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China’s Ultimate Nightmare: Japan Armed With Nuclear Weapons

Democracy is just a political method, not a political goal. if democracy cannot lead a country to develop, then it should be kicked out. The goal of a country's politics should make a country strong and make people rich.

That right there is all that I wanted to know. With a viewpoint like that, it is not surprising that you also have a rather convenient view on rogue states. There is no confusion really, except the one of your own making. Countries that crush democracy, civil/human rights and do not allow free speech are totalitarian regimes that need to be uprooted. Countries that foment terrorism outside/inside their borders, proliferate WMDs and provide other support to similar regimes are themselves rogue states.

This equivalence theory is very convenient my friend, where you conflate what "is" the brutal truth of realpolitik for some dangerous countries such as China and Pakistan with what is the commonly accepted norm in the rest of the world and "ought" to be for you as well. These tired cliches don't fool anyone. No good has come in the long term out of undemocratic totalitarian regimes. The modern world has moved on and it would be nice if you could move along with it.

The world unfortunately doesn't work that way buddy.

Then pray tell us, dear enlightened person, out of your vast personal experience in realpolitik, how does it work. Surely your bland assertion is not good enough in the real world, which is slightly different than China.

you have simply regurgitated the prior claim that does not stand up to scrutiny, and then implored the participant in question to "use their brain" and accept the profundity of your assertion. Maybe, "using one's brain" is defined differently in Chinese culture. In our culture, new information is taken into account while arriving at conclusions. What you have stated is the ossified view - China's belligerence is changing the equation on a daily basis. While earlier most countries in the region did not openly support American intervention in the region, now they are doing so. The South China Sea is becoming the New Atlantic. American support is now so widespread that the US would only be glad to prop another nuclear player like Japan, just as it did in the case of the UK in Europe.
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Japan can easily build nukes and ballistic missiles if they want but they won't
Hehehe, to be honest the INS Chakra is quite beautiful. :)

This is just a colorful discussion , my friend, we don't need to be too serious about it. Mike-sama who wrote this interesting piece hits some points for us to consider, tho.

Why dont you build your own,how hard can a screw driver job be 8-)

Don't want to act like a smart ***.. But why why Japan lease an Indian sub based and designed with Russian help.. Rather than leasing more capable US nuclear submarines or even designing one ! Japanese submarines (conventional) themselves are very much advanced ... Unlike other countries Japanese is an industrially advanced country .. Meanwhile india not so much.

I agree with you.Japan is only a screw driver away from a full fledged nuclear deterrent
Don't take any offense to this, but this is the South Asia syndrome. South Asia is dirt poor, and technologically backwards, while essentially isolated from the world of the advanced economies, in terms of comparisons and conflicts. They can sometimes have too good of an opinion on themselves.

Any discussion with Bangladesh turns to India provides opportunities and with Pakistan, it's India is richer.

With these discussions as their main, they lose perspective on where they are actually are. That is nowhere.

Lol ,so true :rofl::rofl:
Therefore even if China attacks Philippines or Japan, as long as it limits to the islands, United States will do nothing except empty words. Nuclear proliferation plays a crucial role here. This also allows for power-sharing among P5 members.

Define which "islands" you are mentioning? The fake islands no one recognizes except China? Or islands that belong to Philippines or Japan?

But since you said "attacks Philippines or Japan", it indicates that a missile is fired from the fake "islands" to somewhere in either of those countries, meaning China is willing to attack either of the two countries.

The vagueness of your statement, specifically this - "limits to the islands" made me conclude that what you are implying that China can make an aggressive moves and even attack the Philippines or Japan, and the US will not do anything but simply "bark" back, disregarding the defense treaties these two countries have with the United States.
Did you even read the shyt you posted ?

Pak-China peaceful nuclea cooperation happening in 1986 and China giving access and all in 1987 to USA .. No evidence ... And clearified that China didn't transfer any nuclear "know how" to Pakistan?

Douchebag Pak had opened its nuclear sites to IAEA and it was than that our scientists and technicians were trained .. All you have is suspicioun tht China helped Pak,Iran and other countries by "selling" equipment like magnetic rings etc with no knowledge of the transactions ever took place !

Pakistan had developed nukes by 82.. Conducting a cold test in 83 ..And had started the program in 72!

So much for your fukin evidence... Reactors an nuclear training BS!

Do you want me to spoon few you by highlighting that Aswell!

',' bhai

Why should i enter politics? I prefer to sit comfortably on my leather chair and typing on my mahogany desk. The life of a civilian is too good to pass. I think we all can agree on that, my Chinese friend.

'Prime minister Nihonjin' sounds good :enjoy:
Well don't know if they are trying or not but the consequences of such a scenario will be disastrous for some country in east asia.
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