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China's Picturesque Tibet Autonomous Region: News & Images


Well simply beautiful but not perfect for you know southern part of Lebugou which our own territory now under Indian control.
Devout Tibetan Buddhists


A elderly Tibetan woman prays at Barkhor Bazaar, Lhasa, 2012. [Photo by Wang Xuepeng/All rights reserved by chinadaily.com.cn]


An old woman spins a prayer wheel at Barkhor street, Lhasa, Tibet, 2012. [Photo by Wang Xuepeng/All rights reserved by chinadaily.com.cn]


A Tibetan woman smiles at Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, 2012. [Photo by Xia Baohe/All rights reserved by chinadaily.com.cn]


An adherent prays in Lhasa, 2012. [Photo by Xia Baohe/All rights reserved by chinadaily.com.cn]


Believers at Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Tibet, 2012. [Photo by Xia Baohe/All rights reserved by chinadaily.com.cn]


A female devotee gestures in Lhasa, Tibet, 2012. [Photo by Xia Baohe/All rights reserved by chinadaily.com.cn]


A worshipper with his prayer wheel in Lhasa, Tibet, 2012. [Photo by Xia Baohe/All rights reserved by chinadaily.com.cn]


A Tibetan Buddhist makes a wish at Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Tibet, 2012. [Photo by Xia Baohe/All rights reserved by chinadaily.com.cn]
Qinghai-Tibet Railway Runs 2M Passengers since July

A total of 2.1 million people rode on Qinghai-Tibet Railway in Northwest China from July to the end of August, 67 percent more than in 2014.

These few months are the summer peak of China’s public transportation, mainly driven by the college students who leave and then return to school.


Over two million passengers in less than two months... Holly, molly!
Good news this can be further extended to India through Nepal

I can't wait for the day a dozen freight and passenger lines link China with India. Get your tunnel boring machines ready!
Beijing’s increasing role has raised alarms in New Delhi that China, already closely allied to Pakistan, is forging closer economic ties with Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Nepal in a deliberate strategy to encircle India.

In an apparent counter-move, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pledged late last year that South Asia’s largest economy would fund a series of regional investments and free up its markets to its neighbours’ exporters.

But India has struggled to compete with China’s financial muscle.

The key words are "alarmed", "counter-move", "struggled to compete".
Considering the stark contrast in ground realities, these are some interesting thoughts.

I can't wait for the day a dozen freight and passenger lines link China with India. Get your tunnel boring machines ready!

Freight rail, maybe. Well that depends if there is any trade, and what's going to be traded
But passenger rail? Definitely a big NO, thanks.
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Tibet's GDP rose 281 times in 50 years
Peking Press (IANS) Sunday 6th September, 2015

Tibet's GDP soared from 327 million yuan in 1965 to 92.08 billion yuan ($14.5 billion) in 2014, a 281-fold increase, a white paper published by China on Sunday said.

Tibet's economic development has achieved leapfrog development by constantly reaching higher levels, said the paper titled "Successful Practice of Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet".

Since 1994, GDP grew at an annual rate of 12.4 percent on average, registering double-digit growth for 20 consecutive years, Xinhua news agency reported.

Fiscal revenues increased from 22.39 million yuan in 1965 to 16.475 billion yuan in 2014, further enhancing Tibet's self-development capabilities, the paper said.
Lhasa prepares for 50th anniversary of Tibet autonomous region
September 06, 2015

National flags are seen on buildings in Lhasa, capital of Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, Sept 4, 2015.China will hold celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the founding of Tibet autonomous region. [Photo/Xinhua]

Colorful flags fly over a road in Lhasa, capital of Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, Sept 4, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]

Lanterns and colorful flags are seen along a street in Lhasa, capital of Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, Sept 4, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]

National flags are seen on buildings in Lhasa, capital of Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, Sept 4, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]

Parterres are seen near the Potala Palace in Lhasa, capital of Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, Sept 4, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]


Parterres are seen in Lhasa, capital of Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, Sept 4, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]
White paper reaffirms living Buddha policy
September 7, 2015

The central government has an undeniable endorsement right on the reincarnation of living Buddhas in the Tibet autonomous region, a senior official said on Sunday.

The comment was made as China issued a white paper reaffirming Tibet's ethnic autonomous policy ahead of the 50th anniversary of its foundation.

The official said the central government respects Tibet's history and religious traditions. The reincarnation system is an important tradition to ensure the inheritance of Tibetan Buddhism, which since the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) has been affirmed and regulated by the central government, the official added.

Norbu Dundub from the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee, was speaking at a news conference.

The regulation on the reincarnation system is clearly outlined in a document issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs in 2007, he added.

"So, no matter what the Dalai Lama says or does, he cannot deny the central government's right to confirm the new reincarnation," he said.

Among its roles, the United Front Work Department is a Party organ that supervises religious affairs in China.

Norbu Dundub was responding to an interview in The New York Times in July with the Dalai Lama who said, "The CPC is pretending that they know more about the reincarnation system than the Dalai Lama."

Norbu Dundub accused the Dalai Lama of violating historical conventions and religious rituals by designating a Panchen Lama at will. "The designation is illegal and invalid," he said. The regulation states that a Panchen Lama must be confirmed by the central government.

Choekyi Nyima, now 26, was named by the Dalai Lama as the 11th Panchen Lama "against historical customs and religious rituals", Norbu Dundub said.

"This so-called 'soul boy' designated by the Dalai Lama is receiving education, living normally and growing healthily. He does not want to be disturbed by anyone," he said.

In a regulation introduced in September 2007, the State Administration for Religious Affairs said all the reincarnations of living Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism must receive government approval.

Reincarnation applications must be submitted to the provincial Religious Affairs Department, the provincial government and the State Administration for Religious Affairs for approval based on the "fame and influence" of the living Buddhas, the regulation said.

For living Buddhas with major influence, the reincarnation application must be approved by the State Council, it said.

The Dalai Lama said in an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag in September last year that the traditional practice of reincarnation for the post could end with him, adding that Tibetan Buddhism was not dependent on a single person.

A spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry responded by telling him to respect the historic practice of reincarnation.

The white paper, "Successful Practice of Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet", condemned the Dalai Lama for "plotting toward 'Tibetan independence'."

"The 14th Dalai Lama clique, in plotting toward 'Tibetan independence', has constantly preached the 'middle way', peddled the concept of a 'Greater Tibet', and lobbied for 'a high degree of autonomy', so negating regional ethnic autonomy and its contribution to Tibet's progress," the white paper said.

According to the document, there are 1,787 religious venues and more than 46,000 Buddhists in Tibet. The region has 358 living Buddhas, of whom more than 60 were newly incarnated according to customs and religious rituals.

The white paper also said Tibet is at the best stage in its history.

Regional GDP has expanded from 327 million yuan ($51.4 million) in 1965 to 92 billion yuan last year.

The disposable income of urban residents in the region reached 22,016 yuan per person last year. For herdsmen and farmers, the figure was 7,359 yuan per person.

The region has also prioritized the protection of ecology and the environment. Tibet has 47 nature reserves covering 412,200 square kilometers, or 34.35 percent of the region's land area, the paper said.

Dorje Tsedrup, vice-chairman of the Tibet autonomous region, said at the news conference, "We can say with pride that Tibet is the only unpolluted land in the world."
Order,education,food,house,medical care,cars,infrastructures…those are ulimate purpose all social system persues,including democray and autocracy. Obvious,china's "autocracy" does its job much better than india's "democracy"
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