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China's refitted aircraft carrier platform sets sail for first sea trial


Dec 12, 2010
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From China Defense Blog:

"File photo of China's refitted aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier left its shipyard at Dalian Port in northeast Liaoning Province on Wednesday morning to start its first sea trial. Military sources said that the first sea trial was in line with schedual of the carrier's refitting project and would not take a long time. After returning from the sea trial, the aircraft carrier will continue refit and test work." (Xinhua Photo)

DALIAN, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) -- "China's refitted aircraft carrier left its shipyard at Dalian Port in northeast Liaoning Province on Wednesday morning to start its first sea trial.

Military sources said that the first sea trial was in line with schedual of the carrier's refitting project and would not take a long time. After returning from the sea trial, the aircraft carrier will continue refit and test work.

The carrier was originally built by the former Soviet Union which named it Varyag yet failed to complete the ship's construction before collapsing in 1991. The still-unnamed aircraft carrier was an empty shell. Ukraine disarmed it and removed its engines before selling it to China.

While waiting for arrival of the refitted "aircraft carrier platform", the PLAN has to be content with its existing gears...........might just as well put them in good use by conducting a force projection exercise or two.

PLA Navy conducts landing drill to test three-dimensional force projection capability

In pre-dawn darkness on August 6, 2011, the "Kunlunshan" landing ship quietly arrived at a sea area following a whole night’s voyage.

At daybreak, the fire support team was the first to destroy the beachhead firing points of the "enemy." Thereupon, the assault boats with the landing teams onboard fleeted out of the stern of the "Kunlunshan" warship one after another. Minutes later, several large ship-borne helicopters carrying the vertical landing teams took off in succession from the deck of the "Kunlunshan" warship. At the same time, several new-type hovercrafts sailed out of the dock, flying to the beachhead like arrows.

When the drill ended, Ji Hongtao, commanding officer of the landing and transport formation and commander of a landing ship flotilla, told the reporters, "This training was jointly conducted by several arms including landing ships, destroyers, marines and aviation units. The drill on such subjects of joint communication support, command and coordination, firepower and others tested troops’ three-dimensional projection capability.""

By Li Yanlin and Yin Hang
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