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China’s Military Finances Blockbuster Movie About Heroic Chinese Marines in Yemen

There is no different between Operation Red Sea and American propaganda movies like Black Hawk Down and 12 Strong. They are just exaggerated version of a true event. There is no problem with that, because they are not making a documentary film. Just an entertainment with propaganda element that make fanboys punch their chest and their adversaries pukes because of those exaggerated propaganda element in those movies.

LOL! Well if somebody was making a movie showing Humvee-type vehicles and tanks being used to quell those umbrella movement people in Hong Kong you'd be rolling your eyes too. But hey it's just an exaggerated version of the true facts....it's not a documentary.

With that thought in mind of Hong Kong you can see why I mentioned the 30 seconds.
LOL! Well if somebody was making a movie showing Humvee-type vehicles and tanks being used to quell those umbrella movement people in Hong Kong you'd be rolling your eyes too. But hey it's just an exaggerated version of the true facts....it's not a documentary.

With that thought in mind of Hong Kong you can see why I mentioned the 30 seconds.

Well, if somebody really make that film, I will only say,"This ugly movie is just a propaganda film by the Hollywood." And I puke on it. Do you think that it won't happen? If the west can make the Tian An Men demonstration look ugly for the sake of their propaganda, why can't they make a movie showing humvee-type vehicles and tanks being used to quell those umbrella movement people in Hong Kong?
Its a film so Yemen storyline is fine but this is a SNAFU though.

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