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Chinese air power expansion along Indian border

Don't worry, our Chinese fighters are folded out of paper. No combat effectiveness, the above can only use bayonets as weapons.😂
Indians needs to hold on to a blatantly fabricated F-16 kill to save face over losing the only plane in the action. That's not even including the own goal of downing an IAF helo with total loss of life.

This is so pathetic that it's sad.

Yes. It would’ve been funny if it isn’t so sad.
The pronblem with China is that they want to make the weapons on their own. If they want to strengthen PLA, they should buy more and more weapons from Russia. Their destroyers and ships are midiocre. Their subs and planes are shit. HQ and and wharever number is crap. When it is operated by Chinese soldiers, they become even more

Small correction. Not white ares but yellow arse. We already taught them a lesson in Galwan. They said that they want move an inch from Finger 4 but ultimately went back 8 kilometers. We are a peaceful nation but whent our shity enemy with mediaeval mind set think that they can do mischief, we will teach them a lesson. We taught them a lesson in Galwan. They even could not declare the number of their casualties for a year. We had only one weakness and that was of leadership. Now we don't have that weakness. Now our enemies find it better to negotiate rather than messing with us.

You can boast anything. I don’t want to indulge in dirty debate by quoting the facts that with what nationality girls, the Arab msrket is flooded with.

Here let me help you. Seems in southern India you are fond of lining up your girls for Sheikhs. Lol.

And seeing you Pajeets love discounts and package deals you offer it to them also.
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India will get a royal a$$ kicking next time. No more surprise sneak attacks by India. PLA is fully prepared to completely dismantle the Indian military and shred it to a million little pieces.

If armed conflict does break out the priority should be neutralizing expensive targets like their Rafales, Sukhois, and missile launch sites. Jawan lives are cheap so the BJP goons don’t care how many get killed or captured. But if their precious Air Force gets decimated, they will need their IT callers to work over time just so they can rebuild it again.
Small correction. Not white ares but yellow arse. We already taught them a lesson in Galwan. They said that they want move an inch from Finger 4 but ultimately went back 8 kilometers. We are a peaceful nation but whent our shity enemy with mediaeval mind set think that they can do mischief, we will teach them a lesson. We taught them a lesson in Galwan. They even could not declare the number of their casualties for a year. We had only one weakness and that was of leadership. Now we don't have that weakness. Now our enemies find it better to negotiate rather than messing with us.

Say whaaat? Just 8kms? You are thorough gentleman sir! V.humble, v.kind. I also saw those satellite images, my assessment is a good 16 nautical miles at minimum! Good job Colonel! You deserve a pat on the backside sir! May the blessings of holly cow be with you! 💕 Very impressed!
Say whaaat? Just 8kms? You are thorough gentleman sir! V.humble, v.kind. I also saw those satellite images, my assessment is a good 16 nautical miles at minimum! Good job Colonel! You deserve a pat on the backside sir! May the blessings of holly cow be with you! 💕 Very impressed!

Thanks for your kind words. What I have said is from public sources. It is the distace from finger 4 to Nearest Chinese camp behind finger 8 where they went back after an agreement.
You've been watching too much Bollywood movies.

No I haven't for last many years. I got 2 movie ticket free on my SBI elite credit card yet I don’t. in last 4 years, I watched 5 movies. 3 Gujarati and 2 english cartoon movies. If you understand Gujarati, I would like you to watch 2 movies. Reca and Hellaro. Really very beautiful movies. Watch its songs.

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Surya 1 along with his buddy drumstick forms up the backbone of Indian stupidity on this forum.

Yes, Indian stupidity is famous all over the world. It is visible everywhere, from the top brasses of World bank, IMF, google, microsoft, IBM, media, educational institutions etc. When world will dump Indian stupidity and embrace pakistani wisdom , wotld will become a heaven.
Yes, Indian stupidity is famous all over the world. It is visible everywhere, from the top brasses of World bank, IMF, google, microsoft, IBM, media, educational institutions etc. When world will dump Indian stupidity and embrace pakistani wisdom , wotld will become a heaven.

Please tell us where was the Indian CEOs educated from? US university or India university?
Please tell us where was the Indian CEOs educated from? US university or India university?

Ofcourse, Indian universities else how can they be on top? Pakistanis, Chinese , Indians all gets educated in US but why only Indians are on top? Because they have substantial part of their education in India.
why is it that you mofos can't seem to ever have a civil conversation, every thread is an off topic shit flinging match and a dick measuring contest.
why is it that you mofos can't seem to ever have a civil conversation, every thread is an off topic shit flinging match and a dick measuring contest.

this is the nature of some Indians. we would not even think about India except for them trying to bring India up all the time.

I remember in a HK talk show, an Indian 'expert' was actually mad when the Chinese host said they didn't see Indians as enemies or threats. He was so angry, he was screaming at the top of his lungs that India was a threat, a huge threat...
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