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China's homegrown navigation satellite network starts providing services

having your own system is much better than sharing a system with people who are not your natural allies.
anyway it seems that chinese system will be fully working even before the test runs of Galileo system starts
No need to.

Korea utilizes Galileo navigation system for global coverage. China only decided to go alone because they were kicked out of Galileo system. The second, east asia only service by 2020.

China is still important partner of Europe Galileo satellite navigation now. and china have launched 10 own beidou navigation satellites and network has served in Asia now.however,Europeans used russian rocket and only launched 2 Galileo Satellites this year.lol,so funny , Who is leading in the competition?You are such a big idiot....
Beidou to rid China from dependence on US-operated GPS system CCTV News

Beidou to rid China from dependence on US-operated GPS system CCTV News - YouTube

A big step has been reached with the launch of China's own navigational satellite system. It's called Beidou, which means "compass", and - for the time being - it only covers the Asia-pacific region. But it does bring the region one step closer to ridding itself from the dependence on the GPS system operated by the United States.

Real-time 3D geo-spatial positioning services with high-accuracy - Users in China and neighboring countries now have an alternative to GPS. For over half a year, engineers have been testing the new system and they are now confident it's ready for commercial exploitation.

Yang Qiangwen, senior engineer of China Satellite Navigation Center, said, "We've done overall tests on all the operating satellites, the result shows that they can provide a stable and consistent service. We've also optimized the orbits of all the satellites, so as to ensure the best operating environment."

To ensure the stability of the Beidou satellite system, engineers have mapped nearly 800-thousand square kilometres in China. This gives Beidou credibility and ensures it can be applied across a wide number of sectors, including transportation, telecommunications and monitoring the maritime environment.

Ran Chengqi, director of China Satellite Navigation System Office, said, "Test results show that Beidou has met the required technical standards, we have completed the migration from an experimental system to an operational one. This signals an official beginning of the application of Beidou system."

With the launch of the Beidou navigation system, China becomes the third country in the world to operate its own satellite navigational system. For the time-being, it comprises only ten satellites. This should increase to 35 satellites by 2020, at which time Beidou will be of truly global use.

Information provided by cctv.com Thank you http://www.cctv.com
Awesome. No dependancy on western systems for guidance of long range delivery platforms.
No need to.

Korea utilizes Galileo navigation system for global coverage. China only decided to go alone because they were kicked out of Galileo system. The second, east asia only service by 2020.

Galileo navigation?Europe r still doing that?
Galileo does not exist.

There is no such thing. 2012 was scheduled date of service but now it is put back to 2015.

i heard they were talking about full service in 2019... of course to date they've only sent up like 2 satellites.

in addition the transmission bands for the compass and Galileo projects overlap and international rules state who ever starts using it first receives priority, at this rate it seems like china is gonna get priority over Galileo
i heard they were talking about full service in 2019... of course to date they've only sent up like 2 satellites.

in addition the transmission bands for the compass and Galileo projects overlap and international rules state who ever starts using it first receives priority, at this rate it seems like china is gonna get priority over Galileo

if they use their satellites to jam Beidou can we legally shoot them down?
No need to.

Korea utilizes Galileo navigation system for global coverage. China only decided to go alone because they were kicked out of Galileo system. The second, east asia only service by 2020.

Talk about sour grapes lol.
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