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Chinese air power expansion along Indian border

Talking of shit ... it's something you guys ended up eating on 27th Feb .... just sayin ya know! #realitycheck

on serious note, i don't know how you guys under estimate everyone, this superiority complex is going to lead you guys no where, being humble is something you should learn to be
Let them be arrogant, its to our advantage. We must prepare for next battle.
@siegecrossbow @Beast Why there are no J10 near that area?

J-10A used to be stationed in the area (not sure if it is the same base) back in 2017. There was a report of a pair of them scrambling to intercept Su-30MKI during August of that year. As for why they are no longer fielded there, my guess would be twin-engines aircraft could carry more load and are more reliable when operating from high altitude air bases. All the aircraft stationed in Hotan post Galwan (J-11, J-16, J-20, JH-7, etc.) were twin engined fighters.
What will china do with their shitty air power? Chinese planes are weak and useless. China has only worthwhile thing is S400 if they have it in that area. Rafale, MKIs and M2k will have live shooting practice.

What good is a donkey with a machine gun?
Indians needs to hold on to a blatantly fabricated F-16 kill to save face over losing the only plane in the action. That's not even including the own goal of downing an IAF helo with total loss of life.

This is so pathetic that it's sad.
What will china do with their shitty air power? Chinese planes are weak and useless. China has only worthwhile thing is S400 if they have it in that area. Rafale, MKIs and M2k will have live shooting practice.

Yeah man for sure there is no match! And if you rub some gobar and gao mutar on these for extra stealth! These things will be undetectable! Will slice through the air like butter! I think you should go for it man! Attack China, they don't stand a chance! :victory1:
We don't want to attack but if we are attacked, we shall do what we did in Galwan and on 26th. Camel cola can't save you.

Come on Colonel why aiming so low? Defensive offensive is your national defense doctrine! I know that you have got it! Why not flaunt it!? Teach those bloody little white arse Chinese boys a lesson! So that they don't dare come near the incredible India! This airport needs to be destroyed with sugarjical strikes! Send the brave man of bharat Mr. Abhinonedone on your Rafale and bomb the shit out of this airport! How dare they intend to compromise Indian air defense by making an airport so close? Its a Chinese airport anyways, will fold like a paper! ✌ More shakti to you!
No one in the world believe your BS stories... that's how your shittynandhan shotdown F16 like BF trailer

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This is ****** refutable evidence oh yea!!!

You and your third world shitty pooor hunger shit armed forces are literally laughing stock for the world :rofl:

Lmao, where the hell you found this treasure? 😂
Yes, you're right. That's why China also needs to invest more in its military to match the strength of the IAF on the opposite side.The number and volume of military bases and airfields need to be significantly increased.

The pronblem with China is that they want to make the weapons on their own. If they want to strengthen PLA, they should buy more and more weapons from Russia. Their destroyers and ships are midiocre. Their subs and planes are shit. HQ and and wharever number is crap. When it is operated by Chinese soldiers, they become even more
Come on Colonel why aiming so low? Defensive offensive is your national defense doctrine! I know that you have got it! Why not flaunt it!? Teach those bloody little white arse Chinese boys a lesson! So that they don't dare come near the incredible India! This airport needs to be destroyed with sugarjical strikes! Send the brave man of bharat Mr. Abhinonedone on your Rafale and bomb the shit out of this airport! How dare they intend to compromise Indian air defense by making an airport so close? Its a Chinese airport anyways, will fold like a paper! ✌ More shakti to you!
Small correction. Not white ares but yellow arse. We already taught them a lesson in Galwan. They said that they want move an inch from Finger 4 but ultimately went back 8 kilometers. We are a peaceful nation but whent our shity enemy with mediaeval mind set think that they can do mischief, we will teach them a lesson. We taught them a lesson in Galwan. They even could not declare the number of their casualties for a year. We had only one weakness and that was of leadership. Now we don't have that weakness. Now our enemies find it better to negotiate rather than messing with us.
Your own females don’t want Indian men and sleep with around with blacks, whites and Pakistanis and you think a Chinese girl will accompany a shit eating Indian hahaha 🤣

You can boast anything. I don’t want to indulge in dirty debate by quoting the facts that with what nationality girls, the Arab msrket is flooded with.
India will get a royal a$$ kicking next time. No more surprise sneak attacks by India. PLA is fully prepared to completely dismantle the Indian military and shred it to a million little pieces.

PLA is so much preapered that it took 1 year to declare its casualty.
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