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China’s plan for super-dam risks water security for India and Bangladesh

নিজের নাক কেটে পরের যাত্রা ভঙ করা
Podda nodir obostha ki? Farakkar jonno? Did you read the book of Nahum in Old Testament? If not read it.

You will see the taste of vengeance.

None of these guys living abroad will be affected anyway if these dams are constructed, only affected ones will be fishermen, farmers and the one who live near the river.
Bangladesh should also build a dam and start river dredging , so that we can reserve water.

We should also make something in order to counter farakka and I hope GoB will start such projet in future.
Podda nodir obostha ki? Farakkar jonno? Did you read the book of Nahum in Old Testament? If not read it.

You will see the taste of vengeance.

Bangladesh should also build a dam and start river dredging , so that we can reserve water.

We should also make something in order to counter farakka and I hope GoB will start such projet in future.

There was a Padma Barrage project planned, died because of Indian opposition.

There was a Padma Barrage project planned, died because of Indian opposition.

That's bad. I hope GoB will again start such project. Maybe later.

Not sure if this govt or anyone in future, but surely Bangladesh must teach India a lesson.

Perhaps they are waiting for right time. Maybe when we will able to hold back India in a full fledge war, that time?
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আমি তোমার প্রশ্ন বুঝি নাই। কি বুঝাতে চাচ্ছ তুমি?ফারাক্কা-পদ্মার সাথে ব্রক্ষপুত্রের কি সম্পর্ক?
সোজা কথা। দুটাই নদী, আর প্রথমটা প্রায় শুকিয়ে গেছে। হার্ডিঞ্জ ব্রিজ, লালন শাহ সেতুর দিকে যাও,নিজের চোখে দেখতে পাবা। বন্যার সময়ে ফারাক্কা খুলে দিলে বন্যায় দেশ ভেসে যায়!
পদ্মা-ফারাক্কার কারনে কি এখন আমার ব্রক্ষপুত্রে চায়নার বাধ নিয়ে উল্লাস করতে হবে?
উল্লাস করায় সমস্যা দেখি না আমি। প্রতিহিংসার কারনে যদি বাইবেলের নবী উল্লাস করতে পারে, বাংগালী তো কোন ছার!

চীন বাঁধ দিলে বিশেষ কোন লাভ ক্ষতি নেই আমাদের। কারন যমুনার অবস্থাও খুব সুবিধার না।

তার চেয়ে ব্রহ্মপুত্রে চীন বাঁধ দিয়ে পানি আটকে দিলে অন্তত ভারত প্রলেতারিয়েতের যন্ত্রণা টা বুঝতে পারবে।

(Talking about Farakka barage, padma river and Brahmaputra dam).
সোজা কথা। দুটাই নদী, আর প্রথমটা প্রায় শুকিয়ে গেছে। হার্ডিঞ্জ ব্রিজ, লালন শাহ সেতুর দিকে যাও,নিজের চোখে দেখতে পাবা। বন্যার সময়ে ফারাক্কা খুলে দিলে বন্যায় দেশ ভেসে যায়!

উল্লাস করায় সমস্যা দেখি না আমি। প্রতিহিংসার কারনে যদি বাইবেলের নবী উল্লাস করতে পারে, বাংগালী তো কোন ছার!

চীন বাঁধ দিলে বিশেষ কোন লাভ ক্ষতি নেই আমাদের। কারন যমুনার অবস্থাও খুব সুবিধার না।

তার চেয়ে ব্রহ্মপুত্রে চীন বাঁধ দিয়ে পানি আটকে দিলে অন্তত ভারত প্রলেতারিয়েতের যন্ত্রণা টা বুঝতে পারবে।

(Talking about Farakka barage, padma river and Brahmaputra dam).

বাহ!! মাশাল্লাহ!! এক পায়ে ইনফেকশন হলে আরেক পা সহ কেটে ফেলা। আরও ভাল বুদ্ধি, পুরা মাথাটাই কেটে ফেলা। যেইটুকু আছে তাও সদকা দিয়ে দেয়া। তা ভারত তো তাদের অংশেও বাধ দিবে, তোমার এই "প্রলেতারিয়েতের" (বাংলাতে সর্বহারা বলতে কি সমস্যা? :undecided:) যন্ত্রণা টা কি সে আদৌ বুঝবে?
That's bad. I hope GoB will again start such project. Maybe later.

Not sure if this govt or anyone in future, but surely Bangladesh must teach India a lesson.

Perhaps they are waiting for right time. Maybe when we will able to hold back India in a full fledge war, that time?

I don't think there is going to be any skirmish, much less war.

However there will be a re-assessment and re-balancing of the relationship.

Current relationship status quo is unsustainable for Bangladesh.

Bhai take a look at Teest Barrage plan.

"In the proposed Teesta project, the depth of the middle river will be increased to 10 meters and the width of the river will be greatly reduced. At the same time, opportunities for cultivation will be created by rescuing land through river management. A 115 km long four lane road will be constructed along the two banks of the river. Irrigation system will be established in the dry season on the cultivable lands on both the banks of the river by constructing several barrages-cum-roads at suitable places to ensure communication between the two banks of the river as well as by conserving the huge surplus water of the river flowing during monsoon. In addition, Extensive industrialization and urbanization facilities will be built along the roads on both the banks of the river."
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I don't think there is going to be any skirmish, much less war.

However there will be a re-assessment and re-balancing of the relationship.

Current relationship status quo is unsustainable for Bangladesh.

Bhai take a look at Teest Barrage plan.

"In the proposed Teesta project, the depth of the middle river will be increased to 10 meters and the width of the river will be greatly reduced. At the same time, opportunities for cultivation will be created by rescuing land through river management. A 115 km long four lane road will be constructed along the two banks of the river. Irrigation system will be established in the dry season on the cultivable lands on both the banks of the river by constructing several barrages-cum-roads at suitable places to ensure communication between the two banks of the river as well as by conserving the huge surplus water of the river flowing during monsoon. In addition, Extensive industrialization and urbanization facilities will be built along the roads on both the banks of the river."
Bhai, watch this analysis too. Please watch it thoroughly .

Why India is too much concerned of teesta project it's very clear.

Now if China makes super dam then that won't harm us , as China has superior leadership quality, and they won't act as tyrant like bharat. Bharatis never had ruling quality and that's why Musim rulers and later British ruled the area for thousand years.

China is different thing. They aren't going to block water unnecessarily.

And we can reserve sufficient waters. India will be in "Mainka chipa " if they cross limit.

In dry season China can make India waterless ( if it's necessary;I don't think China won't block it untill India needed to teach a lesson) , but we will not suffer as we already will be reserving water for us.

And if India compromise and China is the big power in this region , then this region will remain calm.

If India will keep destabilising the whole region, they water blocking China will push them in to corner.

So what is the ultimate goal? Wring the chicken neck.

And since teesta project will solve our problems , super dam of China can teach tyrant India lesson,shouldn't we rejoice?

Tyrant faisa gele victim to ullas korbei, tai na bhai ? ;)
বাহ!! মাশাল্লাহ!! এক পায়ে ইনফেকশন হলে আরেক পা সহ কেটে ফেলা। আরও ভাল বুদ্ধি, পুরা মাথাটাই কেটে ফেলা। যেইটুকু আছে তাও সদকা দিয়ে দেয়া। তা ভারত তো তাদের অংশেও বাধ দিবে, তোমার এই "প্রলেতারিয়েতের" (বাংলাতে সর্বহারা বলতে কি সমস্যা? :undecided:) যন্ত্রণা টা কি সে আদৌ বুঝবে?
ভারত বাঁধ দিক সমস্যা নাই, এমনিতেই বাঁধ দিয়েছে। জুজুর ভয় পেয়ে লাভ নাই।পানি তাদের ছাড়তেই হবে বুঝ না কেন? না হলে বন্যায় ওরা ভেসে যাবে।

আর সেই পানি আমরা সংরক্ষণ করে রাখব। তিস্তা প্রকল্প দিয়ে যে প্ল্যান নেয়া হইসে। বেশি তেড়িবেড়ি করলে বন্যার সময় বাঁধের মুখ বন্ধ করে রাখা হবে, যেন ওদের নিজের এলাকায় ভেসে যায়!

হিসাব খুব সোজা, এত প্যাঁচানোর কিছুই নাই। তবে এতে শক্তিশালী সামরিক বাহিনী লাগবে। দেখা যাক কতদুর কি হয়!

(Talking about Farakka barage, padma river and Brahmaputra dam,watwer strategy).
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Bhai, watch this analysis too. Please watch it thoroughly .

Why India is too much concerned of teesta project it's very clear.

Now if China makes super dam then that won't harm us , as China has superior leadership quality, and they won't act as tyrant like bharat. Bharatis never had ruling quality and that's why Musim rulers and later British ruled the area for thousand years.

China is different thing. They aren't going to block water unnecessarily.

And we can reserve sufficient waters. India will be in "Mainka chipa " if they cross limit.

In dry season China can make India waterless ( if it's necessary;I don't think China won't block it untill India needed to teach a lesson) , but we will not suffer as we already will be reserving water for us.

And if India compromise and China is the big power in this region , then this region will remain calm.

If India will keep destabilising the whole region, they water blocking China will push them in to corner.

So what is the ultimate goal? Wring the chicken neck.

And since teesta project will solve our problems , super dam of China can teach tyrant India lesson,shouldn't we rejoice?

Tyrant faisa gele victim to ullas korbei, tai na bhai ? ;)

My words exactly. :-)

They have led us though a rope in our collective noses for the last fifty years.

Thankfully, that ship is about to sail...
আর সেই পানি আমরা সংরক্ষণ করে রাখব। তিস্তা প্রকল্প দিয়ে যে প্ল্যান নেয়া হইসে।

And how far the project has progressed so far? Last time i checked Indians were crying about it too. And Teesta is a separate thing than Padma-Brahmaputra.

বেশি তেড়িবেড়ি করলে বন্যার সময় বাঁধের মুখ বন্ধ করে রাখা হবে, যেন ওদের নিজের এলাকায় ভেসে যায়!

Ohhhh!! So scary!! :lol: এত সাহস থাকলে তো আরও কত কিছুই অনেক আগে সম্ভব হইত, আলোচনায় আরও ভাল ডিল করা সম্ভব হইত। সাহস থাকলে এই প্রজেক্টও বাস্তবায়ন হয়ে যাইত।

Ohhhh!! So scary!! :lol: এত সাহস থাকলে তো আরও কত কিছুই অনেক আগে সম্ভব হইত, আলোচনায় আরও ভাল ডিল করা সম্ভব হইতসাহস থাকলে এই প্রজেক্টও বাস্তবায়ন হয়ে যাইত

66 GW of power potential, for comparison, It is more than twice Pakistan needs.
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Chinese encroachment into [China]
Is China allowed to do that? [Yes] However
they’d depend on China regulating the amount of water sent downstream to avoid floods.
So China can literally prevent or reduce floods in another country and these American propaganda mouthpieces still call it a bad thing.

So this garbage is just ranting about China building another dam in China and desperately trying to frame China as some kind of bad guys with dumb spins and pure American and Indian state propaganda fabricated anecdotes that never actually happend.
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I completely agree with your message. China isn't expansionist like India ( who is blocking our water with farakka; they consider themselves as descendants of vedic people, yet they (India) are behaving like the demon vritra of rigveda, who used to block water ) , and China rarely (directly) poke it's nose in other countries' matter.

So this project and also our teesta project can be boon for Bangladesh.
Please note I did not politicize when I wrote my post and I certainly believe the dam for electricity above Arunachal will be beneficial for both BD and Indian NE irrespective of what India and its citizens like to imply. In both countries, there will be lesser floodwaters but more water in winter.

But, why such a big power station is needed by China? It is because China wants to pump up a huge amount of water from the reservoir north of the Himalayas to a high altitude mountain from where it will then flow down by gravity towards farmlands China wants to develop its agriculture.

It must be a vast area the name and location of which I forgot. But it is somewhere in the north of the Tibetan Plateau.

66 GW of power potential, for comparison, It is more than twice Pakistan needs.
Since this thread deals with the impact of the Chinese dam on BD water supply, I have said it will rather help BD to get more water in winter and less in the Monsoon.

However, if the question is if this dam should be built at the expense of environmental degradation I would say the dam should not be built and nature should be allowed to play almost unhindered.

On the other hand, China would build more and more coal-fired power plants if somehow it does not build this hydroelectric power station.

So, there is no quick solution to the issue of environmental degradation if mankind keeps on producing more consumer goods that require power to produce. So, it seems there is no easy and quick fix.
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