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China’s Ultimate Nightmare: Japan Armed With Nuclear Weapons

If China supplied Pak with nukes than why is Pak accused of stealing reactor designs from Holland ?
It wouldn't kill you by not acting stupid.

As for India cribbing yeah .. Waiting to see India sell tanks .. Selling nukes :lol:

The centrifuge blueprints were stolen from Netherlands. China supplied reactor technology, training for technicians and is also suspected to have carried out the first Pakistani weapons testing on its soil.

One would think that you would know these things about the only achievement in your country's history.
The centrifuge blueprints were stolen from Netherlands. China supplied reactor technology, training for technicians and is also suspected to have carried out the first Pakistani weapons testing on its soil.

One would think that you would know these things about the only achievement in your country's history.

trust me every other country apart from America has had the blueprints including soviet union.
trust me every other country apart from America has had the blueprints including soviet union.

If they do, then it is in no small part due to the Nuclear Walmart run by AQ Khan. Another thing the rest of the world has Pakistan to thank for.
If they do, then it is in no small part due to the Nuclear Walmart run by AQ Khan. Another thing the rest of the world has Pakistan to thank for.

plz stop the hypocrisy, if big players can do it why not the little players . do you know how soviet got the bomb instant transfer behind close door thanks USA.
are you sure China will be worried instead of USA ? :whistle:

For one yes you're quite right considering the United States is the most militarily capable nation in the world. But in context to the article written by Mr. Mike-sama, I suppose he was making an implication of Japan having been the one who was historically at 'odds' with the Chinese in 2 entire millenial paradigms. I guess it should be important to note that tho the United States may counter Chinese position in regards to freedom of navigation on maritime issues , the United States, historically speaking that is, was never the one who initiated an invasion in China with an intent to conquor the Chinese state. The latter was a paradigm of Japanese foreign relations goals in the Asian mainland from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century.

I could be wrong, my friend, afterall I am in no ways Mr. Mike nor can i telepathically read his thoughts, lol.
The centrifuge blueprints were stolen from Netherlands. China supplied reactor technology, training for technicians and is also suspected to have carried out the first Pakistani weapons testing on its soil.

One would think that you would know these things about the only achievement in your country's history.

Very smart ... So China supplied nuclear reactors of Pakistan in the 70s,trained Pakistani technicians .. Yet Pak stole centrifuge blue prints from Holland ... Bought equipment and material from European states Germany,Switzerland,Italy,France .. Bought uranium from Niger - instead of just getting all that from China ? Are you a retard?

Pakistan's first and indigenous nuclear reactor became operational in early 1990s in khushab.. It was later in the late 90s that Pak bought heavy water reactors from China...

The old tests were conducted in early 80s and Pak publically tested nukes in Chagai mountains in 98...


All that Coz of India and her Canadian KANDU affair !

If they do, then it is in no small part due to the Nuclear Walmart run by AQ Khan. Another thing the rest of the world has Pakistan to thank for.

So the fuk you gonna do? Cry a river n drown in it?

For one yes you're quite right considering the United States is the most militarily capable nation in the world. But in context to the article written by Mr. Mike-sama, I suppose he was making an implication of Japan having been the one who was historically at 'odds' with the Chinese in 2 entire millenial paradigms. I guess it should be important to note that tho the United States may counter Chinese position in regards to freedom of navigation on maritime issues , the United States, historically speaking that is, was never the one who initiated an invasion in China with an intent to conquor the Chinese state. The latter was a paradigm of Japanese foreign relations goals in the Asian mainland from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century.

I could be wrong, my friend, afterall I am in no ways Mr. Mike nor can i telepathically read his thoughts, lol.

Realistically .. Japan getting nukes is a little too fukin much... Nobody is gonna allow it.. Heck even the Japsnese ppl won't stand for that.. Considering the recent mass protests against "Abe" n his bill.

plz stop the hypocrisy, if big players can do it why not the little players . do you know how soviet got the bomb instant transfer behind close door thanks USA.

How did India get her nukes? Or what about the Israel - apartheid South Africa love affair!
China should arm Cuba, Bangladesh and Nepal with nuclear so they can wipe the Indian.
Don't take any offense to this, but this is the South Asia syndrome. South Asia is dirt poor, and technologically backwards, while essentially isolated from the world of the advanced economies, in terms of comparisons and conflicts. They can sometimes have too good of an opinion on themselves.

Any discussion with Bangladesh turns to India provides opportunities and with Pakistan, it's India is richer.

With these discussions as their main, they lose perspective on where they are actually are. That is nowhere.

Hi @Genesis its been a long time since we talked, buddy! Can I say something and be frank with you? What is this sense of superiority amongst Chinese members and their need to belittle and put down 'South Asians' and the latter's industrial capability? Please don't think that China was immune to poor development or believe that China was always an industrial power as surely she was not prior to liberalizing her economic mandate. South Asian countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka are developing, and their industrial capabilities are improving as we speak, soon enough they shall have reached parity status of China in at least 10-20 years time if they keep up their modernization agenda to par.

Please kindly avoid the need to put down an entire region due to their developmental status in regards to HDI. Everything is relative, remember , my friend. Not every nation is similar to each other and each nation has a unique social and external variables that affect and influence developmental schema.

I , as a citizen of a ultra-developed nation , Japan, could easily adopt a supremacist and superiority-conjured thinking , and easily say that Japanese are superior to Chinese due to our higher standard of living, or compare the educational level and attainment of every Japanese citizen compared to Chinese nationals in China mainland. And what would that do? Would it really help by putting down another and pointing out their weaknesses? To do so, my friend is not virtuous, and arrogant , this is not the Confucian way.

Take this as a kind and constructive analysis from me. There is no ill intent in this message.

I hope you're doing great, i have missed our fond conversations.

If so, there is nightmare for japanese.

Since China will cancel all the japanese before that happens ,right ?;)

You can compare which will come faster : japanese arm with nuke or get nuked ?:-)
I suppose Japanese Government and the Military Cadre should consider the need to take preventative steps in regards to strategic deterrence. Japan should adopt a policy wherein we can guarantee any foolhardy state of their assured evisceration if they were to dare launch missiles at sacred Japanese territory. If Japan should be 'erased from the map', then Japan should ensure that she inflict catastrophic injury on the aggressive power. If we should go down , then we shall call upon the Sun Goddess the Omikami Amaterasu to bequeath us her Divine Power to sanctify our enemies....so that ALL shall enter the eternal realm with Japan. :)

What Genesis probably meant was this is a Vietnamese syndrome, since nobody in ASEAN other than the Viets here talk about acquiring nukes.

Pen pal you should avoid getting infected with it, even though it's only some hypothesis Japan isn't gonna develop nukes. US pressured France not to deliver a reprocessing facility to South Korea in 1975 as a result the South Koreans ended the program. Now what makes you think the US will allow Japan to develop WMD under the disguise of the China threat? Surely you haven't forgotten who nuked your country, plus the North Korean threat isn't justifiable enough for US to even consider allowing Japan to develop nukes. As long Japan remember the lessons of WW2 and remain a pacifist Japan is safe, plus the Americans have you guys under its claws ;)
What Genesis probably meant was this is a Vietnamese syndrome, since nobody in ASEAN other than the Viets here talk about acquiring nukes.

Pen pal you should avoid getting infected with it, even though it's only some hypothesis Japan isn't gonna develop nukes. US pressured France not to deliver a reprocessing facility to South Korea in 1975 as a result the South Koreans ended the program. Now what makes you think the US will allow Japan to develop WMD under the disguise of the China threat? Surely you haven't forgotten who nuked your country, plus the North Korean threat isn't justifiable enough for US to even consider allowing Japan to develop nukes. As long Japan remember the lessons of WW2 and remain a pacifist Japan is safe, plus the Americans have you guys under its claws ;)

In my view we can discuss without having to put down the 'other' by glorifying oneself or one's national inherent strengths. It is , in the Japanese mindset, extremely arrogant and we do not look too kindly towards arrogant behavior. That is why i gave that constructive message to our friend @Genesis because from my year or so of dialogue with him, I never saw him post like that before, that is why i was a bit concerned. I hope he does not continue on with that kind of thinking as it is unproductive and does not encourage a healthy dialogue with our South Asian friends.
I suppose Japanese Government and the Military Cadre should consider the need to take preventative steps in regards to strategic deterrence. Japan should adopt a policy wherein we can guarantee any foolhardy state of their assured evisceration if they were to dare launch missiles at sacred Japanese territory. If Japan should be 'erased from the map', then Japan should ensure that she inflict catastrophic injury on the aggressive power. If we should go down , then we shall call upon the Sun Goddess the Omikami Amaterasu to bequeath us her Divine Power to sanctify our enemies....so that ALL shall enter the eternal realm with Japan. :)


LOL, you should run for next japanese PM and adopt that smart policy.

Then, we can see which how fast 'japan erased from the map' (before first nuke test or after ?).:-)
Why should i enter politics? I prefer to sit comfortably on my leather chair and typing on my mahogany desk. The life of a civilian is too good to pass. I think we all can agree on that, my Chinese friend.
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