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China's tentative steps towards democracy

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Agreed, I think Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao are excellent leaders. :tup:

Much, MUCH better than their predecessor, Jiang Zemin.

I agree. During Jiang's rule China was in actual danger of being stuck in low level equilibrium like India. Remember, the bad old 90's... the US was at its strongest, the voices of dissent the strongest, the pro-Western lobby the most virulent, Felon Goons, corrupt officials, state property being sold for cents, crime, thieves, terrorists, pollution... the 90's are what gave us a bad name, luckily Hu-Wen were able to fix the horrendous mistakes of the Jiang administration.
Hu also did a good job of enlarging the gadgets in our second artillery.

In the era of Jiang, we had only 20 ICBMs, but the number is 10 times more by now.

This makes our motherland safer.
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30 years development and achievement has already showed us the results and answer: We are in the right direction under the CCP's leadership.

What really needs to change is indeed the western countries.

Don't talk about those "democrazy, human rights, freedom" craps to us. The moment they stop killing foreign people, withdraw troops, close overseas military bases is the time we can talk about these fancy words.
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