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Chinas PLA electronic warfare aircraft and Type 55 destroyers were unable to track Nancy Pelosis aircraft due to US carrier group EW

China is a developing countries and is still doing the catch up job, no one is surprised that US in many aspects are still ahead, will Indians be surprised if someone tells them that China is ahead of India?
No, we won't, discussions are allowed in this country over defense topics, but where India comes from in this whole argument?

I am just a little surprised that how it hit the nerve of those Chinese living abroad. And how they are so hell-bent to defend the indefensible, or they are part of 50 cent army, and they are paid to do so.

With all due respect, Chinese people who have experienced Verizon 5G in the USA will be surprised by the poor 5g level in the USA. This also shows the real strength of Americans from a side.
But still living in US, and accepting citizenships. Hmmmm.
No, we won't, discussions are allowed in this country over defense topics, but where India comes from in this whole argument?

I am just a little surprised that how it hit the nerve of those Chinese living abroad. And how they are so hell-bent to defend the indefensible, or they are part of 50 cent army, and they are paid to do so.
Getting paid

I hope Americans continue to believe these stories from anonymous sources in the future. As for the not able to track Pelosi's plane part, the ADS-B transponder was on at all times. I could track her C-40C with my laptop that evening.

"The PLA deployed some electronic warfare aircraft such as the J-16D and warships to try to locate Pelosi's aircraft, but were not successful," the source said.

J-16D is an EW platform, not AEW. Its primary mission is SEAD, not searching and tracking air targets. At least make it believable when cooking up a story.

As if YOU have a goddamned clue on how ADS-B works. Almost spit out my bourbon reading your nonsensical shit.


Let me say that we do not know if this story is true, but for the sake of discussion, let us ASSUME that the story is true. So how does ADS-B come into the picture like how Mr. S10 portrayed it?

In air traffic control (ATC), radar alone does not tell the whole story. All radar does is create a 'blip' on the scope. The radar computer will create these target resolutions:

- Speed
- Altitude
- Range
- Aspect angle

Nothing more. ATC depends on the COOPERATION of the target for more information, such as United 123 or Qatar 456 or Air France 789, and so on. So how does ATC know that the target is from United Airlines or Qatar Airways or Air France? By querying the targets and received responses, hence, the COOPERATION angle. In the old days, that cooperation was made via VOICE responses from the targets. Then ATC would literally write that info down on a tracking sheet. But as technology progressed, we made that cooperation simpler by having the query/response automatic.

Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS–B) is an advanced surveillance technology that combines an aircraft’s positioning source, aircraft avionics, and a ground infrastructure to create an accurate surveillance interface between aircraft and ATC. ADS–B is a performance–based surveillance technology that is more precise than radar and consists of two different services: ADS–B Out and ADS–B In.​
ADS-B Out works by broadcasting information about an aircraft's GPS location, altitude, ground speed and other data to ground stations and other aircraft, once per second.

Note the highlighted. It means, assuming this story is true, US Representative and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's flight was constantly broadcasting its...

- Speed
- Altitude
- Heading

...Once per second. Three out of four ain't bad.

This broadcast is independent of any radar operation from any ATC. The pilot can even turn it off IF HE WANTED.

ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast:​
  • Automatic because it periodically transmits information with no pilot or operator involvement required.
  • Dependent because the position and velocity vectors are derived from the Global Positioning System (GPS) or other suitable Navigation Systems (i.e., FMS).
  • Surveillance because it provides a method of determining 3 dimensional position and identification of aircraft, vehicles, or other assets.
  • Broadcast because it transmits the information available to anyone with the appropriate receiving equipment.

For ATC, the combination of radar resolutions and COOPERATIVE aircraft response create the most accurate real time information on Pelosi's flight throughout its journey.

So who uses ADS-B ?

Countries with ADS-B Out mandates and proposals include:

Australia. 1090ES required for all IFR operations.
Canada. Nav Canada has stated its intent to require 1090ES ADS-B Out equipage with antenna diversity, but rulemaking has not been completed. Nav Canada will use the Aireon space-based ADS-B system, of which it is an owner.
Europe. 1090ES required for IFR aircraft with a MTOW exceeding 12,566 pounds or maximum cruise airspeed faster than 250 KTAS.
Hong Kong. 1090ES required in all airspace, FL290 and above.
Indonesia. 1090ES required, FL290 and above.
Mexico. Mexico’s January 2020 mandate for 1090ES ADS-B has been delayed to January 1, 2022. AOPA has learned Mexico will consider including 978 MHz as an option for compliance.
Singapore. 1090ES required on specified airways.
South Africa. 1090ES required for all IFR operations and for any aircraft first registered or replacing its transponder and flown in Class A, B, D, or E airspace.
Sri Lanka. 1090ES required within the Colombo Terminal Control Area (TMA), FL290 and above.
Taiwan. 1090ES required in all airspace, FL290 and above.
1090ES required on specified airways.​

Taiwan required ADS-B responses. The 'FL290' mean altitude 29,000 ft.

Now, we return to this story. If the US military sent a protective EM shield to Speaker Pelosi's flight, whatever we did to China's radar is independent of what Taiwanese ATC required of her aircraft. The ADS-B information is not automatically deciphered by missiles. That information, sent once per sec, is actually unknown by the missile and the word 'unknown' mean unaware. That mean Mr. S10 could have actually monitored, not tracked, Pelosi's flight based solely upon the COOPERATIVE nature of ADS-B technology. And as he monitored her flight, China's missiles would have missed her aircraft.

Again, big assumption that this story is true.

In sum, do not take seriously whatever technical issue the PDF Chinese says. None of them ever served in the Parade Line Army (PLA). Not even as a cook. :lol:
We got a lot of unverified info, so far this one is the clearest

Video shows Chinese Satellite has tracked a seeming F22 fighter jet flying through sky

No, we won't, discussions are allowed in this country over defense topics, but where India comes from in this whole argument?

I am just a little surprised that how it hit the nerve of those Chinese living abroad. And how they are so hell-bent to defend the indefensible, or they are part of 50 cent army, and they are paid to do so.

But still living in US, and accepting citizenships. Hmmmm.
Yes, still living.

10% of them stayed and 90% returned to China.

Maybe you don't know that Chinese people are different from Indians, and American nationality is not so attractive to us.

Yes, still living.

10% of them stayed and 90% returned to China.

Maybe you don't know that Chinese people are different from Indians, and American nationality is not so attractive to us.

I assume you are American.

An American posting a news from a source controlled by a state.

Ohh, how could they be wrong, Chinese state are such truthful people and fallen from heaven.
I assume you are American.

An American posting a news from a source controlled by a state.

Ohh, how could they be wrong, Chinese state are such truthful people and fallen from heaven.
That is to say, you do not admit any data from China, or even you are not willing to provide any counter evidence.

In that case, you don't need to discuss it with me. You are only fit to live in your own fantasy world.
That is to say, you do not admit any data from China, or even you are not willing to provide any counter evidence.

In that case, you don't need to discuss it with me. You are only fit to live in your own fantasy world.
An American saying if you don't believe in state-sponsored data of Chinese, then don't talk to me. Mi gaad. :D

You do know, you took an oath toward the constitution of the United States?

I promise that I will protect the Constitution and all laws from all enemies, from other countries, or from inside the United States.
An American saying if you don't believe in state-sponsored data of Chinese, then don't talk to me. Mi gaad. :D

You do know, you took an oath toward the constitution of the United States?
See my flag? I am Chinese,
China has to catch leap and bound when it comes to USA. United States spend so much on R&D and they have the best minds from all across the world so it won't be easy for China to take their place.

I would like to invite @Windjammer to throw some light on this and debunk @gambit other than wasting his elite experience on rape threads. After all he knows more about AF.
it's already happening

Are we talking about the same US aircraft carriers that got sunk by a Swedish diesel-electric submarine? :omghaha:

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