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China's nominal GDP will hit $15 TRILLION in 2018

But the hard fact is way more foreigners living, studying and working in China, facts and figures speak louder than assumptions.

There are many international soccer stars now play in China. They are after money, that's why so many foreigners are coming to China.
Beijing best Asian city to make money, expats say

Because China has a population of 1.2 Billion People. When you have 10000 Universities you will automatically get more foreigners compared to places where there are fewer universities. It's the same as Chinese economy being almost equal to US but when you see the average per capita its 7-8 times less. I highly doubt anybody will choose China over Portugal when it comes to improving their quality of life. Your own Chinese nationals are paying Millions of euro's just to settle in Portugal along with their families. China is developing very fast and is doing very well but it's not on European level of development for its citizens and won't be for atleast 2 decades.
Because China has a population of 1.2 Billion People. When you have 10000 Universities you will automatically get more foreigners compared to places where there are fewer universities. It's the same as Chinese economy being almost equal to US but when you see the average per capita its 7-8 times less. I highly doubt anybody will choose China over Portugal when it comes to improving their quality of life. Your own Chinese nationals are paying Millions of euro's just to settle in Portugal along with their families. China is developing very fast and is doing very well but it's not on European level of development for its citizens and won't be for atleast 2 decades.
That's baloney.

No one wants to live in Portugal. There are no jobs in Portugal.

China offers plenty of opportunities.

If someone is concerned about quality of life, China's Hainan Island is far more developed than Portugal.

Because China has a population of 1.2 Billion People. When you have 10000 Universities you will automatically get more foreigners compared to places where there are fewer universities. It's the same as Chinese economy being almost equal to US but when you see the average per capita its 7-8 times less. I highly doubt anybody will choose China over Portugal when it comes to improving their quality of life. Your own Chinese nationals are paying Millions of euro's just to settle in Portugal along with their families. China is developing very fast and is doing very well but it's not on European level of development for its citizens and won't be for atleast 2 decades.
Foreigners swarm to China for money and career opportunities just like rural population coming to big cities for a better future, let talk based on facts and figures, not your personal assumptions.
Portugal has zero technology. It's a second-world country.

Happiness index? Are you serious?

China wins on development index.

Does Portugal have high-speed rail? No.
Can Portugal build a nuclear reactor? No.
Can Portugal build a supercomputer? No.
Can Portugal build a CPU? No.

It is ridiculous to claim that Portugal is ahead of China on developmental index.

China is an advanced industrial society. Portugal is a non-industrialized country.

China is ranked world #5 in USPTO patents with over 10,000 USPTO patents granted per year.

Portugal received only 43 USPTO patents in 2014. The Philippines is ahead of Portugal in USPTO patents granted. The Philippines received 45 USPTO patents in 2014.

Citation (US government's USPTO): https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/st_co_14.htm

Do you think normal citizens give two hoots about supercomputer or patents? they want Education, Health, Clean environment, Safer and freer society. Just Check HDI or education and health indicators for both countries. Check annual salaries for normal citizens.
Do you think normal citizens give two hoots about supercomputer or patents? they want Education, Health, Clean environment, Safer and freer society. Just Check HDI or education and health indicators for both countries. Check annual salaries for normal citizens.
I've already said the nominal GDP numbers are wrong.

Portugal has an inflated GDP based on its membership in the Euro currency and transfer payments from the European Union. I'm not going to repeat myself again.

The US has a life expectancy of 78 years. China is 75 years.

Portugal has a life expectancy of 81 years.

Does that mean Portugal is more developed than the United States (based on your ridiculous benchmarks of "health" life expectancy and "happiness" index). Of course not.

These ridiculous soft factors are meaningless.

People want to live in the United States and China, because these are industrialized societies.
What do foreigners go to Portugal for? live on charity? That country's economy is dead, no jobs, no business opportunities, how do foreigners manage to live there?

Do you think normal citizens give two hoots about supercomputer or patents? they want Education, Health, Clean environment, Safer and freer society. Just Check HDI or education and health indicators for both countries. Check annual salaries for normal citizens.
Despite all of your bold claim, tell me why so many foreigners come to China and Chinese becomes an increasingly popular language around the world. All the ground fasts go against what you claim.
Do you think normal citizens give two hoots about supercomputer or patents? they want Education, Health, Clean environment, Safer and freer society. Just Check HDI or education and health indicators for both countries. Check annual salaries for normal citizens.

Although we are not interested in compare with these sleeping countries, but if you want to defend it out of whatever reason, this tells the reality of these sleeping countries:
I've already said the nominal GDP numbers are wrong.

Portugal has an inflated GDP based on its membership in the Euro currency and transfer payments from the European Union. I'm not going to repeat myself again.

Let's see facts and figures that normal citizens would want to look at a country where they would like to settle.

Life Expectancy

Portugal 82
China 76

Corruption Index

Portugal 29th
China 79

Education in Portugal is much better and not the one found in China which drives millions of Chinese to go abroad and study. The Environment in Portugal is clean and not really dirty like China where one has to wear a mask to travel around. Portugal's passport is one of strongest in the world and you can travel anywhere on it without a visa. People like to live in a free society, I am sorry but China isn't one. Check HDI for details on development.


Your own citizens are dying to live in Portugal for a better life.


Since 2012, Portugal has granted 5412 golden visas – formally known as ARIs – to main applicants, and 9023 residence permits to their family members. The program has raised a total of €3.3 billion in investments, some 90% of which has come in the form of real estate purchases.

This recent data set also reveals that China remains the top source of investors; They accounted for 72 of the 169 (54%) main applicants during the last three months, and 64% of all applicants granted golden visas so far. But their relative dominance of the program is receding; two years ago, fully eight of ten applicants were Chinese nationals.
Let's see facts and figures that normal citizens would want to look at a country where they would like to settle.

Life Expectancy

Portugal 82
China 76

Corruption Index

Portugal 29th
China 79

Education in Portugal is much better and not the one found in China which drives millions of Chinese to go abroad and study. The Environment in Portugal is clean and not really dirty like China where one has to wear a mask to travel around. Portugal's passport is one of strongest in the world and you can travel anywhere on it without a visa. People like to live in a free society, I am sorry but China isn't one. Check HDI for details on development.

Simply facts, can you explain why way more foreigners live in China than in Portugal? how do foreigners live there without any future opportunities?

Your claims and number of foreigners living and working in China and Portugal just don't add up, can't you see that obvious discrepancy?
Simply facts, can you explain why way more foreigners live in China than in Portugal? how do foreigners live there without any future opportunities?

You are really funny. how many Portuguese dying to settle in China and spending Millions and Billions like Chinese Nationals are to settle in Portugal? India and Pakistan might have more foreigners than Iceland. Which is more developed? And where would people like to go if given the two options? It's obvious if you have a big population especially 1 Billion you compared to a country of 6 Million you will have more foreigners. China takes comfort in total numbers because on average it falls way down. Why are you concerned with total numbers? There are going to be more people because China is 1.2 Billion people. your economy is 75% of US but when you take the average it reads like $60K on average for US and 9K for China.
At least 2 decades? Another bold claim you made, why you don't check the facts before you speak?
China Wage Levels Equal To Or Surpass Parts Of Europe
Tell u what. This khan_21 has never been to major cities of China. He is making a lot of assumption based on bias western report. Just quote a few YouTube US and western expat relating their real life working and living experience in China. Most of their comment is China is so safe that even young girls going out at night alone is no problem. Safe is one big factor of living quality. They also claim facilities like great public transport like metro and HSR are far even better than Europe and USA. Some well educated expat even say they want to continue stay in China. Shopping for Home high tech electronic and fashion is a breeze in major cities of China unlike Portugal

The problem with people who never been to China is that they spew rubbish. They really think in China , people has no freedom and lives a very restrictive lifestyle. They lump NK and China together:lol:
Education in Portugal is much better and not the one found in China which drives millions of Chinese to go abroad and study. The Environment in Portugal is clean and not really dirty like China where one has to wear a mask to travel around. Portugal's passport is one of strongest in the world and you can travel anywhere on it without a visa. People like to live in a free society, I am sorry but China isn't one. Check HDI for details on development.
Although Portugal is irrelevant to you whether you are a Pakistani or false flag indian, if you want to say something, you have to base on the facts:

Can you find any Portuguese university even among the top 300?
matter of fact, the only famous about Portuguese is Cristiano Ronaldo...
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You are really funny. how many Portuguese dying to settle in China and spending Millions and Billions like Chinese Nationals are to settle in Portugal? India and Pakistan might have more foreigners than Iceland. Which is more developed? And where would people like to go if given the two options? It's obvious if you have a big population especially 1 Billion you compared to a country of 6 Million you will have more foreigners. China takes comfort in total numbers because on average it falls way down. Why are you concerned with total numbers? There are going to be more people because China is 1.2 Billion people. your economy is 75% of US but when you take the average it reads like $60K on average for US and 9K for China.
Chinese settle everywhere around world for business opportunities, and they all still have strong connections with China, it's a Chinese culture of doing business and making money around the world. you can claim whatever you want ,but if the facts and figures show otherwise, all those claims become BS. Common sense is people go where money and opportunities are, case in point for today's China's fast growing foreign expats communities, why this universal common sense and the hard facts and numbers are just this hard for you to digest.
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