
While international news also said that Vietnam is considering to set up and organizing a medical center of the U.S. Navy in Vietnam this month.
This process will also increase military ties between the two countries.
Last month, Vietnam and the United States held no tactical maneuvers in Da Nang. This activity is part of a series of discussions about the military since 2003, when the first ships of the United States landed in port Vietnam's the first time since the Vietnam War ended.
News yesterday said Vietnam had just received a second warships from Russian.
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