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China's moon landing: the space race with India

Britain also industrialised 200 years before China did.

Who's fault is that?

it is all our fault. while the west was getting industrialised and prospering we Asians were under their colonial rule. Else China or India could be way much more developed than they are now. But China is ahead and we need to catch up as well
Britain also industrialised 200 years before China did.

Who's fault is that?

All I am saying is that you guys
1 started early than us
2 Invested more than us
3 had a greater will than us
That's why you are ahead of us
Btw Congrats the Rabbit has landed & Mission is a success :china:
All I am saying is that you guys
1 started early than us
2 Invested more than us
3 had a greater will than us
That's why you are ahead of us
Btw Congrats the Rabbit has landed & Mission is a success :china:

Fair enough.
Oh sh*t!! You caught us!! because only evil Pakistanis hate Bharat, everyone else is madly in love with Bharat. These guys are indeed on ISI's payroll.
whatever. But its true. World is in romance with India and abhore Pakistan. You want me to post all those Mazam Sethi, Hassan Nissar, Bukhari links? Dont even know whether Pakistanis can watch youtube. Scared of being exposed to truth? :)
Join together better, just as EU do, no one EU country has the energy on space, but joined whole EU developed a strong space system, even China put more energy on space lab but not much energy on moon and other planets.
If human join togher early, may be we had land on Mars years ago
All I am saying is that you guys
1 started early than us
2 Invested more than us
3 had a greater will than us
That's why you are ahead of us
Btw Congrats the Rabbit has landed & Mission is a success :china:

This is India's decade economically and Militarily. Chinese GDP rates are for just a decade or so, But India will maintain the GDP growth rates for a long time.
China's first lunar rover lands on moon - DAWN.COM

Congrats China! :china:


BEIJING: China on Saturday carried out the first soft landing on the moon since 1976, joining the United States and former Soviet Union in accomplishing the feat in a major step for Beijing's ambitious space programme.

The emerging superpower is also set to become the third country to complete a lunar rover mission when it deploys its Yutu, or Jade Rabbit vehicle.

Scientists burst into applause as a computer generated image representing the spacecraft, named Chang'e-3, was seen landing on the moon's surface via screens at a Beijing control centre, state broadcaster Chinese Central Television (CCTV) showed.

“Chang'e-3 has successfully carried out a soft-landing on the moon. This makes the China world's third nation to achieve a lunar soft landing,” said the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in an online post on the mission's official page on Sina Weibo, a Chinese Twitter equivalent.

The landing came 12 days after blast-off and was the first of its kind since the former Soviet Union's mission nearly four decades ago.

Many Chinese took to the country's Internet message boards expressing joy at the news, which state news agency Xinhua described as a “historic breakthrough” in an emotional editorial.

“Space exploration is the cause of mankind, not just ‘the patent’ of a certain country,” the commentary said.

“China will share the achievements of its lunar exploration with the whole world and use them to benefit humanity.”

The landing marks the latest step in an ambitious space programme which is seen as a symbol of China's rising global stature and technological advancement, as well as the Communist Party's success in reversing the fortunes of the once impoverished nation.

It comes a decade after the country first sent an astronaut into space, and ahead of plans to establish a permanent space station by 2020 and eventually send a human to the moon.

News of the landing quickly made an impact on China's hugely popular Internet message boards, with the words 'Chang'e-3 lunar landing' racing to the top of the list of searched items on Weibo just minutes after touchdown.

“Congratulations on Chang'e-3's successful lunar landing. Long live China!” said one netizen. “Felt so excited when it landed!” added another.

The probe touched down on an ancient 400-kilometre (250-mile) wide plain known in Latin as Sinus Iridum, or The Bay of Rainbows.

The landing was previously described as the “most difficult” part of the mission by CAS on Chang'e-3's Weibo site.

The probe used sensors and 3D imaging to identify a flat surface. Thrusters were then deployed 100 metres (330 feet) from the lunar surface to gently guide the craft into position.

The landing process started at 9pm (13.00 GMT) and lasted for about 12 minutes.

Karl Bergquist, international relations administrator at the European Space Agency (ESA), who has worked with Chinese space officials on the Chang'e-3 mission, told AFP the key challenge was to identify a flat location for the landing.

Lunar exploration

The rover is set to be released from the landing craft in “a few hours,” according to a post on Chang'e-3's Weibo page late Saturday.

Following separation, the rover will spend about three months exploring the moon's surface and looking for natural resources.

The rover can climb slopes of up to 30 degrees and travel at 200 metres per hour, according to the Shanghai Aerospace Systems Engineering Research Institute.

The Chang'e-3 mission is named after the goddess of the moon in Chinese mythology and the rover vehicle is called Yutu, or Jade Rabbit, after her pet.

Yutu's name was chosen in an online poll of 3.4 million voters.

“China wants to go to the moon for geostrategic reasons and domestic legitimacy,” said Joan Johnson-Freese, a professor of national security affairs at the US Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, and an expert on Chinese space activities.

“With the US exploration moribund at best, that opens a window for China to be perceived as the global technology leader – though the US still has more, and more advanced, assets in space,” she added.
ahh look bangla-who-desh has come in with his fresh sets of Chinese knee pads :lol:

Good to know about indian tradition of looking for knee pads. India compete in space but can not make its own knee pads, that is utter shame.

On the topic, other than lots of empty space in indian claims for which indians are uncontested champion, is there any bollywood script yet for indian space fantasy? Or it is just in dream stage?
Good to know about indian tradition of looking for knee pads. India compete in space but can not make its own knee pads, that is utter shame.

On the topic, other than lots of empty space in indian claims for which indians are uncontested champion, is there any bollywood script yet for indian space fantasy? Or it is just in dream stage?

Some members have become habitual of glorifying thing for photo-ops and which don't contribute anything in real world.

Like moon probe , China moon probe only taken pics but Indian probe not only taken pics but find presence of water which even US can't find if Indian didn't send it on moon.

So its India that given value to its mission and find things and its not send things for photo-ops.

The above example is one of the that.
Chinese culture is too look down upon others. Very destructive.
Some members have become habitual of glorifying thing for photo-ops and which don't contribute anything in real world.

Like moon probe , China moon probe only taken pics but Indian probe not only taken pics but find presence of water which even US can't find if Indian didn't send it on moon.

So its India that given value to its mission and find things and its not send things for photo-ops.

The above example is one of the that.
great viewpoint from India,the source of happiness,thanks for sharing.
ISRO working very hard on technology to make the moon a giant open air toilet for Indian astronauts in 2020. It's not an easy problem to solve on the moon.
Indeed Chinese have more budget for their space program and so is their GDP. So if we wanna so called compare, we can only do is technological advancement if any and not tonnage. Technology is intangible in nature and hence not directly proportional to monitory investments.

By the way who said India is better than china. It was a simple comparision.No mention of china better or india better. Why do i see chinese so insecured when India name is taken? Are u guyz actual Chinese? Coz ur habits look more like Pakistanis. :D

Erm, I have to correct you on an issue----technological development is pretty much directly proportional to monetary investment. The theoretical base for most technology will often sit on paper for decades if not centuries before people investing enough money to turn theory into applicable technology.
The best part of the article is, in 2017 India plans a manned space flight and then 3 years later 2020 India plans to put a human on the moon. If that's Rajinikanth's space program then good wishes. If not, I don't see the poor astronauts coming back.

I am still waiting for an Indian to explain this one. I don't think no Indians here have an answer to this plan? Even the biggest Indian boaster would not defend this statement. Except @JayAtl who posted this article. But this guy has no brain so its excusable.
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