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Chinese ace software competition: But why Indian coders are getting hired?

White man companies prefer Indians because

  • Indians are smarter

    Votes: 25 43.9%
  • Indians practice racism, kicking everyone out of jobs

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • Fear of Chinese industrial espionage, while Indians are not capable of reverse engineering

    Votes: 14 24.6%
  • Indians talk better

    Votes: 24 42.1%

  • Total voters
PISA dont mean much also?...:D
PISA has its value in a different paradigm. So is the value of that JEE exam that we had to clear where the admission ratio can go upto 1:1000
That is the reason I open a thread for discussion.

India does not even have engineering capability to build toilets.

Two things,

1. You say you are a Software Engineer, meaning you are in the business of API calling. You need a computer to run that program. Market is dominated by x86 processors when it comes to that. Two of the biggest developments there is the K10 architecture by AMD and Pentium by Intel. The following processors are all progrssive developments of these architecture. Now, use Google or Baidu, depending upon where you are, and search for "Father of Pentium", and see if the name Vinod Dham comes in the first result or not. Check where is he from, his alma mater, and then say his creation is toilet and if you have any least little bit of respect left for yourself, then STOP USING INTEL/AMD based computers.

2. Clearly you have created this thread for trolling, I will ask the mods to close it.

me no english? Probably same reason India is finding it hard in China.
You can't even have a single frontend guy knowing English ? I think that can be arranged easily.
Is that applicable only to Software industry ? As a matter of fact, out of all the industries, it should be least relevant when it comes to Softwares.

One simple answer. Money. Indians work for lower wage but longer hours. White man exploit this weakness.

1. Define white man, also tell us it's relevance to software industry.
2. Are you telling me others are not hardworking ? In my experience, I have found the Americans to be really hard working fellows.
PISA has its value in a different paradigm. So is the value of that JEE exam that we had to clear where the admission ratio can go upto 1:1000

Two things,

1. You say you are a Software Engineer, meaning you are in the business of API calling. You need a computer to run that program. Market is dominated by x86 processors when it comes to that. Two of the biggest developments there is the K10 architecture by AMD and Pentium by Intel. The following processors are all progrssive developments of these architecture. Now, use Google or Baidu, depending upon where you are, and search for "Father of Pentium", and see if the name Vinod Dham comes in the first result or not. Check where is he from, his alma mater, and then say his creation is toilet and if you have any least little bit of respect left for yourself, then STOP USING INTEL/AMD based computers.

2. Clearly you have created this thread for trolling, I will ask the mods to close it.

You can't even have a single frontend guy knowing English ? I think that can be arranged easily.
Is that applicable only to Software industry ? As a matter of fact, out of all the industries, it should be least relevant when it comes to Softwares.

1. Define white man, also tell us it's relevance to software industry.
2. Are you telling me others are not hardworking ? In my experience, I have found the Americans to be really hard working fellows.

Certainly this guy just take over the 80486 from someone else. And how is his group faring in Sunnyvale now? I think badly because right now, Intel mainstream CPU are mostly hold by Israel Haifa labs, as the Jews manage to come out something far better.
I have seen the worst coder (Indian) get hired while the top coder get rejected by a team of mostly Indians interviewers.

On one more occasion, one Middle east colleague (he got in also) was very angry why this Indian get in (Google), while his esteemed colleagues get turn down.

Software engineers know the strength of our colleagues.
Oh I see the cat is coming out of the bag.
You want to troll that Indians are bad guys. They got the worst people because they are interviewing and make the decisions.
And the bad Indian coders reject all the great coders of the world from any other non Indian country.
So as you say white man keeps letting bad Indians do nepotism and see his billions go down the tube.
I don't know. I think white become fatty and stupid after eating all red meat. Dumb Indians who don't win competitions should not code. I suggest you appeal to colonel Sandra to shut down bangaloee. Thank you.
Middle East colleague, an Arab? And are you in middle East?
Certainly this guy just take over the 80486 from someone else. And how is his group faring in Sunnyvale now? I think badly because right now, Intel mainstream CPU are mostly hold by Israel Haifa labs, as the Jews manage to come out something far better.

How exactly you became so certain ?
Also, in case you didn't know, Jews are not predominantly Chinese.
When you think about that, lets keep the ball rolling.

Do you use email services for free ? Go and check who made it available to public for free. Search for "Hotmail", find out who created it, check his nationality, check his alma mater, and after that, if you have any least little bit of respect left for yourself, then stop using email services.
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Certainly this guy just take over the 80486 from someone else. And how is his group faring in Sunnyvale now? I think badly because right now, Intel mainstream CPU are mostly hold by Israel Haifa labs, as the Jews manage to come out something far better.
Good troll you are. Indians in Sunnyvale are doing better than never and that group has spread j it's tentacles to Seattle as well. Another big chunk is back on India getting huge $ to start up ideas. They suckered even yellow man jack ma to part with billions.
Evil Hindus.
I vote "Fear of Chinese industrial espionage, while Indians are not capable of reverse engineering" because it is the best available answer in your option. LOL

Fact is there are plenty of Chinese leadership in US tech companies. Nvidia, AMD, Yahoo, Intel, IBM. It is worth noting that most tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are Chinese, instead of Indian. Indian is good at working for others, like to be subordinate than taking leadership role like Chinese. We are just more entrepreneurship.

But since Chinese are best coders apparently, why do they need to steal other's work and reverse engineer at all? They should be able to do things on their own! :woot:
You can't even have a single frontend guy knowing English ? I think that can be arranged easily.
Is that applicable only to Software industry ? As a matter of fact, out of all the industries, it should be least relevant when it comes to Softwares.

I don't know if software is the most relevant, but it's relevant. Software is more than just code, in fact coding isn't even that important.
One simple answer. Money. Indians work for lower wage but longer hours. White man exploit this weakness.
Agree. We are cheap. We lickk bones thrown by white man. Me want food. Now yellow man throw bone.
All other countries have higher wage than bone locking Indian Hindus.
I don't know if software is the most relevant, but it's relevant. Software is more than just code, in fact coding isn't even that important.

As I said, can't you have a frontend guy who can talk English ? It's not a hard feat. I interact with many Chinese people on daily basis, and I don't have a problem in communicating with them. I know guys in my firm, who can talk English, Spanish and French at the same time. Yes, they are paid amply for that.
As a doctoral student in a prestigious university in the United States, and as one who has collaborated in graduate-level (published) research with colleagues who are also post-docs and happen to be of South Asian origin, I can say that without a doubt one of the hallmarks of South Asians is their adept nature to be highly adaptive to any environment. You name it. I've worked with Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans --- their proficiency in the English Language, their team-work and team-oriented nature , their efficiency in communicating concepts and design as well as thematic variance in research is a strength for them. Whilst many of the doctoral colleagues I have worked with who are from Japan, Korea and China have trouble in the English Language, I can see the difference in that the East Asian students tend to refrain from communicating issues for the sake of completing their specific objective, the South Asians whom I've worked with (in fact 2 of the current post-docs whom I'm collaborating with on a new journal article are South Asians) do not refrain from communicating and voicing out issues affecting research either it be issues in data collections, issues with participant activity. I notice that East Asian grad students tend to refrain from voicing out possible "negative" issues for the fear of causing ire. This is a weakness.

Let me reiterate again, that one of they key factors going for South Asians is their language capabilities , and high adaptability.

And I say this as a Japanese. I prefer to work with South Asians and collaboration in academic journals.
I don't know if software is the most relevant, but it's relevant. Software is more than just code, in fact coding isn't even that important.
OK please close the thread. A person in it who is the op, cannot realise this that IT industry is not about winning coding competition.
That's why Indians are in it industry whereas his top coder gor rejected
yellow peril of course.

No, it is not that. You cannot ignore that there are language and communication issues that render it a weakness. Academics from Japan, Korea and China have to focus on improving their English language skills, in tandem, should also focus in building a culture of communicating problems to build upon complementarity in research. This is an introspective analysis, of course, and its best we realize, recognize this weakness so that we can build reformative strategies.
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