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Jun 28, 2012
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Correction:the 1st Type 056A ASW corvette should be the Sanmenxia commissioned yesterday 13.11.2014。

China's New Submarine-Hunting Ship Shows How Beijing Is Countering The US Pivot To The Pacific


NOV. 13, 2014, 12:58 PM

China is upgrading its anti-submarine fleet, introducing a new ship with capabilities that would further hamper any US pivot to the Pacific.

One of the major defensive gaps within the Chinese navy has been in anti-submarine warfare (ASW). This gap has left China's growing fleet vulnerable to attacks from its neighbors' quickly expanding submarine capabilities, as well as the US's highly advanced submarine fleet.

Beijing has taken stock of this strategic weakness. China recently commissioned the Zhuzhou, the first corvette to enter the Chinese navy that's specifically designed for ASW.

"ASW has long been considered one of the gaps for the Chinese and this is an attempt to fill one of those gaps,” Eric Wertheim, author of Combat Fleets, told USNI News.

The Zhuzhou is the 18th Jiangdao-class missile corvette within the Chinese fleet, although it is the first one dedicated to ASW. Beyond the Zhuzhou, an additional four Jiangdao corvettes are being outfittedwith equipment that aids in submarine detection, like variable-depth sonar arrays.

These advancements come during an upsurge in China's own submarine development. China now has one of the largest attack submarine fleets in the world, composed of six nuclear-powered attack vessels alongside 53 diesel-powered submarines. Additionally, China has three nuclear ballistic "boomer" submarines that grant China second-strike nuclear capability.

Second-strike capability is the to launch a nuclear attack on a target after having been the target of a nuclear exchange. Currently, these submarines are able to target the continental US from the mid-Pacific.

These naval upgrades come as China's neighbors are also attempting to upgrade their navies. China is locked in territorial disputes with nearly all of these countries.

Russia has so far delivered six Russian Kilo-class diesel electric attack submarines to Vietnam. This delivery could have played a role in China's decision to upgrade its ASW capabilities. Vietnam and China are locked in a maritime conflict over the Paracel and Spratly Island chains that has threatened to turn violent at times, as when China moved an oil rig to waters inside Vietnam's exclusive economic zone this past summer.

China's ASW capabilities are likely also aimed at the US shift to the Pacific. Currently, the US bases nuclear attack submarines on the Pacific island of Guam. However, a defense deal between the Philippines and the US could lead to American submarines moving right on China's doorstep.

Beijing's sudden introduction of ASW-capable craft shows that China is working to close any security gaps that the US or other regional rivals may be able to exploit.

China Developing Anti-Submarine Warfare - Business Insider
In one of the threads on an american defence forum, an american was claiming that China's submarines are so noisy that they can literally never hide. Is this true?

593 The Sanmenxia





Coming up next:594 and 595. :D
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Nice,,but our asw corvette is good too:D
I believe the Zhuzhou has been given the side number 594. :enjoy:
In one of the threads on an american defence forum, an american was claiming that China's submarines are so noisy that they can literally never hide. Is this true?


The old nuclear sub is not that advance. But the latest launch SSN 094B is better with pumpjet. Diesel sub will be difficult to track as once they goes silent mode, not much noise created.



By Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer Posted 13 hours ago


Y-8Q in Color www.top81.cn The Chinese Naval Air Force gets its first operational Y-8Q heavy submarine hunting aircraft, after several years of flight testing. Painted in the standard PLANAF grey as opposed to the bright yellow primer seen on the pair of prototypes, the Y-8Q will likely show up all around East Asian waters after the Chinese flight crews learn how to fully exploit the limits of their new technology.

China is making serious efforts to correct its longstanding deficiency in aerial Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), introducing the Shaanxi Y-8Q (also designated as the Y-8GX6) aircraft painted in the blue-gray People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force (PLANAF) colors into operation. Previously, two Y-8Q prototypes had been flying for the past several years as part of a rigorous testing and training regimen. Until this month, China's only long-range aerial ASW capability came from three Harbin SH-5 seaplanes, which are nearly thirty years old.

The Y-8Q is designed to overcome Chinese ASW deficiencies that would cripple Chinese naval and civilian maritime activity in war. Some of its technology, at least on the surface, compares favorably to the U.S. P-3C Orion and P-8 Poseidon, and the Japanese P-1. The Y-8Q's most distinctive feature is its seven-meter-long Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) boom, which detects the magnetic signature of enemy submarines' metal hulls as the Y-8Q flies over them. Since MAD performance correlates to size, and it's seven-meter MAD boom is arguably the largest of its kind among airplanes, the PLAN would have a fine weapon for hunting otherwise stealthy submarines.


Y-8Q MAD escobar via Sinodefense Forum The Y-8Q's MAD boom on its tail is possibly the largest one mounted on an aircraft. The MAD is located on a boom in order to minimize electromagnetic interference from the Y-8Q itself, as the MAD detects any magnetic signatures from the metallic hulls of submarines lurking beneath the waves.

The Y-8Q also has an electro-optical turret forward of its bomb bay, which has day, night and infrared cameras to hunt the heat signatures and wakes of small watercraft, unmanned vehicles, and submarines (especially snorkels and periscopes). Right under cockpit is a large radome that, in addition to detecting submarine periscopes and wakes, can provide targeting data via satellite link to Chinese aircraft and warships when the Y-8Q finds enemy warships. The Y-8Q can also drop a hundred sonobuoys to provide real time sonar coverage of seawater expanses.


Y-8Q Packing escobar via Sinodefense Forum This photo gives us a good view of the Y-8Q's sensors, including the electro-optical turret (the white sphere forward of the bomb bays, similar in size and function to the one found on the Reaper drone), and the gray radome under the cockpit.


SQ-5 Sonobuoys Chinese Military Aviation The Y-8Q can carry at least a hundred sonobuoys to provide blanket sensor coverage over a patch of ocean the size of Rhode Island. Other Chinese ASW platforms, like the Z-18 helicopter, also carry these sonobuoys.

The exact weapons capacity of the plane's internal bomb bay is not yet public, but one estimate is that the Y-8Q can carry probably over 10 tons. (By comparison, the Y-8 transport carries 20 tons of cargo.) Likely weapons loadouts include torpedoes like the Yu-7, sea mines and anti-ship missiles. The Y-8Q's large size and sensors could also allow it to be a command center for underwater unmanned vehicles (UUVs) like the Haiyan glider that would guard sectors of the ocean floor while the Y-8Q flies off elsewhere.


Haiyan UUV China News The Haiyan UUV is an underwater glider, which can dive under 1,500m below the ocean surface, for up to 30 days. These 70kg drones (or future militarized versions) could be deployed enmass by Y-8Qs to provide a quick but long-term sensor solution, in areas like the Taiwan Straits, against enemy submarines during war time.

Since the Y-8Q is extending Anti-Access/Area Denial operations underwater, it is almost a given that China is going to invest in future ASW methods. In the future, the Y-8Q may be equipped with more exotic technologies like LIDAR (which uses laser beams to penetrate water to detect objects), hard kill anti-torpedo systems, acoustic signals intelligence and radiation detection (identify radiation from nuclear reactors) that Chinese scientists are already beginning to research.


ASW Attack Missile Navy Recognition This long range anti-submarine rocket is a proposal by Poly Technologies, a Chinese industrial conglomerate, that was first unveiled in September 2014 at a South African arms show. The ASW rocket uses a heavy WS series artillery rocket to fire a light torpedo (possibly a 500kg Yu-7) over 100 km away at enemy submarines that have been detected by a sensor network. A Y-8Q could act as a command center for Chinese UUVs and long range anti-submarine rockets to effectively deny large areas of water to enemy submarines without placing Chinese submarines or warships in danger.

The Y-8Q will become a significant part of China's emerging ASW operations. Its 5,000km range, wide sensor and weapon range and massive payload will exponentially increase Chinese security against enemy submarines off its coasts and into the East and South China Seas. When combined with other ASW assets, such as underwater drones, missile launched torpedoes and sonar towing Type 065 corvettes, it could make current and planned regional investment into submarines by China's neighbors more of a risky proposition.


It's Also Great with Kids! Andreas Rupprecht, from cgyx.com The first Y-8Q, "731", also pulled duty as a babysitter for these Chinese toddlers during art class. While it would be highly unusual in either China or the USA to allow civilians such close access to a sensitive military prototype, its rather unlikely that these preschoolers would expose defense secrets with Crayon and paper.

China's Submarine Hunting Plane Has A Giant Stinger | Popular Science


By Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer Posted 13 hours ago


Y-8Q in Color www.top81.cn The Chinese Naval Air Force gets its first operational Y-8Q heavy submarine hunting aircraft, after several years of flight testing. Painted in the standard PLANAF grey as opposed to the bright yellow primer seen on the pair of prototypes, the Y-8Q will likely show up all around East Asian waters after the Chinese flight crews learn how to fully exploit the limits of their new technology.

China is making serious efforts to correct its longstanding deficiency in aerial Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), introducing the Shaanxi Y-8Q (also designated as the Y-8GX6) aircraft painted in the blue-gray People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force (PLANAF) colors into operation. Previously, two Y-8Q prototypes had been flying for the past several years as part of a rigorous testing and training regimen. Until this month, China's only long-range aerial ASW capability came from three Harbin SH-5 seaplanes, which are nearly thirty years old.

The Y-8Q is designed to overcome Chinese ASW deficiencies that would cripple Chinese naval and civilian maritime activity in war. Some of its technology, at least on the surface, compares favorably to the U.S. P-3C Orion and P-8 Poseidon, and the Japanese P-1. The Y-8Q's most distinctive feature is its seven-meter-long Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) boom, which detects the magnetic signature of enemy submarines' metal hulls as the Y-8Q flies over them. Since MAD performance correlates to size, and it's seven-meter MAD boom is arguably the largest of its kind among airplanes, the PLAN would have a fine weapon for hunting otherwise stealthy submarines.


Y-8Q MAD escobar via Sinodefense Forum The Y-8Q's MAD boom on its tail is possibly the largest one mounted on an aircraft. The MAD is located on a boom in order to minimize electromagnetic interference from the Y-8Q itself, as the MAD detects any magnetic signatures from the metallic hulls of submarines lurking beneath the waves.

The Y-8Q also has an electro-optical turret forward of its bomb bay, which has day, night and infrared cameras to hunt the heat signatures and wakes of small watercraft, unmanned vehicles, and submarines (especially snorkels and periscopes). Right under cockpit is a large radome that, in addition to detecting submarine periscopes and wakes, can provide targeting data via satellite link to Chinese aircraft and warships when the Y-8Q finds enemy warships. The Y-8Q can also drop a hundred sonobuoys to provide real time sonar coverage of seawater expanses.


Y-8Q Packing escobar via Sinodefense Forum This photo gives us a good view of the Y-8Q's sensors, including the electro-optical turret (the white sphere forward of the bomb bays, similar in size and function to the one found on the Reaper drone), and the gray radome under the cockpit.


SQ-5 Sonobuoys Chinese Military Aviation The Y-8Q can carry at least a hundred sonobuoys to provide blanket sensor coverage over a patch of ocean the size of Rhode Island. Other Chinese ASW platforms, like the Z-18 helicopter, also carry these sonobuoys.

The exact weapons capacity of the plane's internal bomb bay is not yet public, but one estimate is that the Y-8Q can carry probably over 10 tons. (By comparison, the Y-8 transport carries 20 tons of cargo.) Likely weapons loadouts include torpedoes like the Yu-7, sea mines and anti-ship missiles. The Y-8Q's large size and sensors could also allow it to be a command center for underwater unmanned vehicles (UUVs) like the Haiyan glider that would guard sectors of the ocean floor while the Y-8Q flies off elsewhere.


Haiyan UUV China News The Haiyan UUV is an underwater glider, which can dive under 1,500m below the ocean surface, for up to 30 days. These 70kg drones (or future militarized versions) could be deployed enmass by Y-8Qs to provide a quick but long-term sensor solution, in areas like the Taiwan Straits, against enemy submarines during war time.

Since the Y-8Q is extending Anti-Access/Area Denial operations underwater, it is almost a given that China is going to invest in future ASW methods. In the future, the Y-8Q may be equipped with more exotic technologies like LIDAR (which uses laser beams to penetrate water to detect objects), hard kill anti-torpedo systems, acoustic signals intelligence and radiation detection (identify radiation from nuclear reactors) that Chinese scientists are already beginning to research.


ASW Attack Missile Navy Recognition This long range anti-submarine rocket is a proposal by Poly Technologies, a Chinese industrial conglomerate, that was first unveiled in September 2014 at a South African arms show. The ASW rocket uses a heavy WS series artillery rocket to fire a light torpedo (possibly a 500kg Yu-7) over 100 km away at enemy submarines that have been detected by a sensor network. A Y-8Q could act as a command center for Chinese UUVs and long range anti-submarine rockets to effectively deny large areas of water to enemy submarines without placing Chinese submarines or warships in danger.

The Y-8Q will become a significant part of China's emerging ASW operations. Its 5,000km range, wide sensor and weapon range and massive payload will exponentially increase Chinese security against enemy submarines off its coasts and into the East and South China Seas. When combined with other ASW assets, such as underwater drones, missile launched torpedoes and sonar towing Type 065 corvettes, it could make current and planned regional investment into submarines by China's neighbors more of a risky proposition.


It's Also Great with Kids! Andreas Rupprecht, from cgyx.com The first Y-8Q, "731", also pulled duty as a babysitter for these Chinese toddlers during art class. While it would be highly unusual in either China or the USA to allow civilians such close access to a sensitive military prototype, its rather unlikely that these preschoolers would expose defense secrets with Crayon and paper.

China's Submarine Hunting Plane Has A Giant Stinger | Popular Science
Should we call it Chinese answer to P3C Orion ? @Horus @Chinese-Dragon
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