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China’s plan for super-dam risks water security for India and Bangladesh

Since this thread deals with the impact of the Chinese dam on BD water supply, I have said it will rather help BD to get more water in winter and less in the Monsoon.
Yeah. that can be advantageous
However, if the question is if this dam should be built at the expense of environmental degradation I would say the dam should not be built and nature should be allowed to play almost unhindered.
The three gorges dam displaced 1.5 milllion people. and submerged some ancient monuments.
So, it seems there is no easy and quick fix.
Yup. there is always a trade off
The three gorges dam displaced 1.5 milllion people. and submerged some ancient monuments.
This new dam will not displace many people like it was with the three gorges because the Tibet region itself is sparsely populated. However, it is in an earthquake-prone zone.

If an earthquake damages the dam, water will rush out from the reservoirs and cause havoc in Assam and BD.

I am sure Chinese engineers will create many segments in the stream or reservoir that will cause limited water to rush down in such an emergency. Not all the dams/ barrages across the flow will be damaged equally.
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@bluesky @huckyang

the flow discharge in Bharamputra is mainly from moonsoon and local tributaries..

Building the dam is not to harm India. Who in the world would want to harm India. Any one thinking to invade India is stupid, India is so complicated only the British would be the last insane power to occupy India.

The dam is for green energy. No matter how expensive it is a scarce point to generate green energy.
Dhaka concerned over Brahmaputra dams by China, India

Published: April 17, 2021 09:43:23

Dhaka concerned over Brahmaputra dams by China, India

The development of the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo is in the early stages of planning and assessment, she noted.
@Black_cats, it is needless for BD to cry over the China Dam. Please note the points I wrote in the precise form below:

1) China cannot stop water from coming down even if it wishes to do so. China will certainly build reservoirs upstream and will allow this water to come down through the Dam Turbines continuously, almost evenly, throughout the year.

2) Note what wiki says that the river's yearly average discharge at about 700,000 cu ft/s, [4] and floods reach about 3,500,000 cu ft/s.

3) Note that a flow of 700,000 cu ft/second in winter is too low to sustain agriculture. But, a monsoon flow of 3,500,000 cu ft/sec is too large that causes floods almost every year in BD.

4) China will build reservoirs in the north of the Himalayas, the purpose is to send quite a large part of this water from there to its arid north to irrigate farmlands.

5) The Project envisions raising a huge quantity of water to a certain mountain top. The water then goes down the slope to its destinations by GRAVITY.

6) But, in order to lift the water to such a height needs a very large amount of power. This is why China will build a gigantic hydroelectric power station north of Arunachal. The power produced there will be used to lift the water to a mountain top.

7) However, please note that in order to produce electricity, China will have to allow a big amount of reservoir water to flow through the dam turbines that will certainly enter BD.

8) However, a lesser amount of water will come down during the monsoon and a higher quantity in winter.

So, I very much believe, the Chinese hydropower plant will help BD to get rid of the monsoon floods
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