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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas


May 5, 2010
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Capital of China's Xinjiang to Ban Burqas in Public: Report

BEIJING | DEC 11, 2014

Authorities in the capital of the mainly Muslim Uighur homeland of Xinjiang voted to ban the wearing of burqas in public, media said today, as China confronts unrest with tough measures that critics have labelled discriminatory.

Hundreds have died in ethnic clashes across the restive far western region in recent months, with Beijing vowing to "strike hard" against violence.

The local legislature of Urumqi yesterday "considered and adopted 'Regulations for the banning of wearing of burqas in public areas in Urumqi'", the Sina web news portal said.

The measure will next go to the regional legislature to "examine and then to implement it", the report added.

China has previously launched drives to discourage women from covering their faces, and security officials often log details of those wearing burqas, an Islamic garment that covers the eyes as well as the whole face and body.

A "Project Beauty" campaign in the predominantly Uighur city of Kashgar saw a publicity offensive encouraging women not to wear traditional Islamic clothing.

Authorities in another Xinjiang city, Karamay, in August banned people wearing hijabs, niqabs, burqas, or clothing with the Islamic star and crescent symbol from local buses.

Rights groups say that harsh police treatment of Uighurs and campaigns against some religious practices has stoked violence.

Beijing has blamed "separatists" from Xinjiang for a wave of deadly incidents in and beyond the region, which have been labelled "terrorism" by Beijing.

Several hundred people have died this year, and Xinjiang witnessed its bloodiest incident since 2009 when 37 civilians and 59 "terrorists" were killed in an attack on a police station and government offices in Shache county, also known as Yarkand, in July.

Five years ago, rioting involving Uighurs and members of China's Han majority left around 200 people dead in Urumqi.

China defends its policies in Xinjiang, arguing that it has boosted economic development in the area and that it upholds minority and religious rights in a country with 56 recognised ethnic groups.


Capital of China's Xinjiang to Ban Burqas in Public: Report
China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

Capital of China's Xinjiang to ban burqas in public: report | Daily Mail Online
Its China internal matter let them deal with it.Also such thing are happening in EU as well so why so much barking when it comes to China?These are just tactics to decrease china reputation.
Voice of America? :lol: Will they say anything about nice but crap for China?
Its China internal matter let them deal with it.Also such thing are happening in EU as well so why so much barking when it comes to China?These are just tactics to decrease china reputation.

Yes, it's not fair.
Good move. Destroy all the underground schools and burn all the archaic books. Also control their travel to KSA and Turkey. They should be free to leave, but not to return. No breathing room for the zealot fanatics.

Urumqi bans full-face veils
By Yuen Yeuk-laam

Women in Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region will be banned from wearing full-face veils in public places, a move analysts say aims to prevent extremism from spreading in the region.

The ban was approved by the Standing Committee of the Urumqi People's Congress, the local legislative body, on Wednesday and is expected to come into effect on January 1, 2015.

The specific details of the ban were not disclosed on Thursday but may be formally announced after a final review by the Standing Committee of the Urumqi People's Congress, news portal ts.cn reported.

Pan Zhiping, a research fellow at the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times that the phenomenon of women wearing full-face veils in public in Xinjiang has become prevalent since 2012 but that this style of clothing is not a Uyghur tradition.

The new legislation seeks to help the government manage this phenomenon and, more importantly, prevent the spread of extremist ideas, Pan said.

Jin Wei, director of the Office of Religious Issues at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, said it is beyond doubt that full-face veils are seen as restricting women's rights as they force women to cover their whole body, which symbolically shows that their bodies belong to men.

The new restrictions come shortly after the announcement of Xinjiang's recently revised regulations on religious affairs, which ban citizens from practicing religion in government buildings and the distribution and viewing of videos about religious extremism or terrorism.

The regulations also prohibit people from wearing or forcing others to wear clothing or logos associated with religious extremism.

A previous article by the Xinjiang Daily, a newspaper affiliated with the Xinjiang government, said that it was not a good sign that women are wearing full-face veils and that those black gowns and veils have nothing to do with a happy life.

Xu Jianying, a professor with the Research Center for Chinese Borderland History and Geography at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times that it is possible that similar laws will be implemented in other cities in Xinjiang and that it is likely that violators could receive education from the authorities as punishment.

What is the opinion of Voice of America on the rectal feeding of Muslims by the US government?

And outsourced torture centers in Lithuania, Poland and Heavens know where else? VOA, if you may please? Why relegate the honor to RT?

Not-so-magnificent 7: Nations named & shamed in CIA torture report — RT News
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Capital of China's Xinjiang to Ban Burqas in Public: Report

BEIJING | DEC 11, 2014

Authorities in the capital of the mainly Muslim Uighur homeland of Xinjiang voted to ban the wearing of burqas in public, media said today, as China confronts unrest with tough measures that critics have labelled discriminatory.

Hundreds have died in ethnic clashes across the restive far western region in recent months, with Beijing vowing to "strike hard" against violence.

The local legislature of Urumqi yesterday "considered and adopted 'Regulations for the banning of wearing of burqas in public areas in Urumqi'", the Sina web news portal said.

The measure will next go to the regional legislature to "examine and then to implement it", the report added.

China has previously launched drives to discourage women from covering their faces, and security officials often log details of those wearing burqas, an Islamic garment that covers the eyes as well as the whole face and body.

A "Project Beauty" campaign in the predominantly Uighur city of Kashgar saw a publicity offensive encouraging women not to wear traditional Islamic clothing.

Authorities in another Xinjiang city, Karamay, in August banned people wearing hijabs, niqabs, burqas, or clothing with the Islamic star and crescent symbol from local buses.

Rights groups say that harsh police treatment of Uighurs and campaigns against some religious practices has stoked violence.

Beijing has blamed "separatists" from Xinjiang for a wave of deadly incidents in and beyond the region, which have been labelled "terrorism" by Beijing.

Several hundred people have died this year, and Xinjiang witnessed its bloodiest incident since 2009 when 37 civilians and 59 "terrorists" were killed in an attack on a police station and government offices in Shache county, also known as Yarkand, in July.

Five years ago, rioting involving Uighurs and members of China's Han majority left around 200 people dead in Urumqi.

China defends its policies in Xinjiang, arguing that it has boosted economic development in the area and that it upholds minority and religious rights in a country with 56 recognised ethnic groups.


Capital of China's Xinjiang to Ban Burqas in Public: Report
China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

Capital of China's Xinjiang to ban burqas in public: report | Daily Mail Online

Understanding the fact that China is so essential for Pak, Pakistani's will even put their national or religious dignity at "pause" for it's sake. Same people you will see exploding their heads while speaking against ban on Hijab in Europe but in Chinese case will not only remain silent but will defend it as a "Chinese internal matter".
Torture cells are something else that can be discussed somewhere else. Here We talk on the related topic.
China will neither talk to, nor tolerate the terrorists and their ideologies. They will face the full force of the state and the larger society so long as they fail to embrace the basic rules of being social-beings.

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