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China’s past secret dealings and betrayal against VN + other allies

But something just as equally revolting to north Vietnamese mind, if not more, happened in that same year. In that same year, 7-8 months prior to 1972 Christmas bombings, the so-called “comrade” China had openly flaunted to the whole world their new-found friendship with the US. Closed door secret negotiations preceded this for years prior to this 1972 PDA.

Mao shaking hands with Nixon in 1972:




And the China-US relationship just gets better and better right into the 1980s.


Given the fact that China had never wanted the two VN to reunite and had tried to jeopardize it, and given that China then later became friends with the US while the US-VN war was still waging on ferociously, it is amusing to see Chinese members here trying to talk about Vietnam betraying China and how Vietnam being ungrateful, etc. Also amusing how some Chinese members here still questioning why VN would later normalize its relation with the US “who once bombed” us and why not just become closer to China, while ignoring the fact that China and the US were actually together, as friends, during one of the fiercest years of bombing. I don’t know if they are just ignorant of history, or just have no shame in them. Well at least some other Chinese members can now begin to read the Vietnamese perspective.

Oh gotta go. Will post proper articles next time I’m free.
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@BoQ77 Since you are from Vietnam I wish to ask you a question; Had Vietnam ever repay the aid received from China?

I guess you mentioned about the aid on or about 1949-1968.
I dont think that is a loan.

relation between Vn-Cn is very complicated. Except during communism era there is friendship, otherwise China invaded Vietnam hundreds times, made many damage to human and asset.

even under communism era China did make damage to Vietnam during 1979-1989, both human lives and infrastructure, actually China owe Vietnam a "Sorry" when they invaded Vietnam and killed our people ( war crime )

No one call the act of self-defend ( ie. shot down the foreign soldiers invaded our land and killed our people ) as betrayal act. Where you get the phrase "bite the hand who feed" ? do you mean Chinese soldiers come in peace in 1979?

this below photo showing PLA destroyed what they aided to Vietnam in 1979. They even bring back to China the poultry they take in Vietnam territory.

China didn't betray USSR and USA either. China sacrificed thousands lives in Korea War in behalf of USSR. And China helped US to win the cold war against USSR. What did Vietnam do as a return for China's help?

One time China say onbehaft òf USSR to counter ÚSA , next time China China helped USA counter USSR. What is this ? Whos is China when you can changed your side from USSR to USA very quickly ?

What did CN helped Vietnam, China has destroyed at all in Sino Vietnam war 1979. So why Vietnam did not asked China to pay for compansation to demages were made by China in Vietnam..

When china would liked to use Vietnam to fight counter USA China said there is voluntary proletariat help, voluntary means there is no bill or invoice for that, and no needed to payback.

Vietnam had paid back to Russia all our debt from cold war in 1998. There is around 10 bill of Rubles..
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There are million reason that Vietnam hate China, there are also million reason that China look down on Vietnam, and bully Vietnam: Poor man must be utterly detestable.

China betray VN, and add"+other allies", hehe, you hatred make me laugh. the biggest advantage and disadvantage of Vietnam is too close to China, this is warning to Vietnam, this is your fate.
There are million reason that Vietnam hate China, there are also million reason that China look down on Vietnam, and bully Vietnam: Poor man must be utterly detestable.

China betray VN, and add"+other allies", hehe, you hatred make me laugh. the biggest advantage and disadvantage of Vietnam is too close to China, this is warning to Vietnam, this is your fate.

And you're going to get you collective behinds kick again thanks for the warring jerk
The Stalin had authority even to Mao, I agree Stalin was scared of US nukes, at the time US was the one true power. Even so the US also fought hard in Korea invasion of the South was a good opportune time, the US would never have had public support even financial support would be questioned (this is in retrospect) Why don't we blame the Soviets? Hmmm??? It may be that China is not the only strategic culture in Asia! No one knows China better than Vietnam that includes Korea and Japan!

Bite the hand that feeds you, ingratitude, these are common familiar words used against Vietnamese. Anyone know the origin of these phrases? Maybe we can explore 'Four modernization' and 'Horizontal Strategy' and see who bites the hand that feeds them.

Vice President Walter Modale

"Relaxed restrictions on US exports; Two billion government loan; $1Billion ore-processing complex; Export licenses; Electron high-energy accelerator"
Such generosity to whom was received?

Deng Xiaoping
"The West would provide money and equipment for a powerful China to deter Soviet revisionism"

Tell what reason does the US, Japan curry favour in Vietnam? Is it to do with China's security strategy? What would happen if the US took control of all Vietnam? If Vietnam took control of all Indo-China under Soviet control. You had every reason to aid in guise of generosity, but it's okay with me, because I'm pro China, I like Xi Jinping, just hubris is unbearable.
I said it before. Our biggest mistake coming out of the WWII is to wholeheartedly believe in the Communist Brotherhood. It was this belief that caused us to have fight 2 foreign wars for nothing.
So, you depond on God! hehe, you can keep talking, you think you mouth can scare China, keep praying for yourself and cursing China. most of us are atheist, God can't make you phillippine strong and prosperous.

Never said anything so stupid from a stupid troll but then again pride before a fall :-)
our biggest mistake is let the viets to make their country as one,the south viet is gone.
we should make them like korea.
if mao was alive in the 80s the viets wont be one country but two.
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