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China's homemade CPUs on the way for local supercomputers

Just like I suspected, building Super computers for ego-massaging. Bravo!!!

it seems you knows nothing about strategic planning. we built more roads before cars stucked in it. we have to plan ahead as supercomputers are not call centers, it requires huge amount of experiment and investment.

as to the utility, for now, it is 10%. but when the 12th 5-years-plan (2010-2015) is completed, it will be much more higher as cloud computing technology will be more matured by then. BTW, the first cloud computing center has been established in China last year, and more will be build in the future.
Being able to design and fabricate the microchip is one thing, being able to produce those hi-tech machineries to produce the chip is another level; this is the difference between South korea and Japan semiconductor industry.

agree, the same could be said to many other things, such as jet engines, but we are closing the gaps. we know progress takes time.
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