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China's Picturesque Tibet Autonomous Region: News & Images

Xi urges promoting economic, social development in Tibet
August 25, 2015

Chinese President Xi Jinping has asked for more efforts to promote economic growth and all-round social progress in Tibet and Tibetan-inhabited areas in four other provinces, vowing sustainable measures and continued preferential policies.

Tibet and Tibetan-inhabited areas in four other provinces have entered "a critical stage" toward fulfilling the country's goal of building a moderately prosperous society in a comprehensive way, Xi said at a two-day meeting on Tibet's future development, which ended on Tuesday.

Special financial, tax and investment policies should continue to be in place in the future in southwest China's Tibet autonomous region and Tibetan-inhabited areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces, he added.

Development, which aims to improve living conditions for various ethnic groups and beef up social cohesion, should be advanced in a prudent and steady manner, and all measures taken should be sustainable, Xi said.

Xi urged bettering basic public service and adopting targeted measures to alleviate poverty, solve key problems which lead to poverty and improve living conditions for the impoverished as soon as possible.

"More active employment policies should be carried out to help residents of all ethnic groups to walk out of their farms and pastors to work in towns and companies and start businesses," he said.

Meanwhile, Xi said, efforts should also be made to incorporate education on "socialist core values" into courses in schools at various levels, popularize the national commonly-used language and script, and strive to foster "Party-loving and patriotic builders and successors of the socialist cause."

Addressing the same meeting, Premier Li Keqiang said that it is an arduous task for Tibet to build a "moderately prosperous" society over the next five years, together with other parts of the country.

The government should give top priority to improving people's livelihood, alleviating poverty and increasing employment among Tibetans, he noted, urging more efforts to boost education, medical care and social security in the region.

It is key for Tibet to sharpen its self-development capability through promoting its specialty industries, infrastructure construction, and environmental protection, said the premier.

"Efforts should be given to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry and related processing business, making Tibet an important tourism destination in the world, and promoting commerce and trade with South Asia to boost the Tibetan economy," he added.

Moreover, the building of local infrastructure should be sped up, including transportation networks, water conservation projects, power grids, among others, Li noted.

The Premier also pledged to increase financial aid and preferential policies to the ethnic minority area.

Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, asked attendees to learn from the spirit of the meeting and work out effective measures to boost the development of Tibet.

Other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Zhang Dejiang, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli, also attended the meeting.


especially when you compare this to indian illegal occupation of southern Tibet, this is like paradise.

Exactly. Those poor people. They have to suffer under an exceedingly inefficient, racist and oppressive government :(
The quality of the roads in Tibet are very high.



And also the natural environments are very good.

Liuwu Bridge, Tibet’s very first modern overpass (Photo Taken on Aug 25, 2014) .

The first Xigazê-bound train enters the final station on the Lhasa–Xigazê Railway

Doesn't have to be HSRs but what about more modern railing stock?
China will never accept Dala Lama's 'Middle Way'


The Chinese central government will never accept the “Middle Way” proposed by the Dala Lama group, China’s United Front said in its official website in an article pen named Kelsang.


China will never accept Dala Lama's 'Middle Way'

The article was posted after the Chinese Central Government ended its sixth working conference on Tibet Tuesday in Beijing.

“The Central Government did not in the past, nor is now and will not in the future accept the Middle Way solution to the Tibet issue,” reads the article.

The essential intent of the ‘Middle Way’ is to split China, “ adds the commentary , saying that the Dalai group refuses to accept China’s sovereignty in Tibet and wants to seize the reins of power and set up a semi-independent political regime.”

In particular, China is against the Dalai Lama’s proposal for a “high degree of autonomy” in Tibet, saying “the essence of ‘a high degree of autonomy’ is to setup ‘a state within a state’ free of any control from the central government.

The article recalls that the central government has attached great importance to Tibet, holding six Tibet working conferences since 1980, with the second one in 1984, the third one in 1994 , the fifth one in 2010 and the sixth conference ended just on Tuesday.

Each Tibet working conference worked out specific measures to push forward Tibet’s economic development and secure social stability.

On Tibetan Buddhism, the article promotes “political unity and respecting religious belief ” saying the government is against intervening and limiting Tibetan’s religious freedom.

Doesn't have to be HSRs but what about more modern railing stock?

@AndrewJin , @cirr must have more updated info on this.
Rule of law to ensure Tibet’s future peace, prosperity
2015-8-27 0:18:01

In the just concluded sixth meeting of the work of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Chinese President Xi Jinping raised a general plan for administering Tibet. Stressing that national unity, consolidating ethnic unity, and realizing long-term and comprehensive social stability should be regarded as the primary task for the region, Xi said that the country should "firmly take the initiative" in the fight against separatism, and adhere to the principle of governing Tibet under the rule of law.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The region has witnessed rapid development during the half century, especially after the adoption of a policy which requires different provinces to provide aid to designated areas in Tibet.

According to a report from the People's Daily, the region's gross domestic product has rocketed from 3.7 billion yuan ($577 million) in 1993 to 92 billion yuan in 2014, while its local fiscal income reached 16.5 billion yuan, 104 times more than the figure in 1993.

All these achievements benefit from the long-term stability of society. However, under the surface of such fruitful development, separatism, led by the Dalai Lama, has been continuously causing turbulence in the region.

Be it the March 14 riots in Lhasa in 2008, or the disruption of the Olympic torch relay in London and Paris, separatist groups have brought blood, casualties, destruction and splits among different ethnic groups in the country.

Given such a backdrop, the unswerving anti-separatism battle is not only a keynote for the future Tibet policy, but also a prerequisite to future peaceful development in this Himalayan region. It also accords with Xi's strategy ideas - "governing border areas is the key for governing a country, while stabilizing Tibet is the priority for governing border areas."

The rule of law is the guarantee of social fairness and justice, and only by sticking to it can we avoid conflicts and defuse tensions.

Stressing the rule of law in Tibet means the country will continue the fight against separatism, and crack down on any behavior that disrupts social stability.

The rule of law also indicates that Tibet is guaranteed to have equal rights of development as any other regions in China. The development results, which other provinces are pursuing, are also bound to be realized in Tibet.

That's why Xi also vowed to provide sustainable measures and preferential policies to promote economic growth and social progress in the area. Stability and unity are the foundation and the only way toward prosperity in Tibet.
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