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China's moon landing: the space race with India

Not only in space, a friendly competition with China in each and every field is always good for India..Because then only we can utilize our maximum potential..:coffee:
But India already have plans to put man in the moon in 2020. China do not have that plan until after 2020, so India is ahead.:big_boss:

India has not even put a man into space yet they go bragging that they will put a man on the moon by 2020. ISRO has said they cant put a man into space before 2017. That means they have 3 years to put a man on the moon after putting a man into space.

You see why Indians are the biggest and most delusional braggarts in the world lol
I'm willing to take a bet that China will put a man on the moon before India put a man into space.
Indian fantasy to be compared with China live on, although reality is much much different.
Right! One cannot compare China's authoritarian, brutal, interventionist, and autocratic regime, that applies curbs on political freedom, and has no democracy, rife with human rights violations, negligible economic freedoms, lack of property rights etc, to India. :P

And China's propaganda machinery that has brainwashed the sheeple into a dynasty of robots, would put the then German propaganda chief, Goebbels to shame!
So india will step on the moon three years after first manned mission?

First sensible comment from a Chinese
No i don't think that is possible
We are way more interested in Inter planetary exploration & say technology
Though china is well ahead of us in this regard it must be noted that it spend much more in space than india & your GDP is also greater
First sensible comment from a Chinese
No i don't think that is possible
We are way more interested in Inter planetary exploration & say technology
Though china is well ahead of us in this regard it must be noted that it spend much more in space than india & your GDP is also greater

India and China spend very similar on space.

Our GDP is bigger, who's fault is that?
That's like the Soviets telling the Americans that the American GDP is bigger.

lol who teaches you these laughable excuses.

Our economy is bigger because we have embraced markets and reformed our economy. We have developed the technology and have the money too.

That's an advantage we earned, you pretend like that's a bad thing. Indians will do well to drop your usual excuses and get down to work. One of the major problems of Indians is that your ego gets in the way of development. You try to sugarcoat everything. This is why India will never catch up to us in anything whether economics, military, technology, space, sports, etc.

We know our weakness and work to solve it, Indians are happy to deny you have weaknesses.
Are u guyz actual Chinese? Coz ur habits look more like Pakistanis. :D
Oh sh*t!! You caught us!! because only evil Pakistanis hate Bharat, everyone else is madly in love with Bharat. These guys are indeed on ISI's payroll.
Haha...good one...
The best part of the article is, in 2017 India plans a manned space flight and then 3 years later 2020 India plans to put a human on the moon. If that's Rajinikanth's space program then good wishes. If not, I don't see the poor astronauts coming back.
India and China spend very similar on space.

Our GDP is bigger, who's fault is that?
That's like the Soviets telling the Americans that the American GDP is bigger.

lol who teaches you these laughable excuses.

Our economy is bigger because we have embraced markets and reformed our economy. We have developed the technology and have the money too.

That's an advantage we earned, you pretend like that's a bad thing. Indians will do well to drop your usual excuses and get down to work. One of the major problems of Indians is that your ego gets in the way of development. You try to sugarcoat everything. This is why India will never catch up to us in anything whether economics, military, technology, space, sports, etc.

We know our weakness and work to solve it, Indians are happy to deny you have weaknesses.

I was not making an excuse
If you are going to spend more then you will have greater returns simple as that

Now since you started in 1970 & we a decade later & have a bigger budget for space & a greater will
That you are better than us simple as that
Nice thread-Hope China and India can contribute to greater understanding of space exploration
In the future China "TianGong" maybe the only human's space station on the orbit after current ISS will retire at 2020 or 2028.

actually no.I think you don't know about ISS.its a collection of modules which can be integrated with other new modules to make new space station.actually,Russia is building several that is going to be integrated with one or two existing modules to create their own space station.and don't forget over half a dozen privately funded space stations already planned or going to be launched soon.
I was not making an excuse
If you are going to spend more then you will have greater returns simple as that

Now since you started in 1970 & we a decade later & have a bigger budget for space & a greater will
That you are better than us simple as that

Britain also industrialised 200 years before China did.

Who's fault is that?
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