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China's role in Venezuela's downfall

don't compare your mind set with the US, the US has more influence all over the world

for example:-
south Korea, they developed and so have a base in there,

your's invest in other countries not even started to earn the profit but you want to repay the amount if not then sign the deal to occupy the land

Your Example:-
Sri Langa

And why not? what make you think we can't set military base abroad? if Pakistan ever invite us to use Gwadar as military base, you think we gonna refuse?
or better, they can just allocate a land for China to establish a military base and port for 100 years, so gradually we will write off their debt as US did with many countries....:lol:

You can't. It's in their Constitution:

"Article 13: The territory shall never be assigned, transferred, leased or in any manner whatsoever conveyed, even temporarily or partially, to foreign States or other international law subjects. The geographical space of Venezuela is an area of peace. No foreign military bases or facilities having purposes that are in any way military shall be established within such space by any power or coalition of powers. Foreign States or other international law subjects shall be permitted to acquire real property only for the quarters of their diplomatic or consular delegations, within such area as may be determined and subject to guarantees of reciprocity, with such limitations as may be established by law. In all such cases, national sovereignty shall remain intact. There shall be no conveyance of title to vacant land existing within the federal dependencies and on islands in rivers and lakes, and the right to use the same shall be granted only in a manner that does not involve, directly or indirectly, the transfer of title to the land"
You can't. It's in their Constitution:

"Article 13: The territory shall never be assigned, transferred, leased or in any manner whatsoever conveyed, even temporarily or partially, to foreign States or other international law subjects. The geographical space of Venezuela is an area of peace. No foreign military bases or facilities having purposes that are in any way military shall be established within such space by any power or coalition of powers. Foreign States or other international law subjects shall be permitted to acquire real property only for the quarters of their diplomatic or consular delegations, within such area as may be determined and subject to guarantees of reciprocity, with such limitations as may be established by law. In all such cases, national sovereignty shall remain intact. There shall be no conveyance of title to vacant land existing within the federal dependencies and on islands in rivers and lakes, and the right to use the same shall be granted only in a manner that does not involve, directly or indirectly, the transfer of title to the land"

You American is scare that we did the same as you guys did in Asia right? I'm wondering if Monroe doctrine is still valid as today?:lol:
And why not? what make you think we can't set military base abroad? if Pakistan ever invite us to use Gwadar as military base, you think we gonna refuse?

Pakistan will do we know that i am talking about rest of the world,

you can have a military base in abroad for that you need to develop them like the US did in the past

and it's should not be the case like Sri Langa,

You can't. It's in their Constitution:

"Article 13: The territory shall never be assigned, transferred, leased or in any manner whatsoever conveyed, even temporarily or partially, to foreign States or other international law subjects. The geographical space of Venezuela is an area of peace. No foreign military bases or facilities having purposes that are in any way military shall be established within such space by any power or coalition of powers. Foreign States or other international law subjects shall be permitted to acquire real property only for the quarters of their diplomatic or consular delegations, within such area as may be determined and subject to guarantees of reciprocity, with such limitations as may be established by law. In all such cases, national sovereignty shall remain intact. There shall be no conveyance of title to vacant land existing within the federal dependencies and on islands in rivers and lakes, and the right to use the same shall be granted only in a manner that does not involve, directly or indirectly, the transfer of title to the land"

then china will squeeze till last drop oil
You American is scare that we did the same as you guys did in Asia right? I'm wondering if Monroe doctrine is still valid as today?:lol:

We were smart enough back in 1863 to know what the future could bring and made sure we had all South America on board with it in their Constitutions.
We were smart enough back in 1863 to know what the future could bring and made sure we had all South America on board with it in their Constitutions.

Not because you're smart but lucky, all World war I, II were not fought in America, so America continent was not disturbed by war, if Napoleon had decides to conquer America instead of Russia, then your constitutions worth no much than toilet paper. Constitution or not, it always the one who has the bigger gun to dictate the rule and overwrite the constitution, US know that, China know that...nothing is permanent in the future.
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if Napoleon had decides to conquer America instead of Russia, then your constitutions worth no much than toilet paper. Constitution or not, it always the one who has the bigger gun to dictate the rule and overwrite the constitution, US know that, China know that...nothing is permanent in the future.

I think @Mugwop can better explain what Haiti did to Napolean's army around 1800-1803.
it is a narrow project aimed at Afghanistan. Pakistanis look at Central Asia as a el dorado. there is not much in Central Asia.

That is the sound of heartbroken. Glad i got you to say this. Worth the long con!!! :rofl:
That is the sound of heartbroken. Glad i got you to say this. Worth the long con!!! :rofl:

The onces that are heart broken are Pakistanis who are in need of a prop and crutch.
If CPEC was a great idea how come China and Pakistan did not do it a long time ago
The onces that are heart broken are Pakistanis who are in need of a prop and crutch.
If CPEC was a great idea how come China and Pakistan did not do it a long time ago

this CPEC is part of OBOR for name sec,

the real truth is after China claimed entire SCS rest of the countries are raising their voice against China so anytime problem will escalate in that time they don't have an alternate route for their economic growth because all their goods are passing through SCS so they want to skip SCS and Malaka route from here only they planned to revive ancient silk road

so basically OBOR or BRI is not a reviver of ancient silk road it's to avoid Malaka route and keep their goods reaching the destination even there is a war in SCS

now you might have an idea why they concentrating on CPEC and BRI
Happening with Sri lanka, A lot of African nations and soon, Pakistan!

but what to do, the Pakistani's wont wake up and smell the coffee.

Yep....they see these massive loans on gargantuan infrastructure developments ,which can't repay the money invested in them,as the one path to development and prosperity. For the most part, they're only a path to ruin and waste.
Socialism/Communism will enter Pakistan.
Okay, I'll post your response from a different thread
Your are still upset about that:lol: that thread wasn't even about haiti.
That was a response to markus who believes colored people are sub humans and italians are the best.
You really believe china is responsible for venezuelas down fall? I don't
What will they gain from such a down fall?
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