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Chinese boy walks to school at night

I wish I had that kind of relationship with my grandparents. That sounds really inspiring. :tup:

I didn't cry on his passing, for me as a 14 year old, it was my best friend going to rest in the land of the ledgend.

Today before my meals, i pray for his soul, and cherish his memory. He taught me that when alexander died, he had half of the world but went to grave with two empty hands. What a man takes with him is, his honor, self respect and charity he made towards his fellow humans, and better charity is than education?

When i read this story about this Chinese kid, i had an emotional reaction. May Allah bless his efforts.
I'm glad the boy is fine.
I too once walked down to college cafeteria around 6 in the morning thinking it was evening.
When i was born my grandpa was retired. He homeschooled me until i was 7. Teaching me languages and maths. I can read and write 5 languages and speak 4 with absolute fluency.

He was my best friend and i didn't realize how old he was. For me he was just a friend who would teach me during the day, have me sit and see how he solved people's issues as he was a local elder, he taught me to ride a horse, shoot a crossbow, a gun, hunt, ride a bicycle and at nights he'd tell me stories about great men, heros, kings and about the creation of our nation. About his hindu friends coworkers..as i'd be hiding with him in his bed with my teeth knocking of the freezing weather.

He said to me once, 'Men are born as dumb as donkies, education makes them human.'

He left me a great deal of old books and a never ending inspiration.

I knew you were a CIA agent!!!

Your grandpa sounds like a man of character and wisdom, we need more of them. I hope when it's your turn you pass on the legacy to your grandchild.
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