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China's moon landing: the space race with India

1958: China launches first rocket, Soviet-built Base 20

1963: India's first rocket launched, US-built Nike-Apache

1967: India launches its own RH-75 rocket

1970: China puts first satellite into orbit, but its space programme is then interrupted by Cultural Revolution and split with Russia.

1975: India's first satellite is launched from the former Soviet Union

1984: India's first astronaut, part of Soviet Soyuz mission

1990: China's first self-built rocket launched, carrying a satellite into orbit

2003: China's first astronaut, sent into Earth's orbit on its own Long March 2F rocket.

2008: India's first rocket to Moon orbit, the Chandrayaan-1, which drops impact probe to surface and finds evidence of water

2013: China becomes first country to "soft-land" on the Moon in 37 years when the unmanned Chang'e-3 spacecraft successfully lands.

What's next?

2014: India's Mars Orbiter mission launched last November due to reach planet in September

2017: India plans first manned space mission

2017: China expected to return unmanned lunary mission to earth

2020: China intends to build space station

2020: India aims to have astronauts land on Moon

2024: China aims to have astronauts land on Moon

China's moon landing: the space race with India - Telegraph

Another example of you comparing your country India against China. But as an anti-Chinese Indian, you have posted article after article showing prediction of India beating China on something. You are no different than the Indian media that is obsessive with China.

FYI, The real race to the moon ended in 1969. And USA had won. I bet that do not sit well with you.
Space race ? What space race. There is no race.

India's space launches.

China's space launches.

In terms of lift capacity. Just ONE launch of China's CZ-3B/E lifted more tonnage to space then all of India's launches in the last 5 years.

Space race ? What space race. There is no race.

India's space launches.

China's space launches.

In terms of lift capacity. Just ONE launch of China's CZ-3B/E lifted more tonnage to space then all of India's launches in the last 5 years.

Space race ? What space race. There is no race.

India's space launches.

China's space launches.

In terms of lift capacity. Just ONE launch of China's CZ-3B/E lifted more tonnage to space then all of India's launches in the last 5 years.
Indeed Chinese have more budget for their space program and so is their GDP. So if we wanna so called compare, we can only do is technological advancement if any and not tonnage. Technology is intangible in nature and hence not directly proportional to monitory investments.

By the way who said India is better than china. It was a simple comparision.No mention of china better or india better. Why do i see chinese so insecured when India name is taken? Are u guyz actual Chinese? Coz ur habits look more like Pakistanis. :D
If you look at it that way, then there is no space race as the race is already over 40+ years ago. US send a man to the moon in 1969. The race to moon was over by that time.
Actually that is debatable. More and more evidence show no one has sent any man to the moon.

There's three parts. Worth watching

Why always compare india to China? India is more comparable to Italy as their GDP is very close.
Space race ? What space race. There is no race.

India's space launches.

China's space launches.

In terms of lift capacity. Just ONE launch of China's CZ-3B/E lifted more tonnage to space then all of India's launches in the last 5 years.

India started from 1980 while china started from 1970. caught up pretty fast.

lets also not forget that china hides her failures. look how the journos were removed swiftly during the crash

India started from 1980 while china started from 1970. caught up pretty fast.

lets also not forget that china hides her failures. look how the journos were removed swiftly during the crash

There is nothing to hide because we hardly fail. That's the point.

India hides its incompetence. India has yet to put a man into space, manned space is the most prestigious, thats why when the Soviets first put a man into space they were leading space and when America put a man on the moon the space race was over.

Without the human element in space, you haven't made it to the big leagues.

Only once you have put a man into space, then you can do things like manned space lab and space station, then manned moon landing.

Until India can put a man into space, its hard to take India as a serious space power.
There is nothing to hide because we hardly fail. That's the point.
India hides its incompetence. India has yet to put a man into space, manned space is the most prestigious, thats why when America put a man on the moon the space race was over.

Are you dumb or something? i just pointed out that the reason you appear successful is because you hide your failures from the world, while india is always transparent

Without the human element in space, you haven't made it.
Only once you have put a man into space, then you can do things like manned space lab and space station, then manned moon landing.
Until India can put a man into space, its hard to take India as a serious space power.

no. putting humans in space requires massive investment while putting an object into mars orbit requires massive expertise and knowledge. china has the former while india has the latter
Are you dumb or something? i just pointed out that the reason you appear successful is because you hide your failures from the world, while india is always transparent

no. putting humans in space requires massive investment while putting an object into mars orbit requires massive expertise and knowledge. china has the former while india has the latter

China has massive investment, massive expertise and massive knowledge. India will never match China in any of these areas. Only in your wildest dreams can India ever surpass China in space.

China has put a man into space.
India has not.

China has done a space walk.
India has not.

China has soft landed on the Moon.
India has not.

China has put a rover on the Moon.
India has not.

China has a space lab.
India does not.

China does record number of launches.
India is not even close.

If India had the expertise and knowledge, you would have already done all these things. China can easily orbit Mars but deep space exploration is not our priority. That's why we hitched a ride on Russian mars mission. We have all the technologies and launch vehicles to orbit Mars if we wanted to. Whatever India has, you can bet your life that we have it too.

And India's Mars orbit mission is basically a NASA mission. It's not even an Indian mission.

Keep day dreaming :coffee:
China has massive investment, massive expertise and massive knowledge. India will never match China in any of these areas. Only in your wildest dreams can India ever surpass China in space.
China has put a man into space.
India has not.
China has done a space walk.
India has not.
China has soft landed on the Moon.
India has not.
China has put a rover on the Moon.
India has not.
China has a space lab.
India does not.
China does record number of launches.
India is not even close.
If India had the expertise and knowledge, you would have already done all these things. China can easily orbit Mars but deep space exploration is not our priority. That's why we hitched a ride on Russian mars mission. We have all the technologies and launch vehicles to orbit Mars if we wanted to. Whatever India has, you can bet your life that we have it too.
all this is because of massive investment nothing else.

mororver india holds the record for max number of remote sensing sats and max sats putinto orbit in a single launch.keepin mind china had a 10 year headstart.

And India's Mars orbit mission is basically a NASA mission. It's not even an Indian mission.

If you look at it that way we can conclude that all of china's missions - moon landing space stations,etc are actually russian. without them, you guys cant launch a stone into space

Haha...good one...
you guys export terrorists. be glad we are putting south asia on the map, because pakistan is a liability that has contributed nothing to anything
A "true" space race winner would be the first to establish some meaningful earthly "power" from their program. The reality is that only the USA has done that so far with it's communications and spy satellite capabilities.
There is nothing to hide because we hardly fail. That's the point.

India hides its incompetence. India has yet to put a man into space, manned space is the most prestigious, thats why when the Soviets first put a man into space they were leading space and when America put a man on the moon the space race was over.

Without the human element in space, you haven't made it to the big leagues.

Only once you have put a man into space, then you can do things like manned space lab and space station, then manned moon landing.

Until India can put a man into space, its hard to take India as a serious space power.

But India already have plans to put man in the moon in 2020. China do not have that plan until after 2020, so India is ahead.:big_boss:
all this is because of massive investment nothing else.

mororver india holds the record for max number of remote sensing sats and max sats putinto orbit in a single launch.keepin mind china had a 10 year headstart.

If you look at it that way we can conclude that all of china's missions - moon landing space stations,etc are actually russian. without them, you guys cant launch a stone into space

you guys export terrorists. be glad we are putting south asia on the map, because pakistan is a liability that has contributed nothing to anything

Indian space budget is $1,320 million.
Chinese space budget is $1,300 million.

India spends more money on space than we do lol. Yet still decades behind.

China has the 2nd most number of satellites in space ahead of Russia and only behind America.
India is not even close in this regard.

Putting multiple tiny satellites into space in a single launch is nothing special at all. It just goes to show India cannot launch heavy satellites like we do. In lift capacity, India is a joke as Nan Yang pointed out in his post.

Face it kiddo, in space India is not even in our league lol
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