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Chinese and Indian SSBNs are unnecessary and destabilizing US Think Tank

So China performs ASAT tests and you think America is going to stay still?

Errrr.... United States already have ASAT..........and United States refuse to negotiate to restrict weapons in space....because United States were already ahead and did not want to sign any treaty that would limit their power.

And you expect China to stay still ?
Errrr.... United States already have ASAT..........and United States refuse to negotiate to restrict weapons in space....because United States were already ahead and did not want to sign any treaty that would limit their power.

And you expect China to stay still ?

No. I don't expect China to stay still either.
Stop wasting too much time on videogames kid.

Listen up stoopid....you suggested America could use its "super duper military satellites to find the plane"...not me. Why you ask America?

America can do whatever it wants.....Play the game

Finding a plane in 10000 meters of water reveals much to everyone about your capabilities.

Why do you think and assume America wants to show eveyrone its surperior when the world already knows that?

I suggest you quit....you sound like an idiot. You had no idea about SOSUS or ECHELON programs. The fact that these ideas started back in the 1940's is telling. What was India doing back then? Now shut your mouth.

So China performs ASAT tests and you think America is going to stay still?
Stop wasting too much time on videogames kid.

Like I said you're clueless about Darpa and the capability of US black projects. What you see now in the media is tech (in certain areas) that was developed 30 yrs ago. That's the gap between the US and the rest of the world.
Like I said you're clueless about Darpa and the capability of US black projects. What you see now in the media is tech (in certain areas) that was developed 30 yrs ago. That's the gap between the US and the rest of the world.

They have only revealed these details in xbox.

You know nothing, you only know that USA can easily track all Chinese & Indian subs anywhere in the sea, right?

Elsewhere doesn't mean everywhere, do you have any idea about how big the oceans are?

Terrorists kept on banging planes on different things over a period of time, some passengers also phoned home to inform the hijack, yet USA couldn't do anything to secure their sky.

But you seem to have all the information with blueprints.

Nobody knows exactly where the plane crashed, however, unlike blackboxes, subs don't send homing signals to help others find it..
If USA had built sonar buoys in cold war and had superior tracking military satellites why couldn't they know India were conducting Underground Nuclear Tests in Vajpayee Regime in 1999.It was only after PM Vajpayee announced that we tested nukes on TV did the Americans realise what we did.Many heads rolled in CIA i guess.They called it total Intelligence failure No wonder Pakistanis are paranoid of us and there is a reason they call us Evil ,Cunning,Yindoo Baniyas for nothing;) We can give the best a run for the money on our day :D.That was 14 years ago.India and china have developed a lot in past 14 years.USA might be leader in advanced tech but that lead wont be there much longer we will catch eventually and even surpass it in a coming decades.:D
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It's Australian

Criticism of said article for being Americentric stands irrespective of nationality of particular think tank.

The Think Tank in question assumes that India is constructing SSBN's for Bureaucratic competition which he base on the premise that USA has capacity to hunt SSBN's. What he overlooks in his assessment is that none of India's enemy have that capability. Anti submarine capability of both China and Pakistan is short legged and could not track down, let alone destroy a SSBN in Indian Ocean.

Indian SSBN's may be noisiest, but that is irrelevant as non of India's enemies could track down or destroy an SSBN.
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