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China's Huawei offers to share source code

south korea's economy was built on US aid.

i'm looking at vietnam to become the next center of low tier manufacturing. their technological base is extremely backwards but their labor is a great resource.

we should think:

vietnam is a country with no indigenous technology, a small population and no land.

yet its GDP is half that of india, a country with supposedly "mountains" of "indigenous technology", a huge population and huge land.

makes you think.

Please check your facts: Indian GDP is 1.3 trillion (nominal) while Vietnam GDP is 92 billion (nominal), means Indian GDP is 15 times larger than Vietnam GDP

If your question is related to Indian GDP vs South Korean GDP, then may I ask you a simple question: why is Japan's GDP larger than Chinese GDP?

A country with mountains of indigenous technology doesn’t have to be technological superior than a country which imports technology. The logic is simple when we import we look for the best
one example, Pallavi Aiyar's experience as being a female in China:

"Being a female reporter in China was a liberating experience. I felt free to travel and report in even relatively remote parts of the country without my gender being an issue. India is a far more difficult place for women in general. Even in big cities like New Delhi it’s hard for women to walk on the streets free of harassment or what Indian law rather quaintly calls “eve teasing.”

While I don’t think being female brought any particular advantages to reporting in China what struck me most was how it did not bring any disadvantages. I never felt patronized by male interviewees or sexually threatened in any way."

"But then I would return to Delhi for a few days and almost immediately long to be back in Beijing where a woman could ride a bus or even drive a bus without having to tune out the constant staring and whispering of the dozens of sex-starved youth that swarmed around the Indian capital’s streets at almost any given time."

The China Beat Smoke and Mirrors: China and India

Pallavi Aiyar is the author of the book, Smoke and Mirrors: An Experience of China

I also read somewhere that indian female cannot drink beer in public place? not sure if this is true or not. that's why I suggested you guys to ask around to get the first hand opinions from your female friends who visited China before. The best is to get on a flight to China, good or bad, see with your own eyes.

You, I think, are not able to make out the difference between “experience” and “human rights”
I don't give a damn what kind of resume he got, nobody will take your claim seriously from a blog, so if its so damn creditable, why you not show the "LINK" of the blog? in your post ? simply you know a blog is no source period. Try harder next time.

Better spend sometime time to open your mind by reading something thats worthy enough to gain some real knowledge.
An Undersea Deterrent? - U.S. Naval Institute

I don’t think you have read the article before you gave us the link. First of all, the article was not discussing the superiority of Chinese technology, but was explaining the Chinese military strategy of overcoming the Chinese inferior nuclear submarine force.

Some of the quotes from the articles are

“Many analysts have focused on the survivability issue as the main reason for China's decision to proceed with the development of the Jin and the JL-2. Given the potential vulnerability of Chinese SSBNs to detection by adversary attack submarines and the challenges of locating dispersed road-mobile missiles,”

“Notwithstanding the considerable progress reflected by the launching of at least two Jin SSBNs, the PLAN still faces at least three key challenges before it realizes a secure seaborne second-strike capability: reducing the probability of detection; at sea training of commanders and crew members; and coping with the nuclear command-and-control issues associated with the operation of SSBNs.”

Please go through the article you will find many
Please check your facts: Indian GDP is 1.3 trillion (nominal) while Vietnam GDP is 92 billion (nominal), means Indian GDP is 15 times larger than Vietnam GDP

If your question is related to Indian GDP vs South Korean GDP, then may I ask you a simple question: why is Japan's GDP larger than Chinese GDP?

A country with mountains of indigenous technology doesn’t have to be technological superior than a country which imports technology. The logic is simple when we import we look for the best

Japan's GDP will be surpassed within the year. But a simple problem for India is, it does not even have starvation solved. Import of technology means you don't even understand it. Look at all the crashed Mig-21s.
India should be beware of chinese products, look what they have done to pakistan which they calls their friend

Pakistan buying 150 railway engines in emergency Chinese suppliers fail to deliver

ISLAMABAD: The shortage of locomotives in the Pakistan Railways has reached such a crisis stage that an emergency plan to procure 150 engines from reliable international suppliers has been put together as the Chinese suppliers have failed to deliver, senior officials of Railways told our sources.

General Manager Railways Shahid Ahmad on Thursday night confirmed to our sources that the top Railways management had finally decided to drop the idea of acquiring 75 locomotives from the Chinese company as 32 previously supplied engines out of 69 have been scrapped after they became unserviceable.

The 75 locomotives were ordered from China after President Zardari himself intervened and forced the Railways to oblige the Chinese suppliers despite large-scale opposition within the Railways Ministry. Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour had gone on record against the Chinese suppliers but he was given a shut-up call.

The GM Railways disclosed that already an advertisement to purchase 150 locomotives has been published internationally and now the Railways will ensure that no substandard locomotives are procured.

Sources say the Chinese supplier has also refused to honour the warranty on these 32 locomotives as they are ******* in Railways sheds in Karachi and Lahore. Purchase of 69 sub-standard locomotives from China by spending billions of rupees was one of the initial mega corruption scandals against General Pervez Musharraf and his team.

However, vested interests succeeded to even get the present government fall in line and to award the contract of another 75 locomotives from the same Chinese company. “12 locomotives of 2,000 HP and 20 locomotives of 3,000 HP, all under warranty, have now been totally scrapped. There is no way that these could be used and a great loss has been inflicted on the national exchequer,” GM Shahid said.

He added: “The total cost of these locomotives has proved to be very high as these outdated engines have a very high maintenance cost. Whenever we want to change a very important device in the engine, a turbo super charger, it become out of order within two to three months because of inferior quality of the engine and causes unbearable loss to the locomotive itself.”

The senior Railways official revealed that 15 per cent advance amount has already been paid to the Chinese company and now a letter has been sent to them seeking a reply within 14 days regarding complete breakdown of the 32 locomotives costing Pakistan billions of rupees. :bunny::bunny:

He said after receiving the reply of this letter proceedings to get back 15 per cent advance amount would be initiated. He said the Pakistan Railways needs sturdy and tough diesel engines as it runs services on long routes from Karachi to Peshawar which also include hilly areas.

The GM said the Pakistan Railways is in dire need of the engines otherwise the whole railway system was going to collapse. The Pakistan Railways procured 69 locomotives from China in 2001 which were technically approved by the then management of Pakistan Railways in spite of excessive axle load. These locomotives did not perform very well and had developed lot of major faults that caused huge revenue losses. The cracking of underframe of more than 9 locomotives of 3,000 HP in 2005 is one example.

The Railways officials say in spite of this bad performance the previous Railways administration committed serious violations of tender conditions, PPRA Rules and international competitive bidding procedures and awarded the contract of another 75 locomotives to China. The recommendations of technical committee were ignored wherein they had disqualified the Chinese proposal thrice due to non-compliance of relevant clauses.

interesting, locomotives don't fail in china and we've produced them for decades. more fake news.


Kid, This is not something from India.

This news is written by a Pakistani and published by Pakistani newspapers.

Just click the link

Pak Tribune

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

The News, a respected newspaper of Pakistan

Pakistan buying 150 railway engines in emergency

Now, what will you say, Pakistanis are making false news??

If yes, plz explain why Pakistanis are defaming China?
there may be different standards for measuring locomotive failures in pakistan.

what standards?????? can u explain????????

do u want to suggest hat Pakistan has high standard for measuring while china has low standard for measuring?????
of course not. the end result is obvious - locomotives don't fail in china and we have one of the most rail lines in the world.

pakistan may be measuring something that is not important for normal operation. i don't know how they'd measure for cracks in the bottom, for example.
The fact is china supplied engines has completely breakdown costing Pakistan billions of rupees.

That's what the Pakistani newspapers and the railway official of Pakistan is saying.

Its not anonymous source reporting but General Manager Pakistani Railways Shahid Ahmad is saying this.
of course not. the end result is obvious - locomotives don't fail in china and we have one of the most rail lines in the world.

pakistan may be measuring something that is not important for normal operation. i don't know how they'd measure for cracks in the bottom, for example.

Then there is a possibility that china supplies good engines to its own China Railway.

And supplying low quality and sub stranded stuff to Pakistan
Also, when this news has came out in open why the Chinese supplier has also refused to honor the warranty or why are you not returning the hard earned money of Pakistani people???????
bureaucracy problems most likely.

chinese bureaucracy??????????

but why Pakistani people has to suffer because of it.

As the General Manager Pakistani Railways Shahid Ahmad is saying that the train services in Pakistan can breakdown due to this.

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