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China's fighters undercut Sukhoi in African markets


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
China's fighters undercut Sukhoi in African markets

Published: Dec. 26, 2008 at 12:41 AM
United Press International,

HONG KONG, Dec. 26 (UPI) -- China's J-10A air superiority combat fighter aircraft falls into the same category as the U.S.-made F-16 Block 40, but it costs at least one-third less.

The People's Republic of China has already started to manufacture a next-version J-11B, based on the Russian Sukhoi Su-27SK.

China denies that its aircraft is an imitation of the famous and highly regarded Russian fighter, as its measurements are smaller. Therefore China does not consider the J-11B to be subject to the Sukhoi Su-27SK licensing agreement or its export restrictions. The J-11B is also likely to be fitted with Chinese WS10A engines and sold in Africa.

In general, the price of Chinese weapons is still about one-third lower than comparable Russian weapons. More importantly, what China wants from Africa is resources, especially crude oil, and it has already exported substantial numbers of weapons in exchange for oil. In dealing with oil-producing countries China has an advantage over Russia, which as a major world oil producer has no need to trade weapons for oil.

For instance, China sold 15 J-7 fighters to oil-rich Nigeria in 2005. Nigeria is another country that has purchased most of its military hardware from Russia in the past. It has a fleet of Russian Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21MF fighters, and the Nigerian army is equipped with 100 Russian T55 main battle tanks.

The one African country where Chinese arms purchases have completely replaced those from Russia is Egypt. Since tilting toward the U.S.-led Western camp in 1979, Egypt has continued to import Chinese arms. With technological support from China, Egypt has assembled 80 K-8 trainers and is assembling another 40, for a total of 120 K-8 trainers in the Egyptian air force. This makes it China's top customer for this item.

Egypt still has weapon systems from the Soviet Union, including at least 800 T54/55 MBTs, 200 sealed BMP-1 IFVs and about 60 MiG-21s for training purposes. But because of an insufficient supply of parts, Egypt decided to switch to Chinese aircraft and purchased 53 J-7 fighters from China.

Other African countries that have acquired China's K-8 trainers include Zambia with eight aircraft, Namibia with four, Zimbabwe with 12, Ghana with four and Sudan with 12. China also has had contacts with these countries concerning its FC-1 fighters.

All these countries have traditionally been Russia's weapons clients. The Namibian army has T54/55 tanks and its air force is equipped with Russian An-26 transport aircraft. Meanwhile, Namibia has also purchased two Y-12 transport aircraft from China.

Zambia uses both Chinese and Russian arms. The Zambian army is equipped with both T44s and Chinese T59 MBTs, which are now undergoing an upgrade with help from China. The Zambian air force also uses both MiG-21 and J-6 fighters.

China has exported to Zimbabwe T59 and T69 MBTs, and most of its ground forces' equipment is from China. Of course Russian SAM-7 surface-to-air missiles are still in service here. The Zimbabwean air force has six MiG-23 fighters and nine J-7 fighters.


(Andrei Chang is editor in chief of Kanwa Defense Review Monthly, registered in Toronto.)
so is there a chance that china will offer J-11B to pakistan and russia wont interference it and do we really need aricrafts like su30-mk2, j-11b etc.
so is there a chance that china will offer J-11B to pakistan and russia wont interference it.

The only way that would happen, would be if we STOP TAKING THE DAMN F-16's from the Americans! I've been saying that for quite some time now. F-16's aren't the end of the world! We should be able to produce them on our OWN by now. Doesn't matter if it's a cheap version. Atleast we would have other options open to upgrade our fleet!

I strongly support the procurement of J-11's. Who's with me?
The only way that would happen, would be if we STOP TAKING THE DAMN F-16's from the Americans! I've been saying that for quite some time now. F-16's aren't the end of the world! We should be able to produce them on our OWN by now. Doesn't matter if it's a cheap version. Atleast we would have other options open to upgrade our fleet!

I strongly support the procurement of J-11's. Who's with me?

tatty tatty tatty.
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I am sure people will come up with reasons of why Blk 52 is so important, but honestly I couldn't care less if it was stealth. The Americans can jam this aircraft from outer space sitting across the ocean.

I dont understand if americans can jam these crafts then why pakistan still purchasing them. One day all the stuff that we have would be used against india, israel and even america so now whats the use of it, against our own brothers, is this the reason of purchasing .
Many of these countries mentioned with whom China is dealing militarily - Zimbabwe & Sudan are countries no other nation want to have military deals with

China's ability to quote lowered prices for hardware is also a fallout of a lowered R&D cycle owing to their history of Reverse Engineering as also their lower wage level compared to the Russains - overall a win-win situation for the Chinese

I dont understand if americans can jam these crafts
If you mean the Americans doing it by cutting off supply of spares, then I can understand, but if you saying Americans turning off your crafts mid-air [or something similar], then all I can say - you watching too many holly muvees

Though if PAF's got GPS guided munitions, they may be rendered useless if needed - [reason why India has got involved in GLONASS, doesn't trust the Americans]
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The only way that would happen, would be if we STOP TAKING THE DAMN F-16's from the Americans! I've been saying that for quite some time now. F-16's aren't the end of the world! We should be able to produce them on our OWN by now. Doesn't matter if it's a cheap version. Atleast we would have other options open to upgrade our fleet!

Which is exactly why the PAF slashed its F-16 procurement to less than half, in anticipation of a J-10 feet rumored to number around 36 (2 Squadrons probably). Too much reliance on American systems is obviously something the PAF wants to avoid while at the same time retaining some cutting-edge western technology in the shape of F-16 Block 50s.
With a space segment consisting of 5 GEO and 30 non-GEO satellites(35)

2009 China will launch 12 Beidou navigation and positioning satellite into space

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Which is exactly why the PAF slashed its F-16 procurement to less than half, in anticipation of a J-10 feet rumored to number around 36 (2 Squadrons probably). Too much reliance on American systems is obviously something the PAF wants to avoid while at the same time retaining some cutting-edge western technology in the shape of F-16 Block 50s.

If you are only good at spamming pics on the forum please thank this post.

WS & R
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We aren't Iran, spares aren't a problem for us.
Well spares have to be sourced and replenished from time-to-time, mechanical wear and tear imminent, excpt for the airframe, pretty much everything in an aircraft undergoes replacement through the life of the aircraft [mechanically operated radars have to be relaced, avionics either upgraded or repaired, engines replced due to FOD]
So if the Americans want to "jam your aircrafts" then depreving you of spares is the only option. 'cause you still buy your spares from the Americans

Funny how you contradict your first paragraph with the second one.

Useful input mate, really hats off to you.
Not at all. The jamming I was refering to was wrt to the missiles and weapon systems that use GPS guidance as opposed to the more conventional guidance technology or unguided munitions

Bummer... looks like your block 50s may have been eqipped with LN-260. Very much possible to disable your F-16s navigation by the American
Bummer... looks like your block 50s may have been eqipped with LN-260. Very much possible to disable your F-16s navigation by the American

Precisely, thank you (without sarcasm this time).

By the way that article is dated 2001, I am aware of the spares issue and again, we are not Iran.
Many of these countries mentioned with whom China is dealing militarily - Zimbabwe & Sudan are countries no other nation want to have military deals with

Though if PAF's got GPS guided munitions, they may be rendered useless if needed - [reason why India has got involved in GLONASS, doesn't trust the Americans]

Wolves and foxes are the same:enjoy:
Well spares have to be sourced and replenished from time-to-time, mechanical wear and tear imminent, excpt for the airframe, pretty much everything in an aircraft undergoes replacement through the life of the aircraft [mechanically operated radars have to be relaced, avionics either upgraded or repaired, engines replced due to FOD]
So if the Americans want to "jam your aircrafts" then depreving you of spares is the only option. 'cause you still buy your spares from the Americans

The best solution for America would be to continue selling us expensive aircraft along with spares just as long as we keep putting money in their pockets without knowing that the equipment is useless in the long run anyway.
This is what is happening. This is why I am saying, spares are not an issue, we are not Iran and the 90's are long over. The US has vested interests in Pakistan and will keep selling us **** as long as they think we have no clue that the **** can be tampered with and rendered useless. We've had limitations on our F-16's before.
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