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China's dream of a new Silk Road runs into hurdles at its first stop: Pakistan

Latest report suggests Pakistan is considering to link gwadar with Chabahar, on top of that, report suggests China is looking for alternative routes other than CPEC.
Anything but a threat.
Thing is even today its the iraninas who are supplying electricity to Gawadar and the Fact China already is working over time to link China with central asia to iran to europe



China's dream of a new Silk Road runs into hurdles at its first stop: Pakistan
Construction crews are building a metro line in Lahore, Pakistan, one of the first pieces of the new China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. (Shashank Bengali / Los Angeles Times)

The $1.6-billion Orange Line is one of the first major overseas infrastructure projects China is financing under President Xi Jinping’s vision of forging a modern Silk Road.
The ambitious plans for an economic conduit from the western Chinese hinterlands through Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe — mirroring the trade route once traversed by Marco Polo — begin in Pakistan, a cash-starved neighbor that has long been one of Beijing’s most reliable allies.
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Apparently "Davan Maharaj" knows a LOT more about Pakistan and China, their workings on CPEC and Pakistan's progress on CPEC than the Pakistanis do. Apparently he wrote this article without ever being into Pakistan outside of a couple of visits spanning over few days.

Did he realize that the CPEC construction zones don't allow access to majority of the Pakistani media, let alone an Indian journalist???? This is one of those yellow journalism articles filled with bribe, paid $$$$ by some lobby and disconnected with reality articles that when you read, you just wonder how stupid the author was that he published something this detailed without having access to any details on the topic outside of a city based project called the "Yellow Line"!!!

Thing is even today its the iraninas who are supplying electricity to Gawadar and the Fact China already is working over time to link China with central asia to iran to europe

The Iranians are't providing electricity to the CPEC. If you think that's the case, I'd suggest you post credible sources, instead of maps of the CPEC that a child with access to keyboard can do.

Second, Iran is playing the double game. They are allowing India in because they know that would help them with the West and they'll continue down the path that's wrong for Israel, USA, KSA and many regional countries. Third, they are thinking by India investing money into their port, they lose nothing, in fact, they'll end up creating millions of more local jobs. India is forced to do the Chahabar thing to somehow be able to counter the CPEC. Which won't happen due to China's already existing influence over Iran.

So at the end of the day, the CPEC will always have the results it was intended to have. The only thing that might change, is that both the Chinese and Indian Navy vessels will now be within a 100 miles radius of each other as they'll visit these ports. So the Indian investment is nothing more than buying a port for the IN. On business front, it would have little impact. Outside of Afghanistan and a couple of Central Russian states, the remainder are already doing serious business with China and will continue to use their existing relations. Gawader will become operational within a year. While Chahabar has many years to go.
We are 9 trillion dollar PPP and growing why would we feel threatened with a 50 billion dollar project
our subsidy budget is more than this amount every year

You are a 2 trillion USD economy with a population of 1.2 billion(probably more than 1.2 billion)。
Apparently "Davan Maharaj" knows a LOT more about Pakistan and China, their workings on CPEC and Pakistan's progress on CPEC than the Pakistanis do. Apparently he wrote this article without ever being into Pakistan outside of a couple of visits spanning over few days.

Did he realize that the CPEC construction zones don't allow access to majority of the Pakistani media, let alone an Indian journalist???? This is one of those yellow journalism articles filled with bribe, paid $$$$ by some lobby and disconnected with reality articles that when you read, you just wonder how stupid the author was that he published something this detailed without having access to any details on the topic outside of a city based project called the "Yellow Line"!!!

The Iranians are't providing electricity to the CPEC. If you think that's the case, I'd suggest you post credible sources, instead of maps of the CPEC that a child with access to keyboard can do.

Second, Iran is playing the double game. They are allowing India in because they know that would help them with the West and they'll continue down the path that's wrong for Israel, USA, KSA and many regional countries. Third, they are thinking by India investing money into their port, they lose nothing, in fact, they'll end up creating millions of more local jobs. India is forced to do the Chahabar thing to somehow be able to counter the CPEC. Which won't happen due to China's already existing influence over Iran.

So at the end of the day, the CPEC will always have the results it was intended to have. The only thing that might change, is that both the Chinese and Indian Navy vessels will now be within a 100 miles radius of each other as they'll visit these ports. So the Indian investment is nothing more than buying a port for the IN. On business front, it would have little impact. Outside of Afghanistan and a couple of Central Russian states, the remainder are already doing serious business with China and will continue to use their existing relations. Gawader will become operational within a year. While Chahabar has many years to go.
With all deu respect sir im not saying you are wrong but sir you are not right either

1. Iran as per my knowldege is supplying electricity to Gawadar i dint said CEPC .........SIR

2. Yes Iran is smart and so is India and we are building/working on Chabahaar port since the times of Atal Bihari Vajpaee it hasnt started just yet Pakistan could have made billions but it chose to reject the offer

3.so now its chabahar corridoar only as owr main aim is to get minerals like titanium , copper , nickle Oil-Gas from central asia and afghanistanwe are not developing Chabahar to competete with pakistan
No we have no other issue but the only Indian is that parts of CEPC is built on G&B and so called AJK are indian territory forcibally captured by Pakistan in 1948

as for other things well Chabahr is not just a new route to Afganistan but central asia also



It is nowhere in sight。

Stop talking and start acting。

Report back when the port is a physical existence。Ok?:D:lol:
may be because of followings:

1. First and most importantly it runs through Pakistani side of Kashmir which is claimed by india. So if china is going ahead with this project that means it consider this part Pakistani territory not a disputed region.
2. China gets gwadar port through which china gets a strategic navel presence to encircle india from third side.
3. Also it gets a place where its navel resources can stay, putting a bit of pressure on india.
4. in case of war like situation it can mobilize its army to help its all whether friend openly or secretly
5. this move can put pressure on india in return they could keep increasing their military spending and divert less resources toward public. it could have further serious implications

Letting yourself become a Chinese colony? Have them use your ports to make the big bucks while you scavenge for scraps? Hope that in case of conflict they will rush to your aid like they have done so in the past? That's your end game strategy? :rofl:

If you can't make room by demolishing the old structures, how can you build new more feasible staffs? When the surgeon opens the chest and starts the bypass surgery it's all mess at the beginning. When he stitches up the chest, it's a remodeled heart beating. InshaAllah entire Pak will be turned into a giant construction site, and when it's all over, a new Pak will emerge. The same scenario has been being played in Turkey for construction means Medeniyet (civilization)...

I can't understand the mentality of Hindistan. Why Pak has to look ugly so that India looks beautiful. India is a civilzational country - she should have enough materials to beautify herself and present to the world irrespective of Pak. I don't think India is in a position to dent Pak-China alliance now - that train is steaming on at full speed...

It's Hindustan, turkroach. I know you muslims like to buddy up and stick up for with each other and that's fine and dandy. But don't be condescending. The average Indian couldn't care less which foreign country wants to set up shop in Pakistan. To even compare the two countries is silly. We look after our own interests, simply as that. So when neighboring countries tend to mend closer ties, it does raise questions.


It is nowhere in sight。

Stop talking and start acting。

Report back when the port is a physical existence。Ok?:D:lol:

Try squinting less, you might catch it.
we are big country and know how to manage dry wet and shiny years we dont go with a begging bowl now and than

Reports suggest that not Pakistan but india is the largest recipient of American Aid.

Infact if we go 5000 into past from now,Indians begged everything from us be it culture,influence,literature,religious text book.
Reports suggest that not Pakistan but india is the largest recipient of American Aid.

Infact if we go 5000 into past from now,Indians begged everything from us be it culture,influence,literature,religious text book.
Baseless allegations won't work here.. care to give any sources???
With all deu respect sir im not saying you are wrong but sir you are not right either

1. Iran as per my knowldege is supplying electricity to Gawadar i dint said CEPC .........SIR

There is no room for "per my knowledge" in these sensitive topics. Your "knowledge" about Pakistani stuff and a Pakistani's biased view on Indian stuff would be the same. It's all opinions. I asked for credible proofs like ADB, WB, US Government, etc, etc. If you don't have those. Well, you have a right to your opinion, no matter how incorrect of unbiased it is or how right it is. But its just an opinion and I can respect it, but that's it. So please provide proofs.

2. Yes Iran is smart and so is India and we are building/working on Chabahaar port since the times of Atal Bihari Vajpaee it hasnt started just yet Pakistan could have made billions but it chose to reject the offer

Pakistan could have made billions from what? I am confused, please elaborate.

3.so now its chabahar corridoar only as owr main aim is to get minerals like titanium , copper , nickle Oil-Gas from central asia and afghanistanwe are not developing Chabahar to competete with pakistan

Understood and agreed. The only addition I'd make to your post is that the Central Russian States won't be on-board, beyond a couple and ONLY when they are selling stuff to India where the contract would stipulate to use the Chahabar port. Outside of it, the main goal behind this is to have a port where the IN can have presence as they know the PN will have presence on and off at Gawader. Strategic interests are at play so money won't matter.

In the next few years, expect a great deal more presence form the USN here as well :enjoy:. These are strategies at play so everything else like $$$$ don't matter.
There is no room for "per my knowledge" in these sensitive topics. Your "knowledge" about Pakistani stuff and a Pakistani's biased view on Indian stuff would be the same. It's all opinions. I asked for credible proofs like ADB, WB, US Government, etc, etc. If you don't have those. Well, you have a right to your opinion, no matter how incorrect of unbiased it is or how right it is. But its just an opinion and I can respect it, but that's it. So please provide proofs.

Pakistan could have made billions from what? I am confused, please elaborate.

Understood and agreed. The only addition I'd make to your post is that the Central Russian States won't be on-board, beyond a couple and ONLY when they are selling stuff to India where the contract would stipulate to use the Chahabar port. Outside of it, the main goal behind this is to have a port where the IN can have presence as they know the PN will have presence on and off at Gawader. Strategic interests are at play so money won't matter.

In the next few years, expect a great deal more presence form the USN here as well :enjoy:. These are strategies at play so everything else like $$$$ don't matter.
1. i said as per my knowledge it can be right and it can be wrong and only time will proove me right or wrong i have no reservations against anybody(I here means me and im saying as an indian) to me what matters most is to make money from where i can make it leagally creating problems for others is the last thing that will come to my mind until that person harms my legitimate intersts

2. search youtube there was this guy from karachi who now lives in canada was explaining how the afghan soviet war was about ports and why and how saudia funded that jihad so the trade routes & Oil pipelines from central asia dont come to south asia wia afghanistan

3. now had that happenned i mean trade and oil corridoars got oprational passing thru afghanistan and then to pakistan and from pakistan to india and china and indian goods going to central asia and iran wia afghansitan and pakistan how much money you could have genrated by just taking the transit fees since early 1960s when this idea was floated

4.and when there are transit routes and trade corridoars many local people get many diffrent kinds of skills and jobs thus genrating huge money from taxes and other devlopment works now all that will go to iran and afghanistan .....

whose loss and whose profit you decide yourself

Salaam sirji .... pranaam

With all deu respect to you Sir

age of aid is over now is the age of getting your act right and developing your economy on your own rather than relying on bigger powers for AID nothing comes free even USA dint gave all that aid to government of india but its NGOs and church activities to promote there hiddenagendas and controling south asia and india from within

but sir even if we got so called "US AID" we used to make owr industrial and health educational infrastructure as per militarry use i guess you sir very well know how much USA or west helped India and its not the topic of this thread lets not deviate and taking pot shots at the things which happenned so many years back we should talk about today learning from past and strive to make a better future ..... am i wrong sir ?
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