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Chinese aircraft enter Japanese ADIZ


Feb 21, 2014
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A Tu-154 electronic warfare aircraft of the People's Liberation Army Air Force and a Y-12 utility aircraft of China's State Oceanic Administration entered the Japanese air defense identification zone (ADIZ) simultaneously on Feb. 21, according to the state-run China News Service.

The Japanese defense ministry first reported on Friday that a Chinese Tu-154 was detected near the border of its ADIZ while another aircraft, a Y-12, flew into the zone and was spotted 140 kilometers away from the disputed Diaoyutai islands (Senkaku to Japan, Diaoyu to China). The F-15J fighters of the Japan Air Self Defense Force were ordered to scramble and intercept the intruding Chinese aircraft, the defense ministry said.

Observers note that the Tu-154 may have been deployed to the Diaoyutai region to collect critical data on the Japanese military.

Tensions remain high between the two nations since Japan, which administers the contested islands, "nationalized" three of the five islands through purchases from private owners in September 2012. Following the Peace Mission 2013, a joint anti-terrorism military exercise with Russia, China has launched a number of drills to simulate and win amphibious warfare against Japan in a short period of time.

Meanwhile, James Fannell, the director of the US Pacific Fleet's Intelligence and Information Operations said that China has the potential to launch a blitzkrieg or lighting war against Japan like the military tactic used by Nazi Germany in World War II.

Beijing has already declared that necessary action may be taken to defend its sovereignty over the Diaoyutai if Tokyo continues to provoke China. Since Japan "nationalized" the islands, China has continued to deploy vessels and aircraft to the Japanese exclusive economic zone and ADIZ to challenge its administration over the area.
google the threat tittle ,i am not allowed to post any links yet
Senkaku islands in the illegal Chinese ADIZ too ...
Actually everyday we could see F15 flies inside it ...
But rarely see China aircraft operates inside but at its boundary and outside

Chinese islands also entered Japaneze adz.
We just cant stop.
So maybe we should reach an agreement here. Either countries can or cannot enter other's ADIZ without prior approval.
Senkaku islands in the illegal Chinese ADIZ too ...
Actually everyday we could see F15 flies inside it ...
But rarely see China aircraft operates inside but at its boundary and outside


Is there such thing as a legal or illegal ADIZ? I found most interesting from the picture is that the S. Korea's ADIZ actually cut deep into N.Korea territory, over Pyongyang even. If that's considered "legal", then alot of interesting thing could happen when nations draw their ADIZ.
Look it that huge Japanese zone, what gave them the right to draw something that big. Our planes can't even leave the shore without going into it.

If anything our zone is too small
your country follow that ADIZ for a half of a century , until now !!
why you didn't say that it's too small 50 years ago ?
your country follow that ADIZ for a half of a century , until now !!
why you didn't say that it's too small 50 years ago ?

Why even ask such obvious questions?

China was weak decades ago, both economically and militarily, so China just had to put up with injustices and status quo set out by Westerners and their lapdogs, like Japan and South Korea. Now China has economic and military clout, it's natural for China to stand up and try to take back what they lost, when they were weak. It's exactly the same reason why Vietnam can't do jack when China tells Vietnam what they can and can't do, because Vietnam doesn't have the strength to make China care what they think.
Senkaku islands in the illegal Chinese ADIZ too ...
Actually everyday we could see F15 flies inside it ...
But rarely see China aircraft operates inside but at its boundary and outside


All ADIZs in the world has no legal binding, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, US, Vietnam, Philippines etc have ADIZs but they can not do anything if a non-hostile aircrafts flys into the zone, unless it is inside their territorial air space. The Russians didnt even border to have ADIZ in West Pacific while the Japanese ADIZ is extended close to Russia shore line. The Russians just fly, intercept, recon and whatever, all over the Japanese ADIZ as they wish but with-out entering Japanese territorial air space.

The funny thing is those countries that established their ADIZs earlier now claimed the Chinese ADIZ is illegal, it is like saying I am allowed to do such and such, but you the Chinese are not allowed. The one made the loudest noise Japan and Philippines both of which have ADIZs of their own.

Anyway, ADIZ is just ADIZ, i.e. a defence IDENTIFICATION zone. The only thing anyone can do is sent up a fighter, intercept an unknown aircraft and IDENTIFY it. All known aircraft, example civilians with flight plans nedd not be identified thus no interception.

The purpose of identification is to make sure no hostile intended aircraft will continue to fly into your territorial air space or flying close to yourterritory and let go a few bombs and missiles. If identified as hostile and a threat, the fighters can take order from their command and shoot down the enemy before they launch their weapons at your airbase, port, city etc.
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