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China's vast fleet is tipping the balance in the Pacific

with attitudes like this expect all your neighbors to have nukes
If there are signs of immediate chinese attack, Vietnam would accelerate the buildup of missile defense. Going nuke is certainly a strategic option.

Really hyper nationalistic Garbage
It’s more like a mix of nationalism and racism.
If there are signs of immediate chinese attack, Vietnam would accelerate the buildup of missile defense. Going nuke is certainly a strategic option.

it should be your first option
If there are signs of immediate chinese attack, Vietnam would accelerate the buildup of missile defense. Going nuke is certainly a strategic option.

It’s more like a mix of nationalism and racism.

Very very true! Believe me, it’s been noticed.
Your Mr Trump and his white house staff seen to think otherwise. Why Singapore summit? Why Hanoi Summit?

Why all those endless to and from negotiations between NK and US that has been going on for decades after decades, even before there is nuke in NK?
Kim Jong-Un wrote a letter to Donald Trump to commence negotiations. Otherwise, US was preparing to destroy DPRK in 2017.

Trump administration had made its intentions about destroying DPRK absolutely clear to the entire world in a UN gathering prior to talks. And there was a lot of military buildup near DPRK at the time.
it should be your first option
Theoretically yes.
We have uranium resources. We have the technology. The US/Vietnam 1-2-3 nuclear agreement allows Vietnam development of nuclear although it forbids Vietnam to enrich or reprocess U.S.-origin nuclear materials, but the pact doesn’t forbid Vietnam to enrich and reprocess domestic or other country’s nuclear materials.


Murika boombed your shiit out, why didn't developed nuke?
North Vietnam was protected by USSR nuclear umbrella. Today we have none. See the difference?
You are so stupid. SCS cannot leave by itself. For now,you little country is not what we care. We retreat donot mean we accept this situation. You will definitely see we will come back with overwhelming Navy force in the future. You should worry right now because we refuse to negotiate with your little country.
Yeah.poor, uneducated Cnese like u dont care, but rich Cnese care, they ( rich cnese) r fleeing to VN in large number to avoid 25% tairff and willing to pay VN engineer from $4,000- $8000/month.

Vị trí kỹ sư có thể được trả mức lương là $4,000; cấp quản lý có vị trí trả đến $8,000 mỗi tháng.”

Tuy nhiên, điểm chung của các nhà máy từ Trung Quốc chuyển sang Việt nam khi tuyển dụng nhân viên, nhất là nhiều vị trí giám sát và cấp quản lý, đều yêu cầu ứng viên phải nói được tiếng Bắc Kinh.( can speqk Bejing langue)


And we only welcome rich Cnese while we still beat up poor Cnese in VN every time we want like in 2014 conflict :cool:
Yeah.poor, uneducated Cnese like u dont care, but rich Cnese care, they ( rich cnese) r fleeing to VN in large number to avoid 25% tairff and willing to pay VN engineer from $4,000- $8000/month.

Vị trí kỹ sư có thể được trả mức lương là $4,000; cấp quản lý có vị trí trả đến $8,000 mỗi tháng.”

Tuy nhiên, điểm chung của các nhà máy từ Trung Quốc chuyển sang Việt nam khi tuyển dụng nhân viên, nhất là nhiều vị trí giám sát và cấp quản lý, đều yêu cầu ứng viên phải nói được tiếng Bắc Kinh.( can speqk Bejing langue)


And we only welcome rich Cnese while we still beat up poor Cnese in VN every time we want like in 2014 conflict :cool:
Sigh,I can understand why our ancestors dominated you kinds for a thousand of years so easily. Because you kinds are really stupid and shortsighted. Whatever,you can keep making yourself happy. The happy days is coming to the end.
By the way,donot overestimate your new Dad, we Chinese are very patient and soficicated race and we will see who is the last winner.
nukes ...
plus North Korea is too week
why bother ?
NK nukes? They can't even reach US, they don't even have alot of them. If as easy as bombing them. but you know the real reason, why arent you saying it out loud. C H I N A. Hahahhaha
Bro, US is not invincible, Russia invaded Ukraine, for months US was threatening militarily. so?

Yeah.poor, uneducated Cnese like u dont care, but rich Cnese care, they ( rich cnese) r fleeing to VN in large number to avoid 25% tairff and willing to pay VN engineer from $4,000- $8000/month.

Vị trí kỹ sư có thể được trả mức lương là $4,000; cấp quản lý có vị trí trả đến $8,000 mỗi tháng.”

Tuy nhiên, điểm chung của các nhà máy từ Trung Quốc chuyển sang Việt nam khi tuyển dụng nhân viên, nhất là nhiều vị trí giám sát và cấp quản lý, đều yêu cầu ứng viên phải nói được tiếng Bắc Kinh.( can speqk Bejing langue)


And we only welcome rich Cnese while we still beat up poor Cnese in VN every time we want like in 2014 conflict :cool:
Don't get me wrong I like Vietnam but I wouldn't want to be Vietnamese.

If there are signs of immediate chinese attack, Vietnam would accelerate the buildup of missile defense. Going nuke is certainly a strategic option.

It’s more like a mix of nationalism and racism.
My friend, you have no idea who you are facing. Just live in peace. I like Vietnamese girls.
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Relax bro please no more bloodshed.
China with 400 warships is certainly far superior to Vietnam Navy, but please don’t forget our defense is traditionally unbreakable for all enemies whether small or big.
China Navy once attacked Vietnam coast line by 1,000 warships with most them being sunk.

Vietnam is not greedy. We control the sea and islands since hundreds of year while you originated from the central plains. A place very far from the SC sea!
idiot... You fight a naval war by swimming??? Are jungle animals well known for swimming???
And remember, your are our slaves for the last 2,000 years...

If there are signs of immediate chinese attack, Vietnam would accelerate the buildup of missile defense. Going nuke is certainly a strategic option.

It’s more like a mix of nationalism and racism.
Your daddy won't let you... You get a regime change...

Upper hand ??

PLA show that its still very stupid and coward in 2014 conflict when CN forces, tripple times larger than VN forces, had to retreat shamefully.
Where is your navy hiding... In an azzhole???
idiot... You fight a naval war by swimming??? Are jungle animals well known for swimming???
And remember, your are our slaves for the last 2,000 years...

Your daddy won't let you... You get a regime change...

Where is your navy hiding... In an azzhole???
Ok good that you admit you are racist!


I think the first the Vietnam should build an aircraft carrier
We made bphone!
More difficult but should not be a impossible challenge to make a big floating fish trawler.

Ok good that you admit you are racist!


We made bphone!
More difficult but should not be a impossible challenge to make a big floating fish trawler.

Bphone? Seriously? You need an industrial base to go nuke. And China doesn't use nukes as first option. China only use nukes as retaliation for nuke attack. By using conventional warfare, Vietnam would be fried, there is no need for nukes.
with attitudes like this expect all your neighbors to have nukes
Goof :))
Go talk to Mexico, Canada and countries that hate America,
against America.
Imagine VN hating the US, against America, fighting madness, hating madly, ridiculously hating, bullshit, crap, VN zombies. (Please handle zombies worldwide)
And America doesn't want anyone with nuclear weapons, hahaha kakaka idiot.
And US&Vietnam wants to occupy 2 large archipelagoes in the East Sea, Vietnam US wants the whole East Sea.
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