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China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 5G commercial licenses to four compan


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China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 5G commercial licenses to four companies: this time true 5G

央视网2019-06-06 08:44


CCTV News: The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 5G commercial licenses to China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Radio and Television.

What is a 5G license?

For example, just as car owners need to obtain a driver's license to drive on the road, telecom operators must first have a 5G commercial license and operate in order to launch a 5G service.

Yang Lan, secretary-general of the China TD Industry Alliance, explained that when a country issues a 5G license, the industry will invest in the country's market to meet the needs of its market, develop products for it, form industrial advantages, and then form a commercial application. Advantage. Therefore, all countries hope to gather industrial resources through the issuance of licenses.

Which cities can take the lead in using 5G?

Since the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved the license for the 5G test frequency at the end of last year, the three major domestic telecom operators have begun to work hard on 5G construction.

It is understood that China Unicom has started to build 5G networks in 40 cities, especially in the 5G urban areas in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Xiong'an.

In China Mobile, it launched 5G scale trials in 17 cities, including scale trials in five cities including Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou and Wuhan, as well as demonstration applications in 12 cities including Beijing, Chengdu and Shenzhen.

China Telecom also said that it has launched 5G trials in eight cities including Beijing.

It is worth noting that, in addition to operators, the radio and television system is also expected to get a valuable 5G license, and will also participate in 5G.

Since May, many major equipment manufacturers have signed cooperation agreements with a number of local radio and television network companies, such as Shanxi Radio and Television, Guangxi Radio and Television, and Fujian Broadcasting and Television, to arrange 5G for broadcasting and television.

Want to use 5G, must change the phone?

Users want to enjoy the convenience brought by the 5G era, they must replace the phone.

Compared with the 4G era, 5G needs to use higher technology and frequency. The current 4G mobile phones cannot meet the needs of this technology, and 4G mobile phones cannot support 5G through upgrades and updates.

But the advent of the 5G era does not mean that 4G mobile phones will be eliminated.

Prior to the 4G era, there were still a large number of 2G users using mobile services in normal use. Users who are not anxious to experience 5G networks can continue to use the current 4G mobile phones, and operators can still provide good 4G network support.

The good news is that users need to change cards when 3G is over 4G. According to the news released by the three major operators, users can experience 5G high-speed Internet access and voice services without changing cards or changing numbers, eliminating the need for frequent users. The trouble of changing cards.

5G mobile phone is not expensive?

During the MWC 2019 held in Barcelona in February this year, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, ZTE and OPPO have already released the first batch of 5G mobile phones, but the price is relatively expensive.

Is the 5G package expensive?

At present, basic telecom operators have not disclosed the 5G tariff plan.

However, senior telecommunications expert Xiang Ligang believes: "The flow rate is measured according to the technical level of the base station. With the advancement of technology, at 5G, the price of 1G traffic may be 1 yuan or 5 cents."

Yang Guang, general manager of the Industry and Business Cooperation Department of China Mobile Communications Research Institute, said: "5G is a technical upgrade, the purpose is to provide customers with better service, the unit price of communication tariffs will definitely be reduced, in 2G, 3G and 4G During the upgrade process, this trend has become very clear, and the price of data traffic and voice has been declining."

5G brings huge business opportunities, how can this money be earned?

Regarding the business model of the 5G era, Yang Guang, general manager of the Industry and Business Cooperation Department of China Mobile Communications Research Institute, has such a picture.

The first is the traditional to C mode, which means buying traffic online. The business model of this 4G era will certainly not disappear.

The second category is the to B model, which uses 5G technology to provide customized services for the energy, medical, and education industries. For example, it provides a dedicated connection for information transmission and information collection in the energy industry. This is a customized service, and the quality and safety of information transmission and collection can be guaranteed.

This may adopt a new business model, not charging by traffic, but charging according to the value of the service, such as how much money is charged for a custom service, and how much to charge for a custom service.

The third category is to B plus to C. For example, the network UAV, 5G can be used in the civil drone industry to form 5G network drone services and products, and ultimately provide services for the majority of individual users. For example, networked drones, driverless, telemedicine, etc. used in the logistics industry.


央央视网2019-06-06 08:44



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在今年2月巴塞罗那举行的MWC 2019期间,三星、华为、小米、中兴和OPPO等厂商都已经相继发布首批5G手机,但价格相对昂贵。








第一是传统的to C 模式,即买流量上网。这个4G时代的商业模式肯定不会消失。

第二类就是to B 模式,用5G技术为能源、医疗、教育等行业提供定制化服务。比如为能源行业的信息传输和信息采集提供一个专属连接,这是一种定制化服务,信息传输和采集的质量安全都能得到保证。


第三类是to B 加to C ,比如说网联无人机,5G赋能民用无人机行业,形成5G网络无人机服务和产品,最终为广大个人用户提供服务。例如,物流行业中用到的网联无人机、无人驾驶、远程医疗等。
Yes, 5G licenses to Chinese firms and 5G equipment from Chinese firms only. Foreign companies need not apply.

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