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China's Mars explorer launched

errr... not dead yet.

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Russian specialists will try to turn on the main transmitter of Phobos-Grunt, says a specialist from the space industry. Today we have not only the Russians listening for a signal, but also a European base in Australia.

It was announced earlier that Russians will try to contact the spacecraft today in 22:00-23:00 MSK which means it's two hours after posting my comment.

During the first signal received from the probe it was found out that the solar panels have deployed, the spacecraft is Sun-oriented, and the batteries are being recharged. Then the transmitter was about to be turned off according to the on-board program sequence. He was then scheduled to be turned on several times after, but no signal has been received.

The good news is - the transmitter can be turned on if commanded from Earth. This is what specialists are going to do today. They will send commands to turn the transmitter on and they will listen.

As far as I know, satellite is very unlikly to adjust from orblt failure. I know this mission was failed.
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Oh well, lets just re-adjust it enough to have it return back to earth so we can relaunch it using Chinese rockets instead :lol:
the fail is not a big problem if said the Russians can fix it later easily. what a big deal, even Russian with great experiences and capacities in this field but still false sometimes, what if the Chinese making the same later!? humn you got a good reason to defend 4 yourself my Chinese friends!?
Interplanetary probes have never been a strength of USSR/Russia. This is too bad because besides Russia, no other space power (NASA, ESA) will agree to Chinese participation until China has clearly reached or exceeded the technological capability to do so on its own. It looks like China will probably be doing this the hard way, on its own.
OMG,I wonder at what is the russian aerospace industry now. Why did russian launch always keep failing now:argh:.....too badddd....i think china should launch rocket to Mars on our own next time,:angry:

I think it is cheaper.

The Russians were going in that direction anyway.....
. . .
Russian tech is already way outdated, no doubt about it.

Right, how about this. Next time do a little research before spouting unsubstantiated garbage out of your mouth. Russia has a number of new rockets as well as some that are under development. Even older Russian rockets are superior to anything most nations can make. And please do inform everyone how 'outdated' Russian 'tech' makes up a large percentage of the ISS?

the Aviation is supposed to be the only leftover from SU now, but it failed too. Russia will slowly slip into a second class nation, that's only a time matter.

Again, unsubstantiated verbal sewage. Since when was the KA-52 or the KA-60 ever Soviet? Pak-FA Soviet? Besides air frame what does the SU-35, SU-34 or Mig-35 have anything to do with the Soviet Union? Stay out of topics you have no business in or at least do some research before you look like a fool.

This is expected from Russian trash.

The only thing that is expected is worthless one-liners from you. You do realize that The US has purchased Russian rocket engines as well as electro thermal engines. Not to mention that the US is heavily dependant on the Russian Space Agency to get them to and from the ISS, and some of the critical components from the ISS are Russian--let me make it clear for you the US opted for the Soyuz in the ISS because of its reliability.

It makes me wonder, have any of your posts ever been anything but bias one liners?
sincerely I don't laugh at this failure of the Russian, and I think most of my Chinese friends will have the same though like me except some false flag trolls here!!!

hopefully in the future China and Russia can corporate again to make it succeed, China-Russia is a great couple and unbeatable warrior if you guys stand together!!! Never listen to the jerks, they are just trying to divide you guys to weaken you then they will sit on your head again!!!

Hey Russian, i know you are nice people, but sometime you are too quick tempered: it is luckily 4 you that you are not located next to vietnam or india, if so you will be more upset than ever, what about if a viet trolls laughing on your Russian failure in space programs like they used to do with the Chinese. that time you can feel how the Chinese hate ungrateful vietnam, the country that has nothing but arrogant and cocky!!!

i bet if the viet or indian treat Russian that ways, they will be crush to pieces or at least they don't have teeth to eat rice soup again. see how nice and patient the Chinese if compared to hot tempered Russian!!!
Likewise, no interested American is laughing at this likely failure. Data gained from a Russian mission is shared with everyone, so it is everyone's gain, much the same as it is with US missions. All mission successes should be hoped for, because mission failures mean no one gets the data that might have been gained. The goal is to make human space travel and space exploration a daily thing, not special occasions. Any country's success helps this.
It's not nice to bad-mouth Russia's failure when China cannot make rockets with the same capabilities and have to rely on russian rockets.

I hope they are making progress on long march 5 and next gen heavy lift rockets. It is important for deep space exploration and heavy duty stuff.
Likewise, no interested American is laughing at this likely failure. Data gained from a Russian mission is shared with everyone, so it is everyone's gain, much the same as it is with US missions. All mission successes should be hoped for, because mission failures mean no one gets the data that might have been gained. The goal is to make human space travel and space exploration a daily thing, not special occasions. Any country's success helps this.

oh someones here turns into good in when i didn't know that humm!? at least China and Russia shake their hands with each others to make this progress exists, somebody from the outside did nothing but found ways to prevent people and now say so many good things!!!

did I said anything wrong above about those jerks??? NO!!!
It's not nice to bad-mouth Russia's failure when China cannot make rockets with the same capabilities and have to rely on russian rockets.

I hope they are making progress on long march 5 and next gen heavy lift rockets. It is important for deep space exploration and heavy duty stuff.

In terms of lift power, Chinese rockets still have a lot to catch up.
Over the last four decades, missions to Mars by ANY nation have been very, very difficult for reasons that are not well understood. It was so bad at one point, that people were speculating (in fun) that "Martians" of some sort were determined to hide their presence on the red planet.

It wasn't until this little guy succeeded spectacularly, that the string of jinxes was partially broken...


I read a cool article in a recent "Discover" magazine that speculated on the distant future of our solar system. Basically, stellar physics dictates that in one billion years, the solar output will boil the earth's oceans, and our good Earth will be dead. But the increased solar output will definitely melt the Mars ice caps, thicken the atmosphere, and raise the temperature. Mars will be habitable with ease. All we'll need to do is salt the Mars oceans with algae and bacteria, and it'll be ready for human habitation in a relatively short time.

So 1.1 billion years from now, everything we love so much about the Earth... all the man-made artifacts, the religious sites, everything, will be scorched and molten and useless, and Mars will be our home. Which is why I have claimed all of Mars, and will be selling 1 acre beachfront lots shortly for only $100 U.S. I accept all major credit cards, as well as PayPal! ;)
russia is the only nation that has had more rocket failures than successes.
even those clueless indians are now more reliable than the russians, and indians couldnt make a toy plane to save their life, that just shows how far the russians have fallen.
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