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China's first aircraft -carrier

Aircraft Carrier are to expensive to run and build, hence Pakistan cant even purchase one.

And then China to make 10? Highly doubt it.

With our GDP exceeding 20 trillion USD in the end of this decade, why not?

And our future supercarriers will not be an exact copy of the current US supercarriers, it would be dramatically improved in the cost of maintance.
Aircraft Carrier are to expensive to run and build, hence Pakistan cant even purchase one.

And then China to make 10? Highly doubt it.

Use of advanced, corrosion resistant coatings and materials, radiation resistant materials, lack of moving parts for EM catapult, no need for expensive boiler for steam catapult, use of smart materials instead of hydraulics, dynamic energy rerouting with an onboard supercomputer, etc. can all be achieved within the next 20 years and significantly reduce energy expenditure and maintanance.
81 will be named Tianjin ?





ski jumps aye......i thought china was gonna use catapults on future aircraft carriers
ski jumps aye......i thought china was gonna use catapults on future aircraft carriers

These carrier models are just used to distract people's attention.

More proof to show that China's true goal is the supercarrier with EMLS.
ski jumps aye......i thought china was gonna use catapults on future aircraft carriers

That's ship is supposed to represent the varyag modified, though it was an earlier model - can see the HQ-9 is still there.
ski jump is not the choice for super carrier, with same sizes ski jump carrier can only achieve 60% of catapult carrier's efficiency
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