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China’s war drums beat

Even trillions dollars worth oil in comparision to the stable enviroment for China economy growth in Asia still not worth the time and resource to actully go war over it. China economy can last to 100 yrs of growth but the oils in SCS won't last forever.
Protecting their territory is far more important than both issues. Plus if it has oil........ :devil:
Even trillions dollars worth oil in comparision to the stable enviroment for China economy growth in Asia still not worth the time and resource to actully go war over it. China economy can last to 100 yrs of growth but the oils in SCS won't last forever.

PS, over 90% of the oil and gas of the SCS were located at the bottom of the deepest part.

China are among the few countries in the world which have the capability to drill over there.

Vietnam cannot reach the fields which contain the most oil and gas. If they rent those expensive oil rigs from the western corporations, not only they have to pay the rent fee, but also to pay the operators from the western corporations. All the profit will go to the western corporations instead of Vietnam.

I can see that why Vietnam is getting really angry about China's act this time, since China is drilling in the fields that Vietnam can never touch it.
Everything fine if the war never begin.
But if the war begin, Vietnamese average people would be good warriors.

a nice fact that, all other former enemies ( France, USA ) turn to Vietnam's friends, except China.

the location of Vietnam is the very special one, which attract not only one or two but all big powers of this world.
The Vietnamese are stupid. That all there is to this. It piss me off to know that Vietnam had given foreign oil and gas giants lucrative contract to drill oil in dispute area but when we drill, it becomes contentious and receive bash lash. This is fucking bullshit and must be stop. It fuses us even more to conduct our drilling because of this fact.
The Vietnamese are stupid. That all there is to this. It piss me off to know that Vietnam had given foreign oil and gas giants lucrative contract to drill oil in dispute area but when we drill, it becomes contentious and receive bash lash. This is fucking bullshit and must be stop. It fuses us even more to conduct our drilling because of this fact.

Well, Vietnam actually made very little profit when they hired those western corporations to drill in the SCS.

They should cooperate with China instead of letting those profits end up in the pocket of the western corporations.
Well, Vietnam actually made very little profit when they hired those western corporations to drill in the SCS.

They should cooperate with China instead of letting those profits end up in the pocket of the western corporations.
This dumbass Vietnamese would rather give the profit to foreigners than to split it with us. This is a disgrace. I really wish I can get into their brain cell.
China currently have the rig to drill in the deepest part of the ocean, split 50-50 with China provide the rig platform for drilling is a win win for both.

What there is a fuss about, not like Vietnam have the mean to drill the oil without partner with the west.
China currently have the rig to drill in the deepest part of the ocean, split 50-50 with China provide the rig platform for drilling is a win win for both.

Vietnam doesn't have the capability to make huge profit on the oil/gas fields of the SCS without China's help.

All they can do is to hire those western corporations, while all profit goes to the western corporations.
Vietnam doesn't have the capability to make huge profit on the oil/gas fields of the SCS without China's help.

All they can do is to hire those western corporations, while all profit goes to the western corporations.

Harder for Vietnam because China still part of the claimant, if China start to drill then Vietnam will get even less profit.
Harder for Vietnam because China still part of the claimant, if China start to drill then Vietnam will get even less profit.

China only wants to maintain its sovereignty.

As for the oil/gas fields, we know that Vietnam desperately needs those resources to improve its living standard.

As you mentioned above, 50-50 or even 40-60, we are willing to negotiate, but it was Vietnam who keeps insisting that everything should belong to her.

The most profitable way is to accept China's negotiation, but those Vietnamese's unreasonable hatred towards China has basically clouded their reasonable judgement.

It is hard to convince those paranoid folks.
China only wants to maintain its sovereignty.

As for the oil/gas fields, we know that Vietnam desperately needs these resources to improve its living standard.

As you mentioned above, 50-50 or even 40-60, we are willing to negotiate, but it was Vietnam who keeps insisting that everything should belong to her.

The most profitable way is to accept China's negotiation, but those Vietnamese's unreasonable hatred towards China has basically clouded their reasonable judgement.

It is hard to convince those paranoid folks.

Vietnam is fool to think without negotiate with China, China will cede back the territory to Vietnam. Vietnam have no mean to enforce their claim on the dispute area.
Vietnam is fool to think without negotiate with China, China will cede back the territory to Vietnam. Vietnam have no mean to enforce their claim on the dispute area.

Even China gives up all the territorial claim on the SCS, Vietnam still can't make profit on the oil drilling.

Unless they want us to give up the territorial claim, meanwhile also rent our oil rig to them for free. They think that China must be acted like a sucker, to 100% harm its own national interest just to appease them.

Mao did it before, but it didn't prevent Vietnam later abandoned China for USSR.
Even China gives up all the territorial claim on the SCS, Vietnam still can't make profit on the oil drilling.

Unless they want us to give up the territorial claim, meanwhile rent the oil rig to them for free. They think that China must be acted like a sucker, to 100% its own national interest just to appease Vietnam.

Mao did it before, but it didn't prevent Vietnam later abandoned China for USSR.

You can't blame Vietnam for siding with the Soviet, Soviet was a superpower with a military might but Vietnam Chess move backfire, they follow the bankrupt Soviet union and eventually left out in the cold with S.U collpased and file bankrupcy.
china is in stronger position here. why would they want 50/50? negotiation is for the weak :D
china is in stronger position here. why would they want 50/50? negotiation is for the weak :D

Isn't for the weak but fair win win deal better for both nations with the final outcome of the dispute. One less headache to deal with.
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