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China’s leaders must learn from Soviet Union’s fatal mistakes, Hu Deping

USSR was Russia empire. It was carved into 15 ethnic republics by Communists. In 1991 Russian nationalists did a coup against Gorbachev and dismantled USSR. Their motto was Russia for Russians. And they got what they wanted. China is safe from that. China is already ethnic based.
nationalist rabble-rousers have made much of the fact that of the seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia's economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish: Berezovsky, Vladimir Guzinsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman and Valery Malkin.​


If those in the black capitalist market of the Soviet Union were jew hating Swedes, the zionists who took over Russia in the 1990s would not have given Russia to those jew hating rich entrepreneurs and wouldn't have made them Russia oligarchs.

But they did so to jews, because the zionists ran the Russian revolution Part Deux.
Many people like him in China. My prediction in the end China will lose
Here is an analogy: In a private equity deal, an investor lends money to an enterpreneur on the condition that the enterpreneur delivers excellent returns. If the enterpreneur succeeds, the loan is paid off and the enterpreneur continues forward. If the enterpreneur doesn't deliver the returns, the investor takes over the company, pushing out the enterpreneur.

During the China-US reapproachment in the late 1970s, US agreed to support China against the Soviet threat (with technology and economic advances) on the condition that China would allow US to install fifth column traitor puppets in the Chinese government apparatus.

The senior Chinese leadership gambled that China would be able to absorb the technology and develop itself economically fast enough that it would be able to eventually root out the fifth column before everything collapses.

The Americans bet that China would fail to absorb the technology and develop itself economically fast enough to avoid collapse by rooting out the fifth column.

So this dance between the two countries continued. A geopolitical poker game where the Chinese opened up to traitor fifth column and flirted with collapse deliberately, betting that this would keep the Americans pushing more chips on to the table but China will still prevail in the end.

The rise of Xi Jinping and his corruption crackdown (including traitors and fifth columnists) was China showing its final card -- a royal flush -- to clean out the American chips on the table. Alternatively, it is the enterpreneur delivering the returns to the investor and saying "my loan is repaid".

That was what infuriated the Americans. It has nothing to do with trade deficits or even technology. Those are just the surface manifestations not the underlying contradiction.

@ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @TaiShang @beijingwalker @Adam WANG SHANGHAI MEGA @Beast @CNSpeed @Han Patriot @hiseen @bbccdd1470
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In Centralized system, everything gets standardize. Creativity and diversity is killed. It is just like eating one food. You may become strong but you will have many deficiencies. This is true for religion as well. Religion with one Prophet and One book are also bound to collapse. When this monopoly does not work, you do not have alternate to shift to other system. This sort of Totalitarian ideologies nourishes its end to its core. It is just a matter of time before such Ideologies or systems collapses.

Is there any actual data behind this claim or is it something your 'feelings' told you?
Communism is done in china.Only fools believe China is a communism country nowadays.CCP will be done when evonomy failed hard,but not now.
Just a proof of low IQ and lack of real word experience.

Western fake news media propaganda machine learned the skills from the best, the Nazi regime.
Nazi is much better. Nazi Germany population is a lot smarter than muricans
Prove your sentence with data.

Is India is an example that democracy do not work? It would appear that democracy had failed India. And in turn, India had failed had failed democracy. But the truth is deeper than that.

I believe a certain form of democracy could work in parts of India. But they fundamental issue withIndia is that India is not a legitimate country. It need to split up to political entities before British Creation. Otherwise, no political system would work for India.
Sure. Here is one -

Electricity consumption per capita - China - 510 Watts/person. India - 128 Watts/person

China executes people in public by shooting them on their head to complete execution quota. 14 chinese commute suicide every 100000 population. Two lakh Muslims muslim women are kept in reeducation camp and used as cheap labor. Now is it proved by data or do I need quote more?

Is India is an example that democracy do not work? It would appear that democracy had failed India. And in turn, India had failed had failed democracy. But the truth is deeper than that.

I believe a certain form of democracy could work in parts of India. But they fundamental issue withIndia is that India is not a legitimate country. It need to split up to political entities before British Creation. Otherwise, no political system would work for India.

We don't have 2 India like main land India and other India like China. According to you China may be success story which is build on genocide of million of chines starting from Mao to Xi. We have different definition of success. My country is not build on deadbody of our citizen. We do not have execution quota to fear our citizen nor we have reeducation camp for Muslims. Your success come from running tanks on democracy demanding citizen while our success come from accommodating people of every ideology. Our citizen can choose who so ever they like and our pm can not decide his own term. You call your slavery a success and our freedom a failure. It is just difference in definition due to difference in education.
China executes people in public by shooting them on their head to complete execution quota. 14 chinese commute suicide every 100000 population. Two lakh Muslims muslim women are kept in reeducation camp and used as cheap labor. Now is it proved by data or do I need quote more?

My dear Hari ji, pulling things out of your *** isn't data.
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